274 Com,4.The hogrineofthe Sabbath and (.,ordsday,&:c. Cha p.3. ¡!Y :. !ï kl II andwere learnedly confuted by two learned Bithops, of Winchefter , and Eli, the Vne in -a fpeech in Star-Chamber, now extant ; the other in a full trail of this fubjeq. But though the day be altered from the.laft to the firft day of the Week, yet I do not therefore fay, that the feventh day from the creation wasceremonial, or expired as a ceremony at Chrifts death , as is commonly faid by tomeDivines, for wherein could thekeepingof a feventh day typifie Chrilt or his benefits ? but it was obferved as a pofitive Law, yet of divine inftitution ; and being nonatural Law; but depend- ingupon Gods will and pleafure, might therefore by the fame authority, when the new creation was finifhed by Chrifts refurreetion, (which overfhadctwed the firft creatión) be altered to another day in memory of that greater benefit, and fo ac cordingly it was.. 6. Concerning the reft obferved by the Jews; it is certain'twasr partly moral, and partly ceremonial ; moral, in regard that the dutiesof publick worfhip cannot Exod so. Ili be Performed without a ceffationfrom other labours ; andceremonial; as it looked Exó53I5. 3. backward and forward ; backward, as a fign of `Gods rest after the creation, and of Aug. trail. 3o. their deliverance out of the Egyptian fervitude : forward, as a typeof Chrifts reff is 3`eh. dS al- in the grave, - Hebrews 4. of our reft from the fervile works of fin in the time of 6i.t'ginep.ug. grace,>as Saint Anguftinefaith, and of the eternal ref{ in Heaven, Hebrews 4, Be_ fides all which , it was alto a tgn to diftinguifh them from other people, Exodus Now for the reft required of us on the Lords day, it is not the fame with that of the Jews, -but differs.. I. Becaufe refs is nowrequired only in reference to theholy , duties, whichcannot otherwife be performed, not for it fell, as if it were pleating to God, or the works of mens callings unlawful , but that they mightgive way to Col 2.:6. works of a higher nature , to facred duties, which if they benot performed, the reftis ameer mockery; Sabharum afinornm : whereas the refs of the Jewifh Sabbath was,required for it felt, theywere to veil in their refs and hence it was, that the Jewifh Sabbath is reckoned by St. Paul among the fhadows that vanifht at Chrifts coming, and the Fathers generally make the Commandmentof the Sabbath ceremo- nial, which if any fhould now obferve , he fhould thereby revive Judaifm, and in effe& deny that Chriltthe Body is come ; as St. 4uguiline in the placealledged, and Aug defpe.dp lfeewher uiI uls diem iliumnane ob ! ervat , flew liters f onat earnaliter t a P ie , cap,I4 who- foever obferves that dayaccording to the flefh, is carnally wife and hence it is, that generally the Fathers forbear to call the Lords day by the naine of Sabbath ; for we 'hallhardly find in any ancient Writers the Lords day called the Sabbath, till fome of late in our Church fprung up, who ufually Rile it by that name again& all anti- quity and, reafon whom fome othersof learning have unawares followed, being çarried by the (Iream, and not forcfeeing the evils that have lince followed, and were then intended by thofe men. z. Another differencewhich follows from the former is, that becaufe the reft now isnot required for it felf, but as it may further holyduties :.therefore it is not fo ftriftly required ofus asof them. They might not do fome works; whichwerenei- ther againft piety or charity, theymight not kindle a fire, or drefsmeat, or bury the deadon that day, whichno doubt are now lawful ; and the reafon is, becaufe their ßetlarrn. de reit was fymbolical and figurative , and therefore that it might the more exaclly an- cult. fa"d' l'6' fwer to the, thing figured, mutt bethe more exact : for as Bellar, faith, Fig,.r o bent e, fe exaila , aliaquiu non bene fagnificant, figures muff beexact, elfe they donor well reprefent the thing fignified. ' Now if any (hall ask what tabours andworks we muff abftaiti from, and how long, feeingto reft only in the time of publick worfhip may teem to be enough in reference to the performance of holy duties. I conceive it the molt probable an- fwer, That herein we muff be directed in particular by the Laws, Canons and Cu- itomsof the Churchwherein we live, and that by divineLaw, asthe fanctifyingof the day is required in general , fo the retting from our ordinary labours in refe- rence to that end , is only required ingeneral by theLawof God ; but the par- ticular determination, of what works , and how long, and in what manner, with othercircumffances, ofwhich no general Law could be fo fitly given, is leftto the Bithops,. a'