Cotn.4.What works areforbidden in this Con mwndntent.Chap.5; 28 3 To thiswe anfwer Negatively, forthis was Ceremonial; andbelonged only toi the Jews : For it is a general Rule,, that, everymoral or eternal dáttq;ofithe Lawrçi F °' a >t may beperformed by all men at all times. But they whichinhabit under the North; pole, (as it is well known).cannot be without fire oneday ; and to let It go.óut,: were to their utter deftruc`tion: and fo they that dwell dcehibutningZoite, tinder the EquinoClial, cannot well keep their meat above one day : fo that this. being Cere.+ monial, the Chriftian is exempted from theobfèrviugofxit, as beings thingnot.o5í fervable through the whole world, though it might have been obfervedby the Jews :, and therefore was ita peculiar precept. to them only,. becaufe they hadno obílacle,. but might havekept it.: 2. The fecond quenion is : Whether.the fix feveral works formerly prohibitàdrWhether dÚ the the Jews, be abfolutely forbidden to Çhriflians; as to travel, &c, workfobiddcn; For anfwer to this, wewill gono further than the Precept itfelf. an the 3ews,. be t¡o nowfor- The Sabbath mull be remembred -ana7. bidden. Our reft mud be 4d fànftificandim , to fandifie it :. the outward refl isdeninate fandificationi to fandity : ideo quietimue, ut fanthficemua, we therefore left, becaufe. wea?onld fandifie : fo that whereour red is not definto fanthificarioni5 applied .to fanftifiëation, it is not required, and where fandification cannot befrequiere, with-. out red, there a red is required. Certain it is, that man may reft andnot fandifie ; fo likewife hemayfandifie and not red ; and therefore inthe fire cafe, it is faid, there aremany rencrs; andbut few: 'fan hifters. Now fandificationcol-Aidseither, r. Inthe,means of fandification. Ors 2. In declaringour inward fandificationby thepradife and works,of it in our lives; And wherethe ref( is not necelfary for one of thefe, or notdeftinated to them, (it being a fubordinate thing) it may be forborn. The rule in Logick is, Tatrsm defti nazi fumendum eft , quantum prodeft ad fins í see muff take take fo muchof that which is appointed for the end, as conducethto the attairling.ofthat end.. As in the cafe of Medicine, fo much isto be takenas will ferve to the.end for which it is taken: Again, for the means of fandification, Chritl defendinghis Difciples againil the'Mar:h,t s.5, Jews, (who were altogether urgers of the bodily reft only) (heweth, that the red in regard Of the fandification maybe broken : as in the Pried in facrificing (that. time being the mod laborious time for him , as it is nowthe greaten day of labour for our Miniver) was blamelefs, becaufe he was in apere cram. Divini, imployed in theworkof Gods worlhip. We read alfo in the Aar ofIkeApofldes, of a Sabbath Aes ì.r2., days journey ; andof the like in the Old Tenainent,: where the Shunamitith woman 2 Reg 4.2g. coming to her husbandfor the Ms, he faith toher, Whereforewilt thou go to the Prophet today ? It is neither New Moon , nor Sabbath ; as if the:cunom had been then, to go to the Prophet that day, when they hadno publick meetings elfewhere, So that where publick and lawful affembliesare not, a mari may takea.Sabbath days journey to join in publickworlhipWith others. Thus much for the firft part of fan- dification. But this is Idsacceptable to God than the other part, which is the pradife of fan- dification , for this is the end; the other brit the means : and therefore our Savi. our being reproved by the Pharifees for a work of healing upon the Sabbath, tells them, that if theyhad known what this meaneth, (which heciteth but of the Pro- phet Hefea) I will have mercy and not facrifice, you would not have condemned Hofea616 the guiltlefs; Mercy being indeed a practical work of fandification, and preferred Milteh.tx.7. before the means. So that in regardof the pradife of fandification, aman may leave the very means, as to (hew a work of mercy. As if there (hould happena fire, or a man or woman to fall intoa fwoon, or a woman to be in travail in timeof divine Serviceor éermon, we are to leave the means, andpradife the Work in (hewing mer- cy, by faving the life or goods of thofe that need our help , and would otherwife,, have perifhed : for it is a true rule, thatpericulsmviepatSabbatum ; thedanger of lifeexcludes the Sabbath. For as Godwillbe glorified on this day for-the worksof his Creation, the memorial whereof was a caufe of the innìtution of this day from the beginning : fo no lefs is ha glorified in the prefervation of his Creatures. We John 6t- read that our Saviour Chrin was Careful tofave the fragments, and commanded them tobe takenup,and his rcafon was,becaufe he would have nothing Iod. Ifnot the lead, much lefs the life ofanything maybe lon;and if he be carefulof the lifeof otherthings, Íßl n x how