Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

84 Chap.ç.What works acre f)r1cMe in this Conpnanclmertn:CUm , bow'much.zuote then think you-ris he careful -forthe,fif bf man ? [4etiraélifed Matth,r2.'3 himfelf thiswmirkäof, mercy upon the Sabbath:upon the man.that was in peril of his life. U a-And indeedNecef tar, fackt..1egem exlegem, Neceffxty-maklms 'Law anOutlaw. In the Law it ¡staid v Thoulftaitmet fee thy..Brothers Aflercar his.Ox fall down by the way, and hidáAy fclf, fronp .them,. butihautltalt furely, lift them up again. ay;. we fee irptiieLaw iitthnt God hiinfelfis-not fo:ftrAiniibferving the praclife, as-manyrrowiádaysahe fend iantarie pince *ligniteappointeth'the fanétification ofthe Exod. «.r5. ferzenthdayiSabbath, anabprdhibits:all wotksÿ .hebath-there aProvifo, Salt that tukar3r3 which every ,nanmc;(t ear , that may be done of you. And in the Gofpeloutffaviour 1tleHgrikjewlsiothaf:theystraterinitheïrcattebdn aliefabbáthday. Butwe mull take.thisrainna i by the};way,. that we life riot this liberty a.eobding- GaI 4 r; 1.,., to the ffefl nótcxrs á cloak4:zit the Apol}les fpeak, and thatthefeworks.of Mercy preferving thefife of man and.beafls, andother of Gods'creatures, be ufed pre fence alon: àmmisnente ncceffirait, :in cafe of prefent not imminpnerreccffity.. As *rthen any prefcntelaingerappears ragairrfl my"life,, I.anito defend: pay felf :. foránrprrfestti natteffitateguifyue Magift-ratve pk l quepexfaireDeihabezitzpotíusoecirinr,cram oasdarnr; in 'urgent andpecfent tnaceffrtyeveryone is a Magifteate,:andreprefenteth . the perfonof God, to kill rather than to be killed. But if. thedenger.foenot prefent, laut only imminent, as, one tells me, thereis wait laid to. kill .me, I muff then re pair to theMagiffrate: fo that-for prefent.neceffrty'or.peril,; there is auexemption, the Lordbath.refignedhixrightinto our hands , but not upon an irnrnintnt peril or neceffaty, whichmaybeprevented or avoided. _ On the -otherfr..e, we are to óbrerve another.Frovifo, We mull be careful that (becaufe God feeth the .heart,:,and.we are todeaLwithhind). we be fure the danger catilddnot be prevented, nor the work he deferred,: but thatprefent danger and ne- ceflity enforeeth us to it. Forwe muff not drawn neceffity Uponour felves, Orpre - tend a neceffitywhen there is none becaufcGod willnot be mocked , though we may-delude the eyes of meaiw This is to be remembred; :becaufoof the praClifeoffome:who Inñ theirharveff on the.Sunday, pretenyling that it isnot Gods will that any of his creatures :fhould pe rit, which is true, and might leften theoffence, if they did it only for preferving time creature, and not for their owngain andprofit, which if theypretend, let them know, that God fees theinhearts, and knows their intentions. Therefore: fog ttyal of men in this cafe, itwere"food if to puta difference between their works .onxhatday, and' upon other days, they would do as they did ICGr. 16. a. layup, onthe firfr day of theweek, whatfoever they gain or fave by their workon that day, and give it to the poor; by thismeans it wouldappear with what hearts they wrought on this day, whetheronly to fave the creature, or out of a de- fireoflucre and gain. Thus we feewhat refl is.commanded, and how thefe cafes may be refolved. 3 But here arifeth another oueflion. Whenwe have refted, is that all we are to Homil. 3. de do? Surelyno. It is not fufficient that we ref} , if we do not fandifie too: Leo 9uadrag faid of the people of his time, that on this day their care was, bene veftìri, er nihil r Yrm 4.8. sapere, keepholy day, by wearing gay clothes, and doing nothing. Now as S. Paul raid of bodily labour, that it.profiteth little ; fo we may fayof bodily r;ff, that it profiteth lefs. This refs is toholinefs, and not to idlenefs. Wemull not be idle on that dayof .refl.. To keepa Sabbath therefore , and not..beable to give accompt of Sabbatum eifi- force good thing done byus in it, is that which theFathers callSabbarum bonny & afi- norum. Tearoom, the Oxen and Affes keep asgood a Sabbath asfuch do. SaMba'am aurei Bcfides thefe idle Sabbath - keepers, there are two other forts of people that are irituti neither idlenorwell imployed. De decem cer. I. Of the fief} fort Au u ine f eaks , and they were either s. fuch as did vacare reù,e. fer. .it P r jalm. 3a, ntágis, thearrìs , fpeEtaculú chorei, , fpend their time in paftimes , thews, Stage. Hier. in ao sTimis and dancing : or elfe thofe that z. gave themfelves on the Sabbath venation, °k, h°tri.4g.''° tóliunting. To which Leo adds fuch as did vacarechartis, rationibus, Cam, t'ommeffa- drag de ti'ñrrtbus,- patted the day in lain atCards, and in revelling nd fo addicted were ilrëg Greg.rr;. P Y p yi g g y to fhefethings, as that theywere not at all occupied in anywork of fanaifrca- tiot m 'There rnens Sabbath :(as Aosaffinewell obferveth) is like that of thepeople In Deatos2.4.