Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

g$6 Chap.& OffanElifyingthe day, The heathen man could fay, that a good thingdoneand perfornied by one, is well; but better if by many , by awhole Parifh or City together publickly. The reafon is, r ln refpedof God, that he might have the more glory, when he is praiied in the great congregation, and publickly acknowledged before all the world , which was the chief end of the firft inftitu t ionof this day, by fuch publick meetings the day is fannified to God : for to fandifie, and tocall a folemn affitubly, are all one, .as we may fee its noel t. I 5. and z. i 5. 2. In refpen of the Church, that all maybe known toprofefs the fame faith, and to be in one bond of obedience, when they all meet in one place , atrthe fame time on the fame day to glorifie God. . 2. That the means of fanCtification as prayer maybe the more effeftual, for VI4 anita fortior. If the prayers of one juf man be fo effeCtual and prevalent withGod, much more when manymeet together, their prayers Offer a holy violence to God, and as jr were befiege heaven. 3.1n refired of the Commonwealth, the heathencould fee, that this meeting together in one placewas themeans of L1.044,xja, it maintained amity. And therefore they which bring in tyranny, feels to divide and feparatc men, and forbid all meetings and affernblies,bythat means to caufe them to be difjointed (as it were) Pfal.68.6. in their affeCtions. But God in his fervice will have men to meet together, becaufe they fhallbe of one mind. This for publick fanClification. Privatefanfii. There is alfo private fandification. From thofe publickmeetings which are wan., fication, dine 10-Smiles, fpiritual fayrs, everyman mutt carry away commeattost anima , pro- vifion for his foul, for the informing his underftancling , reforminghis will, and re-1 gulating his affeetions, and in this we muft do as men do at a market , proVide for our ufe all the week following. And being thus ftored andprovided, that great end Ezek.311,23. will begained, that God maybe fanClified, that is, that hemay be magnified , as the Prophet expounds it, And as thechief end of this day is, that Godmay be fanClified, that is, magnified, fo the fubordinate end is, that we may be fanCtifiedby the dutieswhich we muft then Exor1.3r. /;. perform. The Sabbath was a fig) between God and his people that they. might know that it was he that fandified them : That fo they being fanaified, might bring forth the fruits of fandification , as Chrift faith that he fantftified himfelf for our ;ems, fakes, not for his Own, Yob. 57.19. NowGod fanClified it, r. By appointing it to zach.7 3, a holyufe, as the Prophet was fanetified from the womb. z. By feparating it from t cor.roa6. other days for thingsor perfons fanCtified are fevered from common ufe. And, 3. By giving a fpecial blefling to theholy duties of his worfhip, on that day pet., fanned. And thus hemakes it holy, or fan it. And as God thins made the dayholy, we muff fanCtifie our felves, and then fanCtifie the day, as Hezek:sts faid to the Levites , SanCtifie your felves, and then as it follows, Sanetifie the houfe of God ; what Godbath fan&ifiedor made holy , that we may reap the benefit of it chgo, we muff fanClifie our felves , we cannot make it holy, but keep it holy ; it is oit rou.a . duty tokeep it holy, for if a thing be deftinatedto an ufe, and be not applied to it, it is perverted. We muff not then make that common whichGodhath fantlified, we are to apply it to the end to whichGod hath deftinated ity and ufe that holily whichGod hath fandified. The deftination is fromGod, the application mull be Aa.10 is. from our felves. When the Inftruments of theTabernacle were fancftified, what- Rot15.16. foever toucheth themmuff beholy : fo here Godhaving fanetified this day, all that touch it that live and breathe in it, that behold the Sun or light that day, mull be t Joh.2.27, holy. . Now for themeans of fanCtification, it is plain, that we are fanClified by the Holy Ghoft; and this fanelifying bath a refemblance to that of the Levitical fanetifyingy where nothingcould be fan(tified, but it mutt have ttrWiossem, be anointed with oyly a figure of the fpiritual union, which is nothing elfe but the fpiritual working of the Holy Ghoft inour hearts : fo that we mufffirft look whether we have this un- dion in us, that is, whether we have the Holy Ghoft, by which wemuff be fan. &fled, which as it i the gift of God, (we have it not of our felves) fo God denies Ldkt it not to thofe that askit, asour Saviour fpeaks; wemuff be fitted to receive it. As it is God that gives it, fo he gives it not to any but thole that areprepared to 6e- ceive it ; that we may underftand this,: we may take notice how the Holy Ghoft is compared to fire, now the matter muff be prepared and gathered by us , but it is Godthat gives thefpark, and makes it burn, and whenGod bathkindled the.fpark, ir