29 Chap.', of fan5ifying the day. Com.4, rtiay continue_the reft of the day , and be furnifhed with manor fufficient to wórk upon. Conference; 4. The fourth dutyof this day, is hot to be contented onlywith meditatingup- on there things in our clofets privately, but there muff be conference alto between our felves andothers, about what we have heard. And this is done two manner of ways. Mal.; 7. i. The firff iswith them that have taught us, if wedoubt of-any thing we are to confer with thePrieft. TheProphet tells us, that thePriefts lips fhould keep know - Luke 2.46- ledge, and we are to Peek the Law at his mouth. We read that it was our Saviours praClife : for itwas a cuflorn of old, that after the fotemnity on the eighth day, the laff of the feaff, that the Teachers fate down at the Table, and the Auditors ((land- ing about them) propoundedDoubts and Queflions , that they might be refolved in them. And fo no doubt was Chrift, at twelve years old not as anOppofer, but in the ¡late of a Learner ; though he difcovered a great gift that way above his Luke 3. ra, years. And if points of Do:(lrine fail, then others concerning pra&ife are to be A&2.37. refolved , fuch as the Souldiers and Publicans put to `John, and the People to the Apoftles. Now becaufe there are now adays no Doubts, no putting of Queflions, it is a fagrt that the fear of God is utterly extingnifht in mens hearts ; and if there be any doubts at all, they are not propounded with thatheart which theydid it, that Paid, Men and brethren, what (hall we do ? or what (hall we leave undone ?' btát onlyfor fome finifter ends. a. The fecond is between the hearers themfelves , and that , r. Either among Gal.a.5'. equals, as S't. Paul with S't. Peter, and Elias and Elizens who communed together, Reg a. ae. and the. twoDifciples, with whom Chrift made a third. And it was the old cuftom, ukea4.rs,i..., . aril. ;. r6, às it is in the Prophet, that they that feared the Lord, fpake every one to his neigh- bour, &T. to which a fpecial bleffing is promifed : That God would keep a Book of remembrance, for fuch men, and that he would (pare them, cc. By this means a moregeneral benefit may bereaped of what is heard , when many 'hall lay toge- ther What they have obferved, as in a Symbolum, or common 'hot, Whereby fome that had no benefit by the Cord when they firfl heard it, may receive fome good by it afterwards, andby mutual conference men may lay open their infirmities and im- perfeelions, which hinder them in hearing and applying the Word, and may re- . ceivediredions from others , whole cafebath been the fame, how theywere holpen' and freed from the like. a. Or elfe between fuperiours and inferiours, as the Matter and his Family. And this was Gods Commandment to the Ifraelites concerning his Law, they 8eur 6 7. were toteach their children, and to whet it upon them, as the Word imports; Thom ".i9, 'hair talk_ of it when thou fttefi in thinehoufe, and when thou lreJf down, and when thou rifer rep, &c. p,afr g. The fifth and Intl duty for fandifying the day (not to be paired over) is praife and thankfgiving. Augufline accompteth it tobe return opus Sebbeto, the whole work of the Sabbath, as if the day were made for nothingelfe. And to this end (as hath been Paid before) the ninety fecond Pfalm was penned tobe fung as a Hymn Or Song to praife God. Now praife and thankfgiving may be either for general or particular benefits : For general benefits we havethe ninety firft, fixty eight, and hundred and third Pfalms. For particular benefits, (as for fair weather after rain, éfalm 35' 8. or rain after too muchdrought, &c.) we have thefixty fifth Pfalm. For there we mull (with David) praife God in the great Congregation. Efpecialfy teeing thankf- giving is accounted by David tobe a debt due unto God in refpr h of his goodnefs in hearing our Prayers; and it is the very reafon the Pfalmift gives for it, Fraife 29.2. watcheth for thee in Sion ; or as others read it, T'ibi debetur Hymnus, a hymn is due 96.8 to thee from Sion; the reafon is expreffed in the next words, BeCaufe" thou art a 65.1'2' God that heareft prayers. Betides all thefe mentioned, the Sacraments and Difcipline are parts of the Exod:ratrá, fan&ification of the day , but are not for every day , but to be performed on fpecial days , and by fome fpecial perfons , whereas the other duties of theday pertain generally to all, and ought to be continually performed, So that