Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Corn, 4. The Reafons cf. this Commandment. (Thap,4. 177 it had pleased God to have given us but one day; and referved the other fix tohim- fell, we fhould have had no juti caufeof complaint : if he had given us day for day, we could not only have no juft caufe of murmuring, butalto ought to have opened our mouths to praife him for it But feting he hath dealt fo liberally with us, in granting us fix days for our ocbn ufe, and to do our work, and referving but one tohimfelf, we muff acknowledge it to be a liberal proportion, and fo it is vet iniquo jndice; áííd therefore, if we be not clean void of good nature , it cannot but content us and keep us frommur- muring We fee in Adams cafe, that whenGod had finifhed the creation, and put him in Gc11.2.r6. Paradife, notwithflanding Gods bountyto him in granting himall the trees in the Garden, (oneonly excepted) yet the Devil was prefentlyupon him, and upbraided 3 t. God with his niggardlinefs, in that he had not given him freedom to cat of all the trees in the Garden ; and no doubt but the fameDevilufeth the fame pollicy with us Rill in this cafe. May you not do what you will with all the days' of the week ? Now the confideration of Gods bounty to us, fhould anfwer all fuch fuggeflions ; for we cannot fay , but that we are well dealt withal , he having grantedus two times, and a time, tohis one time ; fix days to one, and therefore howcareful Mould we be to give him that one ? This fhould draw from us an anfwer like to that of y'ofepbto his Miftrifs, My Ma- iler bath kept nothing from rue but thee, how thencan 1 do this great wickednefs, and fin againn God ? All the days of the week hath God granted me , only one Gen. 394. bath he referved to himfelf , how can I then be fo unkind. and unthankful as to deny him that ? Let not David in this be our pattern , who having many fheep of his own, would notwithflanding pluck the one and only cheepout of the poor mans2 Samaa.3. bofom : for if we having many daysof our own, take fromGodhis one day, and pluck that one (peep out of Gods bofom, and make it common for our felves, . by doing in it our epos [erode, fervile work, we are worthy to fuller a thoufand deaths, and God' being fo liberal, and dealing with us in fo unequal proportion to himfelf, as fix to us, for one to him, taking of us but one for fix if we do not his work on that day, we are to be taxedof extrcam injuftice and ingra- titude. This is the meaning of thofe words, (and de all thy wor!;) that whereas God might have imployed us in his work, and muting on his will all the days of our life : but he is content to forbear, and fpare us the red of theweek, that in that time all our own affairs might be difpatched, and none left undone, or to be doneon this day. God might fay to us, as IVarhan faid to David, All this have I given thee, a Simms. a.s. and more I would have given thee, if that had not been enough : but certain it is, that-he taw in his wifdom that thefe fixdays were fuffrcient,' and thereforewilleth us to remember, andRill be fo careful to order our affairs on thefe days, that agaitifl Becau fe it ri his.feventh day comes, we may be at leafure it. Godi own dxy. z. The fecond reafon implyed is in thefe words, ,(Bat the feventhday it the lab- kith cf the Lord rhy God;) which contain the fecond oppofition, and intittateto us, that the fcventh day is Gods own proper day, with 'which we have-nothing-to do to imploy it as we pleafe, and that it is plain theft and facrilèdge to robGod of this part of timewhich he bath referved to himfelf ' For if Ged'hhd thought fit tohave given us the feventh day too, then might we havewroughe oli thatclay alto bur teeinghe hath referved it to himfelf, we cannót without plain theft or robbery'breale in upon this day, to which we have no right, by doing our ownworkupon it. Ren- der therefore unto God that which is Gods, for it cannot be withheld from himwith- Mar.aa.u,, outfacriledge: It is as if a man fhould fay; youmsywear thofe clothe'3which are your own, and bought with your money-; ibuttbtis'garn t t-which is -b fítr,with, mine, you cannot without violence take fiord me: fo likevaire beanie !Góds' bounty to us, we cannot without ingratitude andmanifefi injury to hir ì't ee this day from him; becaufe it is his, hestill haSe it wholly tdhimfelf. In' thijs(halt Thou nor rhy, do no manner of work, fon, Qea Thofe who arc comprehended within the Prohibition, Rand in five ranks. T. This. 2. ,Thy fen and thy a'augbter. ' 3 Thymanfervaht andmaidfervant. 4. Tny cartel. s. The ftranger that iswithin th)t gates. Fiat