63111 4. Offancúfying the Clay, Chap.6. 29 no man ought to conceive, that hebath done enough in performing them once. .Q14; npocss.ir. fanttifcaties eft, fanEtificeturadhuc: He that is holy let him be holy Hill. There is a neceflity of continuing in thefe meansof fanEtification every Sabbath day. For as our knowledge is but in part, and our prophecying but in part, (as the Apoftle t Co; t ;°9 fpeaks) fo our fandification is but in part, therewill 1íi11 remain a ncceffity of that Joh 5'39- exhortation, Scruramtni Scriptural, search the Scriptures. We arecontinually to ""I''''''7.14° wafh our robes in the bloodof the Lamb ; that is, we mull (till come nearer and nearer to cleannefs, until by continuing in thefe holy exercifes, we may at lad fave r Tim.4a d. our felves. And'thus much for the feveral duties, wherein the fanfhifying of the day con- fills. Now the means are for theend, which is the fruit of them , Nemo medüs estirar proprer media, no man ever ufethmeans onely for the means, but for fome end. And therefore he that planteth a Vineyard, and he that tilleth and foweth his ground, hoc ofuleirnam, frudíur; that which he aimeth at, is the fruit and harveft: This iS the fruit that God experts, the great end of this Commandment, that his Name . may be fantified in and by us We have the very phrafe of fpeech inthe BookofNumb, aari: Numbers ; Becaufe yebelieved nienot to fandhifie me in the pretence ofthe Children of Ifrael, therefore ye fhall not bring the Congregation into the Land which I have given them : this was Gods fpeech to Mofes and Aaron. And in another place the like, San tifcare & fuedíi eflore, San hifié your felves, and be ye holy. Such words Levir4o.7. in refpel of the two fold glory that redoundeth to God , have a double fence : God is glorified, r. Either by us directly, or z. from us, by other, indireftly; as it is in the Gofpel, when men teeing our good works, are flirted up alto to gió- Marh.5.16. rifie him. And therefore it is, that thefe words, [Sanctification, Glori&eacioü &c.]' have a double fenfe. r. Fill, to lignifie a making holy, &c, and that by.tnéans: in which refpeef fan!tification is a making holy. 2. In regard of others, adeclaringof this fandification fo made. By the firft (according to St. Peter) we Make fore to out a'tr,r.io, felves ourcalling and eleftion. And by the fecond, we declare it-to others, that as we glorifie God our (elves , foGod may be glorified by others alfo. Skew me thy faith by thy ',vorks, faith Saint ,games. Whereby it falleth out that becaufe good Jam s i5. Workshavé this operation to dir up others to glorifieGod, that out Saviour faith, Mat.ra.ra, That a good work is lawful on the Sabbath day ; fuch works difeover our'regenera- fion, and if we bepurged and fan tified ,we (hall be . as the Apodle faith, eic erxr a Titn.i,ar, b),!, ay -9.v +,z.i,JetN4ot, prepared or madefFtfor every good work. So that when° Godthath ufed the means, we mull bring forth the fruit C FI 'A P. VII. i4 orks of Mercy proper for the Lords day. They are oftwo farts. t..irft, Cor= peral, feeding the hungry, &c. Burying of the dead a worhof mercy. Sewn works proper for a feftival. Objections anfwered. 2. Spirituals. I. 7'o iniiruE, coup f and exho . 2. Com fort." . Re P too f. 4- Forgiving. f, Bearing with,the gea¿t 6. Prayer: 7. Reconciling thofe that are itt odd?; But becaufe the day was chiefly inflituted for a memorial of Gods great mercies;' ofwork! of as, i For making Us, when we were nothing. z. Secondly, for redeeming us Merl* when we wereworfe than nothing, 3. And ladly, For the beginningof our fan- Certification : therefore in regardof thefe three great merciesit is, that nolvork doth fo well agreewith the day , nor that God-is fomuch delighted to , a's'khe works oil' mercy , when we thew our - thankfulnefs for thofe great°mercies which we celebrate on thatday, by cacercifing mercy towaids others, whófe neceflity requires our affr dance. And-in this regard ît is, that there is a fpecial affinitybetween fanEf ificationof 7 O a z tine