Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

%g'a Chap:7. Of works of ariercyr'to be performed ota this clay. Corsi 4. 13oí,6.6. the day and works of mercy, The. Prophet tells us, that,God refufeth -all fcrifice, M t Ç.t3 and requirethmercy, fo that facriEe withoutmercy was rejetted ' " _,. Let us compare this with the Ritual fanflification in the Law. As anointing was the firft part of typical fanftifying, of which we fpake formerly, fo was there alló a fecond : if it were a Perfon, his handwas filled by Aaron, Douro6 r3" Zëvit maau.r cjrP Aaron , If it were an Altar, then was there fomewhat offered on it. So that Oblationor filling the hand was the fecond way Of legal fan3ifying. In the Law there was a charge to Aaron, that whenfoever men carne to appear before the Lord, none fhould appear empty. And therefore in another place there is mention k.xoA.29 -3 a. made of a basket of fan hificationat the door of the Tabernacle, in which was re- reeved the bread offered by the people, Which the Priefts werero eat with the flelh of the facrifices.- And the very fame order was taken in the time of the Golpe], r Co, r 6.,,1. that on the Lords day theme fhould be collections for the poor. But there isno place Deu:.a4. that fetteth tiffs out more plainly, than the 26 Chapter of Deuteronomy, the whole ;C..hapter throughout; where the manner is particularly fet down, how the people were to bring their baskets of flea-fruits to the tabernacle, and offer them there to the Lord, in torten of thankfulnefs, andas an acknowledgment that they received all fromGod And likewife every third year befides the ordinary tythes, ,they were to bring the titheof the remainder to the Tabernacle, for thenfe of the Levite, the poor, the fatherlefs and&anger, that they'might rejoice together, etc. , Now mercyas nufery is tsi o-fdki, r. Corporeal, and i. Spiritual tither out- ward, and fach, as are for the good of the body of him that is in mifery; or inward, and fbeh as, concernhis foul or fpirit. For +1 e b'dY. T. For theórft of there, our Saviour himfelf mentions fix works of mercy in two Verfes ofone.Chapter, which as fore as he is,Chrift, he will, acknowledge, 'and take fpecial notice of, whenhecomes to judge the world ; andas he will pronounce thofe l;áppy,and-bleffedthat have exercifed them, fo he will denounce a curie upon thofe Matti 5,4t that have negleßed theist : three of them are in the Eft of the two : r. Feeding the hungry. í..,Gjvingdrink to the chiefly. 3. Merciful dealingwith, and entertaining the (hanger Apd the other three are in thenext verve : ; . Clothing, the naked. . a. Viftirgthe lick. 3. ;And fuccouring them that be in prifon. To,which may be s ça n g le added a fevcnth, which is the cere of the dead: we fee thatKing David pronoun- eeth a blaiing fromGod tothe men of Yauefb Gilead, bccaufe they had buried the joha g., body of Sat21, . And our Saviour commendeth the work of Mary in her anointing him, as having relation to thedayof his burial. We find alto-yrfeph of -Arimatbca, and 1Vicrdernas reeonmeeded topoflerity, for theirworkof mercy in this kind ; the one for begging the body of !efus tobury it, and the other for 3f-titlinghim in the charge Lie. de 04,1 of interring it. Augu fiine gives a reafon why the burial of the dead ought to besr- pro rnmtsk. counted a-work of mercy. It is done, (faith he) Ne patear miferia, that this mi- fery of rotting (being both lothfom to the eye and nofe) fhould not appear to every man. As alto, becaufe every one loveth his own flefh fo well, that he would have it after his death well and honeitly ufed, and therefore this is a benefit done to him, when hecannot help htmfelf. And in thefe refpeäts it is a work of mercy, -. .That theweeks of mercy are moffrequifite, (andefpecially upon Our feafls) ap- , China. c e.- pears by that sf hieh is related of David, who upon his facrifice on a feflival day dealt tó every Manand woman (the poorer fort no doubt) a loaf of bread, and a good Nehern.8.10. piece of flefh; and a flagon of drink. And by that Which is floried of Nehemiah, who upon the Sabbath day (after the Law read and expounded) commanded the better fort to eat the fat, and drink the fweet, and to fend portions to them for whom neth g,,wak,piepared ;rA,nd certainly there is a bleflìng- orfmélifying proper to tpgm ;atid3 ie g ions thatfltall be mindful of the poor,; and Phewmercy to them. art 35 S. Paul ;e%ttte-Atelelia,g b Afit it is a moreblefred thing,to give than to receive, efpeeiafly :fççingGod fo ácçet»tethworks of mercy as that he imputeth not fin to Dm.4.2'. tie truly charitable. Therefore it was that Daniel gavethat counfcl to Nehuchad- nez,z,ár, 3K4,41,lpffthy fins,tíy righxcoufnefs, and time iniquityby mercy to thepoor. Luke n.4r. An4.ouq Sg jpgrgave thel_ike, in his fermes,' Give alms of fueh things as you have, andd thin rwelean to:you, Whereas he that floppeth his ears at the cryof the Pr0v.2r.13 poi, he alto fhallcry himfelf, and not be heard. $ur