Chap.?. The reff of the fabbath. Coma.. 6] Whollyabrogated byhis death,his counfel mightwell havebin fparcd,that they fhould pray that their flight might not beon the Sabbathday, Mar. 24. 2o, which if ithad been quite abolifhed, fhouldhave beennoday. Again in things meetly ceremonial, there is not 'mmutario, a change, but abrogit- tio, an abrogating of them wholly : but we fee in this matter of the Sabbath, there is commuiatio, not abrogatio, the Lords day is appointed infteadof theSabbath ; but no total abrogationof the Sabbath. Thus the feats ofthe Covenant, though they had fomethingtypical,yet being in theirgeneral nature moral,therefore they arechanged, butnot quite abrogated, whereas in things meerly typical,there's noManner ofcorn- mutation, but they are clean taken away : for Chrilt having broken down theparti- tion-wall, Ephe fa. i ç, t5. hash holly taken away the law ofOrdinances, 6-e. But it is Manifeft,that infteadofthe Jews feventh day, another feventh day was ordained in the Apoftles days ; therefore astheminiftery and tealsof the Covenant, and the chief placeof it, to wit the Temple, were not aboliflled, but changed, as having a moral reafon in them ; fo alfo was the dayofthe Covenant ; for we read, Ail. 20.7. that the Apoftles and Difciples came together on the firft dayof the week, to hear the word, and to breakbread, and in r Cork 56. 2. the Apoftle wills them in their meetingson the fiat dayof the weekto layafidefor the poor, and Revel. r., i o. it is plainly called, iiAiee XVeiditIls the Lordsday. So that we fee in the whole time of the Apoftles it was not taken away, but changed by them, and therefore cannot be a [weer ceremony, nor of the nature of the types of the Law. But when the oldCovenant ceafed, then ceafed theMittiflery thereof: the Priefthood ofLevi was changed, and givento choiceThen ofall Tribes, and infteadof it, is ourMiniftery. And as thefealsof theC& enant ceafed, as of Circumcifion and the Pafchal lamb, and in place thereof, came our Sacraments of Baptifmand the Lords fupper': fo theday of the old Covenant is taken away, and inftead thereof, isput the Lords day, noneof them in the fifty end being ceremonial, buthaving a continual ufe, and tolaft as long as the Church militant. The reafons which might teem tohave mewed theApoftles to change this day, may fitly taken from the Inftitutionof theSabbath in the time of the law. For as then nothing was more memorable then the day of the creation : to when it pleafedGod that old things shouldceafe, and that therefhould be a new Creation, and thatthere wasa benefit that did over-fhadow the former, thebenefit ofredemp tion; therefore when that was accomplilhed by Chrifta refurreí`tion, from that day we celebrate the memorial of it on the fifft day of the week; andwhereas that other great work ofthe fending theholy Ghoft, whichwas fifty dayes after, cöncur'd on the fame day , whereby that ineftimable benefitof fandification and fpeaking with ftrange tongueswas conferred upon the Chùrch, and becaufe thememory ofthe benefit of the Creation may alfo be kept on the fiftyday of the week,aswell as on the laft.Hence we may fee upon what great reafonsthis day iseflablifht,wherein do con- cur the three fpecial works and benefits ofthe three perfons to be for ever thankfully remembred, viz. that of Creation by the Father, Redemption by the Son, andSan >ìification by theholy Ghoft: And fo muchfor theclearing ofthat point. L i CHAP.