Ìf li Is } 1 2 hap.4. The Reafons oftbia Commandment. Cont.4. the beginning , and fo continued that great doubt which -troubled all the Philofo- phers fo much', [Whether the Worldhad a beginning] had been taken away. And therefore this day being one .efpecial means to keepmen'from Atheifnr, was there- fore fanßified-by God, tobe!a,day of refh:,: This was one 'reafonwhy the not keep. ing this Law was fo feverely punifht, by the Mofaical Law, as appears by the man that gatheredflicks uponthat.,d'ay, and was thereforeput to death, which was not only becaufe the Law of the Sabbath was then newly' made, (to wit, for the cere- monial and typical part which confifled in refs) and therefore required the fevercr punifhment,;but alfo becaufe the not obf'erving of that day, was in effefl a denial that Godcreated the World., ern, Augufline treating upon the Creation faith , It is tent That God might have been ,pleafed tohave faid as wellfiatminibus roars, let all the world be made in a moment, as fiat luxy, let there be light, in the firfl day : it had been all one to his Omnipo. tency to havedone it at once as in fix days : and enquiring- further into the caufe zwhy he did not fo, could find no other reafon,. but that-God bycreating one thing after another, would teach us that we fhould proceed in the muting and meditation tippn thewpthSpf Creationifeverally and in order, asGod'ïnade them. So didKing pre,/ 04. .David; and fodid Baffle andAmbrofe, who wrote fomebooksof it. And this courfe of meditation was much in ufe in the primitive Church: 3. The la4 reafon is, Becimp the Lord bleffed the feveaih< day. Hedid not only reff on that day, but he confccrated it alto. Betides e.zemplini, his example, there .isinflitotio, he hath folemnly inflituted it, So that it fhall+be to us'lt!crcarura ani. ma, the Market-day of the Soul, for our amendment in thatwe didamifs in the fore. going week, and for the regulating of us in the week following. Butthiais-uptall : thefotce'of this lati reafon is in this. -God faith, becaufeI have bleffed and hallowed it, feeing I have appointed it, fee you do not refill me but 1abmit your felves to my Ordinance. He that keepeth it not, and refifleth Gods Ordinance, refrflethGod himfelf, and they that do fo, receive to themfelves damna- Rom.r 3.2. iron.' Therefore that which God hath hallowedwe mull not pollute. 'We :fee the,reafons why this reff is to be kept, let us now fee how fat it is to be kept, and what is required to the fau iificátion of it. CHAP. V. Flow far tharrefltis to be kept. Why this wordRemember is prefixed. Such work! to be forborni which may be done before or after. 1Uereffityof a vacation fromother work! that we oemy'áttend holy ditties. Mans oppofîtion to God, when he brill refit thin we labour, ; & econtra, fixwork!in particular forbidden the ,yews. Whether thefame be abfolatnly.nowforbidden theChriflians. Refl necefary only for the means of fanFlifi- cation, or pj,pprallife of:it, as sawork! of mercy or neceQvy, fabbatum boum & Ali- : , :norum. S.ahbà,tum aurei vituli. SabbatumTyri. SabbatumSatans. He fubflance of this fourth Commandment confifleth efpecially in thefe two I things. r. In the outward reff of the body, orium. 2. In the holy duties whichare:th.end.to fanelifie it,. Santliflcatio. Ref. 1. As before weare willed to remember it both in the week before the day conic, Why the word partlybecaufe in the day it_felf we are to yield anaccount to God of the former fix Remember is dayswork, in fingultu 6- fcrupulo cordis, with trouble and forrow of heart : partly prefixed. alto as Augufline fpeaketh, ne quid operis rejiciatur in diem feflum, that no work that might bedone in the former days, be put offto the holy day : fo when it is come, we mutt avoid two things whichas Saint Gregory obferves, may caufe us to forget tolàndifie it. o. The one is aliorum exempla , other mens ill examples. z. The other is Ludorum& fpeblaculorum Adis, the praetife and defires we have to unlaw- ful fports and.fights; to which men are more naturally addieted, than to the fan- etifying of the day. And in as much as we are to effeemof the Sabbath as Delicia Dcmini, the delight of the Lord.,.ättd that there twfl thingsi are main ohflacles and impediments to fach I;