Cofn.4. Of fdnc° ifyi;Zg the day, (;hap.6. 2$1' in Exodus, Cras obfervabimus Sabbatum.yehotw, To morret iitall be a Sabbath to Esad.3a.5,E. the Lord : they would keep. aSabbath "tee him , but it fhould be (as:in the ¡IOU verfe) to eat, and drink, and play ; - this Sabbath; : I fay;...was kept o' t* Calf; and therefore he calleth it Sabbatum vault aitrci, the Sabbath of the Golden: Calf. . . . For as we may not keep openMarkets; :go to plough or to Low on that day, fo neither fhould we fpend thc time in hunting,. nor yet in dancing and ,(porting; nor fpend our time ordained for fanttification mbeholding: fights, Stage-plays, and the like: not becaufe thefe are in themfelves evil or unlawful, but in that they hinder our fanctificatibn. Againk fuch prophanarion of this day,- fevere order Was taken by divers Councils, as Co 5. C,02:8. Conti. Agath. 38 Can. r, Some Chrillians in the primitive times were fo far from this; that they would fit in the ratory all the Lords day, praying andhearing, without eating dr drinking ; infomuch as by their long fatting divers difeafesgrew among them : whereupon the fame Council. of Gasgra in Paphlagonia held Anna Dom. 327 was forced to make calla. a Canon withan Anathema annexed to it, againft thofe`wháthenceforward fhould fait upon the Lords day. But though we (hall not need-to fear futh' seal inour times, yet it fheweth to us the great and excellent examples of°abalhencë tiled in the primitive Church, to make them more fit forthe fervice ofGod. r . The other fort are they that fpend their time this day in Gluttony, Left, Drun- sab3atam .taf kennels, and fuch like vices, whichought not at any time, much lefs on that day, tang. be praflifed. For if the affairsof our calling, or the fports lawful on another day, mull not be ufed on this day, much lefs anyvice which is unlawful at any time : for hereby a double iniquity is committed : r . Èira,becaufe the Commandment is vio- lated, and this day feems tobe picked and Tingled out of all other daysdefpitefully` againif the Májefly of God. z. Secondly, becaufe it is air abufe of the creatures of God, and a breach of other Commandments. And therefore as'thedther was Sabbatum Tyri, fo theft do'eelebrare Sabbatum Sueane , keep a Sabbath to the Devil- CHAP. VI, The fecond thing commanded, is fanfii ftcation, which is theendofthe reg. The kinds of fanCifìcation, publick andprivate, How the Holy Ghofi wook,j in as fanes ifica. coon. The fpecial adfr wherein thefanétificationof the dayeonffs. r. Prayer, 2, Tha Word read andpreached, 3. Meditation of what ITChave heard, andupon the warkt of Godour of Pfal. 92. 4. Conference. 5. Prat]. 6. Sacraments and Difeipline at fpecial times; The endof thefe means, our fanififocation andGods glory. "-r- O what end then mutt this reft be ? why, to holinefs; we mutt apply it to that Thefee,ndpart, end towhich Godbath appointed it, andufe that holily whichGod bath fan- Thefao&ifjinj ehfied. The right Sabbath is called Belieia,yehova, the delightofthe Lord, wherein of the re . rte taketh pleafure ; and that is truly obferved , when we not only eeafe from our > fay 13° own work, as thofe of our calling, but of thofeof our'corruptnature and will : by ceafing from that which is pleafant in our own eyes, this is to keep Sabbatum yehove, a Sabbath , the delight of the Lord : to make it a day, honour God , and to learn Gods will, and having learnt it, to praEhife it, whereby he may biefs us; and bring us to the inheritanceof our heavenly refs. Whereason the contrary, if the high-ways of Sion complain, that none come to our Sanctuary; or that if we come, we fo be Laar,1.4,7. have our felves in it that the adverfary mock at her Sabbaths ; then God himfelfwill take acourfe, as the Prophet fpeaks, projiriet floras folennitatum nofiraruen, he will call dung upon our faces, even thedung of our folemn feafis, that is, he will make them as odious to usas dung, and we ihall loath them; or (as it is in another place) maLs.3. he*will punifh it withfire unquenchable. The next thing is the kinds of fanctification, viz. publick and private. s. it muff be fanftified in thepublick afl'embly, there mutt be Sacra Sÿsaxrss stfiubitc CAf10tl. holy Convocation, ter,23 ,3. The