Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

2.76 Chap 4. The Reafons of this Commandment. Coin 4. men it is hence urged, that the fondly doth not fucceed the fabbath, but was fuper.-- added to the fábbath. But to this I anfwer T. Thatthe fabbath was for fore time ufed as a thing in- different, aswere force other legal rites in favour of the Jews, and that they might be the lefs offended , and more eafily gained to theChridian Church : as St. Paul leircumcifed 'Timothy, and St:Peter abltained from force meats, &c. not as things ,rieeeffary, but indifferent. z. That though the legal rites were void at Chrifts death , and thenexpired, yet as St. Aregufiine faith, force timewas required for their decent burial. 3. That though holy duties were performed in publick on the faturday, for many years, yet the fyinbolical and typical red, which was proper to the ewifh fabbath, was not allowed, or pratiifed in the Church ; and therefore when fonte began to Judaize on the faturday, by refting on that day, it was forbid by feveral Councils, as that of Laodicea, eap. 29. the Council of Lyons, in cep. 1. de conf:cr. d. 3. and theSabbatarians were generally con lemned for lieretick3, And therefore theobferv- ingof faturday as a half holy day,as it is dill in a manner kept in many placeswith us, wasnot with reference to the Jewifh fabbath, but for themore honour ofthe Lords day, asa preparative tothat great fedival : and therefore though the Church did allow flame publick meetings on that day in the Church , yet we never find that the fymbolical red, which is the proper and charatieriftical difference of the Jewifh fab- bath from Chridian feflivals, was ever allowed, but generallycondemned. And thus I have donewith theft Obfervations and Pofitions which J conceived ne- ceffary to infersconcerning the fabbath, to give force light, if poffible, to this fo much agitated queftion , fubmitting all to the judgment of my fuperiours in the Church; and ready to yield to what any judicious and learned man than uponbetter reafons propound. CHAP. -IV. eafias of this-Commandment. 1. Gods liberality imallowing id fix days, and regni- ring but one for himfelf. 2. The feventh is his own proper day. Who are compre- hended in the prohibition. 1. The Mafler cf the family. 2. Children. 3. Set,- vane:. Cartel. 5. Strangers. The general reafons of this precept. i. Gods refi from the creation. Addition 22. Moral reafon: foinetimesgiven ni a ceremonial precept. . The reafen vehj'a rep, and why on this day, are different things : our of . _Maimon, Abets ezra. 2. Rea/an, the benefit coming to mankindby the creation. 3. Reafon, God 611.4 the feventh day. Itefont of thit N the three next Verfes, (namely, the ninth, tenthand eleventh) God fieft ex- Commandment. plainethhis Meaning, or gives an explication or further expofitionof this Com- mandment; verfe 9. & to. and then gives a reafon of the Commandment, verfe why they fhould yield obedience to it. In the explication there is order taken as well concerning works, as perlons. Fiat for works, Six days flmlt thou labnx, &c. verfe 9. Secoridly.for perfons, Thouand thy fee, &c. verfe io And again in the fame vertes 'there is, i. An Affirmative, Six days thou fhalt labour, &c. verfe 9. and 2, ANegative, Thou shalt do no manner of work, &c. verfe to. Again, there la; T. Pernuffion, Six days God bath given thee wherein thou mayd labour, and do all that thou haft to do. z. And fecondly, an Oppofition or Antithefis. But the 1venthday he4tath referved to himfelf. Six daysare thine I ut the feventh his. He bath befiowed fixdays on thee, but the feventh he hath referved to himfelf. In the fixdays thou fhalt do all , but on the feventh no manner of work. r. ads libera. Now in the impofition there are twoby-reafons included, (for the main reafon is ¡WY allowing wi in the es. verfe, -C for on fix ,,ays, &c.] The fira is. That becaufe God bath dealt fo '6'49' liberally NVIthlus as to give us fixdays for our felves, and to referve only one to hiinfelf, thefelbrewe ihouldbe the more ready togive him that day, for by right of creation, wetodall ours are the Lords, (for he made us of nothing) and in that regard heMiglititiftly challengeus and our fervice all our days, and we (being but his creatures) tonld' not juilly challenge to our felves one day; In fo much as if it