Corn. 4. The 1)eciritieoftheSabbath.and Lárdréhry, &ë. fhap,3'. when it hangs in aquilibric; to which_we:rnay add our%leained fttithor, that great light of this Church , in the . places forequatecl,:and. thàt' jUdiCióusand' profound Hooker, that Macias Schif naticorurn, who is very peremptory in the point; as ha= ving Itudied it throughly, Eccles. .lib 5 ,n.''1.7..tolwhömmay?b ddetí; Do- (tor Fuller onRevelation r; :Doe-tor Flawaet1: to with luaiiyothers6f gt'edtIeain= ing and judgment; not ,to:montion that Rabble of ourdifaffcfted Clergy, whole fchifmatical and faftious prar}ifes , together with that `ignorance and pride Which 'is generally fecn in molt of them, and their Jcwifh principle's; =which they'gdupon, may juftlyrender their Judgments fufpeEted, fo that theirauthority can be' óf<little weight with judicious, piousl and ; and therefore I Mould fufpeet this opinion if it were not fapportedíby,better realms and authority than theft men bring. Now to thefe reafons and teftimonies, if we add, Flow ChriEj'honoured that dayiwith his refurreetion , his apparitions to his DCfciplès after:. and - tending the Holy Ghoft on that day : the praftife of the. Apoftles and the fide Chriftians, having their religious meetings on that day, the title of theLards day, which it had given in Saint Johns time, together with thofehigh titles and,Encomiums of the day, given by Ignatius Chryfoftome, Athanafrus, Eufebtus, S.'.tlasufstie Leo , and others of the Fathers , calling it the.Qcen and Princef .of days, the -Royal Ditÿ, the roaf$ holy Fefival, the frft and chief of all days,, the venerable Day, &c, we may well conclude , both that it was the will of Chrilt that Day fhould be kept holy to him, and that the Churchefteemed it no lels than divine, not a humane con- ftitution. 5. Fifthly, Concerning the fourth Commandment, whether it be in force, or what we are tied to by vertue of the fourth Commandment, I anfwer, a. It is certain, there is a moral equity in the fourth Commandment, which ex- tends to us under the Gofpel, viz. That foine time be let apart for publick worfhip, and that not lefs than a feventh part : for if God thought it fit in his wifdoin to re- quire a feventh part before Chrifts coming, in all reafon we that live now after his coming, ought to give him as much at leaft , we having received greater benefit§ than they that lived before Chrift, by Chrifi now exhibited ; and having' better and clearer promifes, with a greater meafure of the Spirit now ordinarily given, fo that . a greater meafureof mortification to theworld is now required , and therefore we ought as little, or rather far lefs than they to mind worldly affairs, have our thoughts more railed up to heavenly things. In regard of which moral equity , this precept extends to all times and perfons, and is therefore 'put ad mong the other t; ommandments which are purely moral, and fo retains itspower of obligation, and therefore the Church bath juf caufe to retain it in the LituP gie, .'md by that ufual Antiphon at the end of this Commandment,' ;as"well as of the reit, to pray, Lord have mercy upon us, and encline our hearts ró`k rp flair Law. z. Secondly , In regard of the particular day literally enjoyned by this' Coin- as andment :: it is certain it doth not oblige any fine Chrift; for the' fpetiii day here-required, is the feventh from the Creation, not a feventh day inh general; (as force without any ground affirm) but that feventh day in fpecial'wh'ich was then oblerved which was no other than the feventh from the Creation :' for though the firft part of the Commandment fpecifies not the day , but requires only to fanCific the Sabbath ; yet the reafon added doth plainly limit the day to the feventh day from the Creation , and cannot be extended to the Lords day without manifeft abfurdity : for who would not think this reafon ridicu- lous, God made Heaven andEarth in fixdays, and refted on the feventh;Ithere- fete we ought, in imitation of him , to ref}on the fief} day when he began- to work ; befides that the Text faith exprefly , that the Lord bleffed the feventh day and hallowed it, that is, not a feventh day, but that feventh day, viz, the feventh from theCreation. And therefore thofc who would ground the Lords day upon the letter of the fourth Commandment, mull: of necefty fall iuto Judaifni, and obferve Saturday Sabbath , which was the errour of ßrabourn and Trask,,, Who were cenfured, the one in the High Comraiffon, theother in Starchatnber, M m and