Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

2;4 Chap.i. The Sabbath vol wholly Cer2mnnial (om,r, For the Sabbath had rfnrence to the old Creation, but in Chriil we area pewCtea- p Cor. 5 7 tune, a new creation by turn,.and fo tohave a newSatiaih, and vetera tranfici unt, nw reference to the old, We. By*horn he madethe World (faith the Apoftle) of Chrift. ;; I. 12. So two Worlds there were. Thefirfl that ended at Chrtjls Pafáon {faith Athanafius ) And therefore then the Sunwithoutany Eclypfe. went out of it feif. The fecond which began with Cbrifis Krfurreetion, and that day initiüm nova creatures, the beginning ( andfo thefeaft )of them that areen C;irijt a newCreature. It is diduced plainly,; 'The Gofpelskeepone word allfour, andtell us Chrifi arofc, tat, oa¡Com , una fabbatt- turn, "( that is, after the Hebrew phrafe ) the firft day of theWeek.. Th, Apoftles, they kept their meetings on that day, and St. Luke Jeeps the very fame ivórd oa.ceurm¢ (to exclude all errour) on thatday they were aorn» vw (that is, held their Synaxes, their flemn deffeenbliee, to preach, to pray, to breah,l3read,m celebrate the LordsSupper, d''eiorod) evpiao o í ñaA pa sup,,e d,tbe Lords Supper on the Lords day : for there two only ( the dayand the Supper ) have the Epithet of ovfis edr ,Domi- iticum, in the Scriptures to Phew, that Dominiom is átokS to be taken in both. This for the prallife then: Ifyou. will have it inprecept. TheApofile gives it ( and in the fame wordflill ) n cot. 16.2. that againfviaoaOutat the dayof their Afíembly, everyone ihould lay. apart, what God fhould move him to offer to thecolleltion of the Saints,ánd then offer it ; which loaffo ever in ufe : that thedayof oblations : fo have we it inpraíëtfe andprecept both, even till Socratestime, who Jeeps thefame wordftil!. lib. g. cap. 22. This day: this µea anClhsmpcame to have thename of Dies Dominicusin theApoftles times, and isfo exprefly called then, by St. John in the Revelation. Revel. t. oo. And that name fromthat daÿ to thishathholden ftill, which' continuance of it from the 4p oJPles age, may be deduceddownfrom Father to Father,. even to the Council of Nice, ánd lower I tru4, we need not tofollow it, no doubt is made of it fine then, by any that /With read any thing. I fhenld holdyou too long to cite them inparticular, I avpw, it on my credit, there :s not any Ecclefiaftieal writer, inwhom iris not to befound. hAdMognrf ág ,.-Dionyfus Bi p o f Corinth' h', in that. u find b. lib, q,. Itenæú`, tCleinensjAlex- t s Tom. Epi- andr'. Tertui h. Origen , Cyprian`, everyone. tarl,,inpxim. And thatwe maypot itpap all gquefrion, Judine 1v1artyr, wiio',, lived in the verynext eApol. 3 age to the Apoftles,and Tertullian who lived the next age to him, both fay diretlly, the d Enfeb. I a. folemn 4fernblies of theChriflians were that day ever, on - Sunday'ti ie cl, ñf<=F,, faith e iufitne die folis,faith Tertulian, and leave to treyews theinSaturn 4 either in their e3yJlirv.F.rt5 J... ) ( f Strom. 7. Apologies, offered by them. to the Empereurs) juiline made two, in hisfecond e Tertulli- gDead. an but one, thefaxtecnth chapter of his : that of the trueday therecan be no manner of h con. celftm doubt.. ï fip+Ji. 33. A thingfò notorious, fo well known, even to the Heathen themfelves, asit was (in the Ailsof the. Martyrs) ever an Waal queftion of theirs .(even of courfe) in their examining. What ? .Dominicum fervafti? .Holdyou the Sunday ? and their anfwer known they all aver it. Chritijanusfum,intermittere non poffum, Iam aC'hriflian, I cannot intermit it, not the Lords day inany wife. Theft are examples enough, Lipid addbut anauthority anda cenfure, andfo end. The antborityI willreferyou to, is of the great Athanafius,greatforhis learning; forhis venue,for his labour, and for his fufferings, but above . ll,great,for his Creed , Tertullian hadwritten a bookde cibis judaicis, ( which we have )fit another de Sab- bato judaico,whichwe have loft, but it is fupplyed by Athanafayts his bock,de fabbato ` & circumcifone (for heputs them, andfo theymuff go together,'Circumci fon and the Sabbath)In which he isfoclear and fofull,for theabolifhing of the yews day, and the J fuccegdingof the Lords day in place of it, asnoman can with more, and the trcatife is nolongoneneither. Nowasin the other of meats, foin this will I end with cenfure. It is of the Council of Laodicea ( more ancient than the firft of Nice ) andof fo ¡tfecialaccount, as wefind it eitedby S. Bahl: nay, aswe findfour of the Canons made in this Council, taken nut of it and transferd and madefour of the Canons ofthe great Council of Niee, fuch