Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Cori. 4. What works areforbidden in this Cominandment:Chap. . 28I fuch cftimation of it, wemuftnot onlyremember it before-hand, but when it comedy al fo. That which we are to remember, is, t. A day of refs; and, .z. To fanftifie it i.,1 priunè. Aquftine comprehends them both in two words, orison um, a holy refit. -r. A -21 SanfíKm. ccaf ng from labour ; and if weask from what labour ? It is, as an ancient Canon -of the Church fheweth, ab co quadantra fieri poterat, ant pod poftea fieri poterit, from that which might have been done before - and from that which maybe done after- ward. And whatfoever is meant by thé labour andwork of the week day, that muff. be forbornon this day, with thisprovifo, That ah eo litp4 sec antea fieri poteratr neo poflea poterit, non eft abfinendum; fuchworks of neceffit.y which cannot be done èi , Cher before or after, are not to be forborn. The grounds are laidby (a)Auguftine and (b) ,yerome thus : There is nothing (as.(a) Ep., 57. ad the Preacher faith) but mutt have its time : As we deftinate a fet time for our bodies optat. repast, Veep, and the like; ir, which timewe ufually take.order that we benot inter- (b)tnEekr -a- rupted or difturbed by any other occafions. And fo in other temporal things, the more cclef.3." ferions theyare we go about , the more carewe take that webe not hindred in them, but, that we may wholly mind them, C hoc agere. So in the cafe of fpirituals, there ought to he a fet time for the building up ofthe foul, and procuring holinefs to it, and sxercifing holmefs by it, wherein we are to ufe no lets care , being a matter of grenteftimportance : but that in the promoting of it, all impediments may be re- moved that may hinder us in it ; ut promptiores fimus ad divinum cultum, cum non há- bemsss impee tmenttem, faith S. Auguftine, that we may be more ready for divine wor (hip, when we have no lets or impediments to hinder us. And this is fo plain as that we fee even the Council of Trent (taking order for obferving ofholydays) hath fet down concerning the holy duties which are to beperformed on thofe days, that they are fuch , Qua ab his qui ab humanarum cccupatiansrm negatia detinetttur, omnino pratari non poffrnt, which cannot beperformed by thofe that are bufied.with worldly or fecular affairs. So many of the Fathers that write upon this place, [Vacate videte, quia ego pre,46.t5.; fain Dominus, Be dill, and know that I amGod] thew, that by the rule of natural wifdom, the Philofophers held, Poftulandum effe fecesm, ut melius intendamus: a vacation fromworld,y affairs is neceffary,, that we may the better intend and con. template on heavenly things. Our heads muff not be occupied with worldly thoughts, when we are about the affairs of the foul ; not that the works of the other fix days are evil in themfelves, but becaufe they areapt to diftrafithe mind from that which is proper to this day. NowOrium, Rea, being the firft part, it is avery ff -n range thing that theature.of man fhould be altogether foaverfe from Gods will, that when the Precept isdifficult and laborious , requiring force pains and travail, then they will be idle : and where this Precept is not laborious but tafre, as this to refi, they will (rather than not break the Commandment) take pains: that is, they will even againfi their nature, make themfelves bufriefs, and pick out that day of all the days of the week that he bath chofen, fo that it (hall be a kind of policy to make advantage of that day, and to find out force labour on that day, on which he bath forbid us to labour. And fo muchfor the eafinets of the Commandment, and the perverfenefs of man. We find in Scripture fix feveral kinds of prohibitions from working on this day. Parritutdr i. Before the Law given, when the people departed from Elim, andcarne to the w°rkr fórbid- wildernefa of Sin , there was a prohibition from gathering Manna there was` den the ewr: P g g Exod,tó.r,4a' better food to gather, of which he that eateth (hall live for ever The Lord is to 26. be tailed. Job 6.58. z. A fecond is, As there mull be no gathering of Manna, norgoing out togather r Pet.2.3' it that day, fo there mutt be no buyingof it, though it fhould bebrought to us. Sò Nehemiah protefted againfi buyingand felling, which fheweth the unlawfulnefsof it r Neh.i3:r5,&ca' becaufe on that day is Mercatura anima, it is the market-day of the foul, buying and felling on that day is forbidden. 3. A third is that which the Prophet ,Jeremiahmentions, that is, the carrying of Jar.17. 21. burthens on that day and the better todilrwade the people from that kind of work, the Prophet promifeth in the perfon of God , great blefings to them if they for- 24', bear, andthreatneth great plagues upon them if they did not, for if they made that N n thhei