ni tÍ il t,. Ñ ri is sl if 272 Chap. 3.Thedo5rineof the,fabbath andLordsday, &c. Corm. . things of thisnature, is the belt way that I know toprove what is not cleerely and evidently fet down in Scriptures, and that wherein the confcience may-molt fafe- ly raft. That text of Pfal, 218, 24. This is the daywhich the Lord path made, let es rejoyt'e Athan. in hie andbeglad in ir, is generally by the fathers applied to the Lords day, asmade orin- Cittmn,omnia ftituted by the Lord ; fo amongothers, Aihanaf tes, Ambrcfe, Chrydejtom, Augultint, mini red 'o, expound it. "Juflin Martyr in 2. Apeen. Antonim. faith Apoflolus a Chiefto hujirs &`' A`n"10t' drei celebritatem accept' e, That the Apottles received from Chriít himfelf the cele- B ;. C refer- ft. de cu brity of this day. Athanafia, -s faith,foleunitatemfaEEati Dominus in diëmDominüuna red. ter. 5 tranflulit, that the Lord himfelfhash transferred the folemnityof the-fabbath to the `'','r'tt de Lords day; Pfam. deferreent4 and-in the fortnentioned Horn. upon thefe -wdrds, all `crop i 5. 'things are' díliroered to me b eiiy'Farher, Infers the Lords day to be of divine infti- -tution, CfïllJ. i2. in yotsnCzrp. 58. fpeaking of the apparitions of Chrill upon this -day, faith, that Chat thereby fanfìified thisday for folemne affemblies. Chryfoflom on Ger.2. 3. faith, hereGod from thebeginning intimatesthis doíì us,,, to lay afide and fepáráteone day in every week forfpiritualexertifes. Saint Augufline Epift. t r9. fccros-to fay the fame, that the Lords day was declared by the refurreftiott of Chriít, e ä lrilfo notqb illa, c epirheebetefeftivitatemfuám, from hím,(that is, from Chrift; it began to be made a feltival. Ldltanriers'and'otherstell us, that the primi- tivc Chrittians expeffied Chrifjs return to jddgement, on -that day by general tradi- tion, which (hews, they thought it unalterable, and "fo ho humane conititutidri. Befides, particular teftimonferive have fhëpublick teftimony of the Church in her cannons generally received in'the Chrillian World. Cap. Lecce Ferris, where it is Paid, rant veteree quam novi teflamentiliagivafeptimereu e4emquieti humane deputaviffe, that both the old and newTettament have appointed the-£eventh day for'mans rift. In that famousconditutionof Leo' the Erhpetor Couft, 54, for the keeping of the Lords day, it is Paid, weoughthot toencroach upon that one-day which Godbath chofenfor.hii, own honour' "Among the eanoniíts force-of the chief are exprefsly for the divineright of the Lords day ; as Abbae Panorniit. in c. 3. de Feriis Anchor. and others : and of the latter "canonifis,'Cotiàrrsevias at'large- proves the fetlivity of the Lords day ab Avgft'alis diviner in1141640k edeilu. àënfïturum faille, that'it was appointed by=theApofiles inftrutted therein by divine inífitution í/arieerrefelut.l. 19.n. 5. and that to make it a humane inttitution werenimisindecorum, which-Ile makes to be the opinion of forüë men, and nor generally received. And though ma of the Schoolmen following Aquinas hercin,rnake it only an ecclefiaftical cïbnftitution of the Apbftles, (which they do upon this ground, that Chriít gave noTpecial pre- cepts but"otìely about faith and the facrsrnents, which die could be here infifted upon mighteafrly be proved falfe) yet even of them force are for the divine right, as Angel. verbo Feria, ff: 3 -. and Sylvefi. verb. Dominica, who affirmes it to be the commonopinion in his time; and for the tell who are for thejus ecclefiafticum;diverfe of them fay,', that though the:day he abfolutely alterable, yet morally and"prac4i- cally it is immutable, becaufe this change can never be put in praetife, asSuarez faith, and that it is fo fixed and deeply rooted, and fo agreeable to right reafon, that it can never be changed ob defeftum caufe, becaufe there be no filch caufe to change it, as there was to fix it on this day, and that therefore the holy Gholt would never permit the Church to change it, becaufe fuch a change could not be for ediffi, cation : fo Fileucius trail. 23'. cap. 2. n. 16, 57. and Bellarmine faith, us di-icmm re. quirebat, ut ones dies Hebdemadis dicaretur cultui divino, that by divine rightoncday of the weekought to beconfecráted todivine worfhip. De miles, fanct lib.`3. cap. it. de die Dominico. If we come 'lower down, diverseminent Divines of the reformed Churches go thisway, (though its true, that both of Luthers and Calvin., followers force feém to encline to the others opinion)as Peter Martyr loco citato, Junius in his notes upon Ten/titian, in cap. 16. Apol. And in his le/tures on 6'en.z3. Pifcator in Apse. i, r o. Tyl- nets fy'ntag. loc.4a. p.2,-; 6. towhom diverfe others may be added. Ifwe come to our own Church,The homily of the time and placeof prayer is full and copious,expreffaly affirming and that often, that God bath commanded the obfervation ofthe Sunday, or Lords day : which being the publike voice of the Church, ought inpoints doubt- ful to have fo much weight with every fon of the Church, as to turn the Rafe, when îd