'94 Chaps. Of faffigg. Costa. Altar',; äs if hewill be reconciled, then pray for him. It was as well Chrifts pra- 44. Ctife, ashis counfel, Father forgive them. So did the Proto-martyr Stephen. Gre- Luk.22.34 gory faith, Qidar & non dimirtir, he that giveth and forgiveth not, doth a work A ,`o that is not acceptable to God; fed fi dimirrir eriamf non der, but he that forgiveth, Ift a Mat.23 s though he give not, fhall be forgiven of God ; as oft as he forgiveth others, fi us pons limitem Deus tibi poner limitem. If thou fette(t bounds to thy forgiving, God will do the like to thee ; but if thou forgiveft without limit , nor puttelt bounds to thy brothers offence by pardoning it, God will put no limit to his pardoning of thy fin. g. Another is in Rom. i g. s. We that are ftrong, ought tobear the infirmitiesof the weak. Alter alterius oneraportate, Bear ye one anothcrs burden, Gal. 6. a. r Theff. 5. 54. Jam.5.i6. 6. The (ixth is takenout of Saint fames, Praying for one another, even for our enemies it was Chrifts counfel Matthew 5. 44. and his prat-fife ./.4:k, 23. 34. and this is reputed for a workof mercy. Augufline faith, Caufaberisforraffe to non poffe dome:- you may perhaps cavil and fay, Thou canft not teach : forne are as forward, to advife you, as you them ï and that you have not the gift of comforting :or if you rebuke them for their faults, they will defpife you. But for this, and the two Iaft works of.mercy, there can be no excufe, menquid dices, non poffism dimittere of- fendenti, toforgive one that bath offended thee, to bear withhim, to pray for him, thefe thingsmay be always done, st malirla ignofcatur India excellentia, niella fapien- ria, nukes divitits opus eft. To pardon wrong done to us, (and fo to bear with the weak, and to pray for any) there is neither excellency, nor wifdomi, nor riches re- quifite or neceffary. átA.S9 7. The daft kind of faits is, the reconciling of them that be at variance, or the making peace betweenman and man. By this atf (as our Saviour tells us) we thew our felves to be the childrenof God, and as (he further faith) there will a bleffing La. cony. Par. follow peace-makers. But here falleth in an objection, What if they will not be men. reconciled ? Aquiline anfwereth it, If thou haft dose thy good will pacificus es, thou art apeace - maker. And thefe arethe feven fruits of mercy fpiritual. Befides thefe, whatfoever is a work according to the Law of God, is alfo acceptable, but efpeci- ally thefe. C HAP. VIII. Thefecondrule ofhomogenea. Falling, reduced hither. Commandedsender the Gofpel. Y. Publicl¿,falls for averting of evil of punifhment, which is either malum graffans, or impendens, or of fin, for procuring of good. 1. Private falls, and the cables of them. Theparrs of a fall. r. External abfiinence frommeat, pep, coIlly ap. parel, pleafure, fervile work, alms then to be given. Secondly, internal humiliation' for fin, promife of reformation. The third rule, our fall and obfervationofthe Lords day mull be fpirotual. ! T Hus far we have proceeded according to the firtl rule of extenfion , that where any thing is commanded, the contrary is forbidden, and e contra. Offalfingrie Come wenow, as in the former , to the rule of homogenea, that is, whereany :de. thing is commanded, there all things are commanded that are of the fame kind ; Lev.11.3 t, which is the fecond rule. And we find in the Law, that the day of humiliationor 1-34 `fafting is called a Sabbath, and fo may be reduced hither as homogeneal. Saint Au gailine Paidwell, that if the Sate of Innocency had continued, thenhad there been onedayonly to havebeenobfervedby Chriftians ; and that to have been fpent only in the dutyof praife and thankfgiving: But fince the fall of Adam, there are fuck p¡al,0,10, defects and wants in our fouls, that God is not only to be glorified facrificio Eucha. Memt.a5. rifliæ, by the facrifice of praife, but alfo facrifcio fpiriutscontribslatl ( humiltato. by the facrifice of a troubled andhumbled fpirit : his reafon is, Qia bonuses perfetle Weans St. 17. ut volumes non pofumus, becaufewe cannot perform any good thing fo well as we 33.5 would Andhe alledgeth that place of Saint Paul, I donot the good things that I Rom. S. is. would. That tie that lieth upon us in the other Sabbath, cannotbe fo well per