Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

282 Citap15.'What norkr are forbidden- in this Colnlninclínent.Com 4. theirday olr'éàVriage,''G le would fend upon themaburden, whichtbey'fhould fink under, viz.- Captivity and defolation by the Enemy, he wouldkindle a fire in ,yertt_ fatear, andburn up the gates and palaces thereof, verfe `alt. 4. Another thing prohibited by the Law, is working in harveft time, becaufe the Exod.34.21. inningof hhrvefl, and gathering of'grapes'might feemto be a matter of 'great necef- flty. Six dais` fhult thou vrörk,,-bet on the feventh day thou fhult rill : w earing time, and in bdrveff time thou fbalrrefl i fo thatthe, provifion for the whole Commonwealth mull gfvè place unto the refl of this day. 5. A fifth thing prohibiterhis travailing or journeying on the Sabbath day. Crier 16.29. Brit Sabbatbi wfehove, ma4atFäfquein doso firs neque evrediarer grrrJGaain diefrati ma, To morrow is the Sabbath.ef the Lord, abide ye every man in hi; place : lit no man go out of his place the feveneh'day: 6. Thé lait is above the'-refl. For whereas God (in the three Chapters before) had given Mofes a platform for the building of aTabernacle , and taken order that he fhould go prefently in hand with it ; yet in the 3 t Chapter he faith notwithfland-; Éxad.31. a3, big, Verilymy Sabbaths. ye (ball kfep, rb>iìfoever work th on that day, ihe feerree ferfors 14,'S. ftial be Purelyyput to death. Which is as much as if he hadPaid, I hough that work may teem moil lawful and tending moil to my glory of all other, yet`ye'Thal! not break the Sabbath todo it : and fo verfe r 5. he gives an univerfal reLlraint, Whore ever deth any manner if work:, on that day, fhàll bepat to death : anymannerof work, anuniverfal prohibition, and the penalty threatned was accordinglyexecuted upon him thatgathered flicks, Ncimb. 6. 15, 35. he was floned to death by Gods fpecial appointment, And theLord tells the people, that if they pollute theSabbathby bearing burdens, 3er.17.27 he would kindle fuch a fire in the gates of ,yerufalcm, that fhould devour the palaces of it, andnot be quenched. The Prophets generally urge the obfervation of this Commandment above the refl. And we may obferve , that there bath feldom been anyorange vifitation by fire, but where there bath Tomenotorious prophanationof the Sabbath gone before. So that when it fhall pleafe God to vifit us with the like judgment,we may conje pure what hath been the taufe of it. Concerning the refl now required on the Lords day, and the difference thereof from the yewifh fymbolical refl, which was therefore more (trill, fee the former Additional Ob- frrvattan, Obfervation 6. Therefore toconclude this point, let them that go out to gather manna , carry burdens, buy and fell, gather harvefl, journeyand travail up and down, or do any seem. ;. de the moll lawful work , not think three things to be oti12m fantluin, or Sabbátum ye- q"648. ßóva, a holy reff, or the Sabbath of theLord; laut (as Leo faith) Sabbaturn tiro, the Sabbath of Tyre. The Councilof Mentz (held in the time of Charlemain, Anno Dom. fia 3.) bath 4037. this Canon, Omnes dies Dominicas cam Omni veneratione dccrevimus obiroari , f. a fet.vili opereab.[fincri, t7 tomercatns to eis minime fie, nec placitatm, nbi aliquis ad innirtem vel piënam jitdicetur We have decreed that all the Lords days beobferved withall reverence, and that fervile labour (hall be forboin, and that no market be can.; 5, kept on thofe days, nor that anyCourtsbe kept either to condemn men to death, or punifh them. Thole that offend are to be deprived of the Communion for three years. And the Council of Tybúris (Anno 895. in the time of the Empereur Ar- nitlph) haIh one Canon to the like purpofe, as well for the obfervation of other holy days, as the-Lords day. In'thefecond Council of Mafcon (held Anno 5 81.) revere punifhments were to be inftled upon thole that fhould not obferve the Lords day, and that toto die, all the day long As it was larger for the fault, fo it was milder forthe punifinnent, for they fufpended chofe that violated this Canon from the Communion but for half ayear ; fo firllh were they for the fanftifying of this day, and that (as one faith) becaufe God requires the reff, not for the refs it fell, fed eptia hocdie Deo.tantummodo vacandum,becaufe we'mufl this day confettate our felves wholly to God. Whether the , Now here will arife forte queflions oEdigcth ; Whether the fini&Commandment given to rß entonedthe /e the Jews, df Í indling no fire, and confequently'of drefiing no meat upon the Sab- wr, chrißians, bath, bet() Obrerved by u4Chrillians ? Âap