Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

266 Chap. 2. The Sabbath not wholly C.ères otüal. Corn. q.. another of our confirmationin grace areRill continued,to,wit,Baptifm and the Lords fupper, according to the general endsof the two former Sacraments, which ends do í}i11 remain. So though the Sabbath-or feventh day from the Creation be ceafed, yet there is another day dill remaining,becaufe theend ofkeepinga day is immutable from the beginning, to wit, that GodMight be honoured by a folemne and publick worfhip. . This reafonof it felfis fo forcible and plain, that Wiihöút bringing in a manifefj abfurdity it cannot be denyedand avoided. When they fee thefe endscarry us to the infitution, and that in Paradife where no type or Ceremony was they feek to avoid it by faying, Its true, that- Cod fànîtifed it in Paradife, but Adam never kept it,neither was it kept till immediately before the Law wasgiven : which may feem to be a very abfurd thing, that God fhould fandifie a thing two thoufand }ears before it was to be putin pradife. This is like to that affertion of thofe He- rcticks, that held, the mareriaprima tobe made by Gridmanyyears before the world it fell, and that it abode by him, till the world was made. But they are confuted by the Fathers thus, That no wife man will make any thing to be many years by hint', before he (hall have occafion to put toany ufe. And therefore much left would God biefs this day before there fliould be anyufe ofit:tomake rem ante ufum. I. We muff underhand, that God in Déureronomy feeineth to make adiainftion between Ceremonies and the Moral Law, Deuteronomy! 4. 13, r4. as, that theone proceeded from himfelfimmediately : the other by the miniftery of Moles: fo alfo Deuteronomy 5. 3 r. 2. Again it breeds eonfufion, and breaks order (a thing whichGod mifliketh) if any thing meerly ceremonial, andnot in fouie fort moral Mould be placed among the ten Commandments. One ofthe Fathers upon the words [Nunquid 6- Saul elk inter Prophetas f Is Saul alfo among the Prophets ?] faith, that Saul beingno Prophet byprofellion, ,elf heterogenere, of another kind, and an irregular perfon among the Prophets : fo it will fall outtobe againa order, for meer ceremonial Precept, to ftand in the midaof moral Commandments. For every ceremony or type of the Law, is as it was a foretellingof fomething in the Gofpel ; fo it mua be referred to the Gofpel, as the fhadow to thebody. And indeed no typical ceremonies are moral in their own nature, for the type or ceremony is to ceafe when the fubaance comes, as the fhadow when thebody appears. But this Commandment for the fubaance óf it, continues in the time of the Gofpel. 3. Thirdly, this being a principle, that the Law of Mofes (expreffed in the Deca- iogue) is nothing but the Law of nature revived, and the Law of nature beinga refers blanceof Gods Image. Ìfwe fay thisprecept is in its fubaance ceremonial,then we mud alfo fay, that in theImage ofGodfomething is ceremonial, not to abide, but for a timeonly : but all things inhim, and in his Image are eternal according to his Nature. 4. In the Law of grace, Chrisdelivering the fum of the ten Commandments to the Scribes and Pharifees,71ou fhalt love theLard,&c.theres noqueaion,but that it is the fum of the Decalogue, and therefore therein is included the religious obfervation ofthe Sabbath; and fo it will be for the fubaance moral, as the love of God is, in which it is contained, or elfe our Saviour had delivered an imperfell fum. 5. Again,it is dangerous to hold,that anyprecept in the Decalogue isceremonial: for by this the Í'apifts (as Parifaus and Policianus) will bring another of them to be fo, and will fay, that the fecond Commandment concerning images isceremonial, and then whynot three as well as two, and fo four and five, and all. The belt way there- fore to hold the duties eternal, and to keep themwithout blemifh, is to deny that any of thefe ten precepts is ceremonial in the fubaance or nature of the Command- ment, but that they are plainlymoral. 6. To corne to the timeof the Gofpel. '*.7e hold that all typical ceremoniesofthe law are ended and abrogated by Chrias death. Then if the day of red benot abro- gatedby his death, it isnot a meer Ceremony or ceremonial. And that it is not, is plain by our Saviour himfelf for his denouncing the dearuction of yerufalem, bids" them pray that their calamity- fall not in the winter,nor on the Sabbathday: Now we know that yerufalem was dettroyed many years after Chritfs death, when all cereme- hies Were ended. Therefore if Chrisknew that the Sabbathas a ceremony fhould be Wholly