Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Conn 4. The T )cclriae ofthe Sabbath and Lords day ,&:c. Char.3 275 I3ifhòps and Paffors of the Church; for as God hat6 commanded pubfrskworíhip, by prayerandpraifes, c. in general, but the, for1prin,,order, time, and manner of performance, hath been left to the Church, whphath always ordered thefe things, and altered them as there was occalón: ïrolor the ,ablinence from labours, what ref may be neceffary not only in the time of publick duties, but before and after , as preparatives thereto , and means'of better profiting thereby, by meditations and other exercifes ; and for the more folemnitÿ of the day, for thefe , and the like , I do not find that Chrift hath given any particular rules, but that every one is herein to fubmit to the Canons, and Orders of the Church, and to conform himfelf thereto , and that this conformity in obedience to God, who requiresus to hear the Church, and obey our Palfors, is accepfable to God : and therefore thole that will not ref} herein, 'but look for particular diref}ions out of Scripture for every thing , which indeed 'they cannot find , by wrefling whatever they find about the Sabbath , and applying it to the . Lords day, do unawares fall into Judaifin , and perplex mens confciences into inextricable Laborinths, as daily experience thews ; whereas the conftant pra Life of the Church of Chrift in all Ages thews, that in thefe things the did ufe 'hat Authority which Chrift bath given her , as appears by the feveral Conffitutions both Ecclefiaffical and Civil ; fometimes enlarging, and fometimes reffrainingthe liberty ofpeople in thefe matters. And hence it is , that though the Fathers ufually fay , that all the glory of the ahbath is transferred to the Lords day ; and though it be commonly Said, that the Lords day fùcceeds the Sabbath, yet the truth is, that it fucceeds, not properly, as the Heir dothhis Father ; at leaff it is not Heres ex tyres, asCivilians.fpeak, but as the light follows darkhefs, and the fubRance the fhadow ; in regard that the rcft of the Jews Sabbath, as it was fymbolical, is expired, and only what was grounded upon moral equity in it, is continued in the Lords day, in which for the particular manner of obferving wemuff look to the Canons andCuftoms of the Church, which are of fuch force in theft things , that though by the common Canon-law all fefivals are from evening to evening , Cap. a. &- 2. de Ferns. Navar. cap. 13. n. 5. Covar, in 4. variar. refill, cap. 19. n. 9. yet where the cuflom is to obferve them from mid- night to midnight, or from morning to morning t fuch cuffom ought tobe kept, if norm, in e.2. therebe lawful prefcription for it, as Panorm. refolves. de Ferns, n. a. 7. Before we conclude this obfervation about the Sabbath , it may be .tócon- fider, why it was fo long obferved after our Saviour, together with the Lords day ; for we find, that for many years after the Apoilles times, the Sabbath was kept, as well as the Lords day, until the Council of Laodicea, which was not (Ong before the Council of Nice, and that is Bill obferved among the Abyfnes : and that Bal_ fam. faith, that the holy Fathers, '> raSaory dIAO aytd'irvans xuläxr s;T ois6 : a, did in a manner equal the Sabbath with the Lords day. ,Gregory Nyfen, calls thole two days fratres, brethren , Clem. comfit. 1, 7, cap. 24. Diem S4¢bati , &Diem Dominicam fops habete, ynoniam illa creations, altera refarre/Eionis memoria dicata eft, obferve thofe two feffivals, theSabbath and the Lords day, theone in memory of the Creation, the other of the Refurreaion ; hence wad that old cuBomof not falling upon the Sabbath, or Saturday, becaufe itwas a day of rejoycing, and therefore thofe it% +ess jOPrwv, fefiival days in the '53 Canonof the Apofles, are expounded by Zonaras to be the Sabbath or Saturday, and the Lords day; and in the 6; Canon, it is prohibited to fart either oh the Sabbath or Lords day, fave only the Sabbath before Eafter ; Ignaiisar in Epif. ad Philadelph. faith ;; f,any fart avefo,xfw ñ eetecdTee, on the Lords day or on the Sabbath, ;gets/xpvf äiw.,,'he ìß -á murderer of Chrift. Total. de jajaniìs faith, Sabi/itemni ny am nili0 Pgfi a., i} jnnandrsm cf, none muff fail on the Sabbath or Saturday, bef from this caufc it was, that Con tontine whole Edr ay 4ré fieY , d n I we may reacçti í yErsfebans5$on the free exercife of Chriflian Religion) forbids, that they fhouldbe fimpleaded .od the Sabbath or Saturday , as well as "ón the Sunday, ecpjfz bpytt,tlays 'were fervedwith publick meetings. And in the Synod pf tc a t. that betides the Law (which was anciently ' nnet e r 1 udti;+srr)' the !ppn the Saturds) tl; Go:; fpel fhould be alto read 'oh that day. By all 'Which it may ''eçnt,r'that,thel Jewith Sabbath, and the Lords day, are both to be kept; and by force learned Mm z men