Of íä.1i g' Chap.ó. 295' forced by usas it ought to be, and thereforemulto vuncfrequentius humiliai aper- tet, we have caufe toglorifie God oftner by this facrifice of humiliation, for attone- ment, than by the other. So thatas the other tendeth to initiation of the joys to come, for prirtfe is the exercifeof the Saints and Angels, and herein havea heaved Col 3.1,5. upon earth, fo this to mortification of our earthlymembers in this life; and it is the Ordinance of God, that each of thefeSacrifices thould have its day. And though fome doubt of the morality of the Sabbath , yet that fading is a mo- ral duty, there can be no doubt : The reafort is , becaufe whatfoever was a meet ceremonymight not be ufed at anyother time , or inany otherplace or order than was prefcribed by God in the Book of Ceremonies : but this of fatting hath been othé>äwtfe, for upon extraordinary occafions they had fpecialfails, as in the fifths and feventh, and tenth month, noneof which wereprefcribed by the Law; and.had not been lawful, if failing were a ceremony, for ceremonies in the time-ofthe Law were tied tocertain times and places. Again, though -our, Saviour gave a reafo why his l ifciples fhould not then fad, yet he (hewed plainl n y, that after the Bride. Joel 2 ps, groom fhould be taken away from theist, (aftet his taking up into Glory) they zach.7.5. fhouldfatt, and that this duty fhould continue. And we fee it was the praelife of the Churchat the fending forthof Paul awl Bar- An.334. nabas; and Saint Paul himfelf hadhis private fallings, in multis jejuniis, in failing 2 Cora 1a7. often : and his advice was to marriedpeople , to fever themfelves for a time, to C°",9. give themfelves to falling andprayer which fhewethplainly, that it was accounted aneceffary duty, and thereforeprac`tifed. Now for the other times of the Primitive Church, the Books of the Fathers are exceeding full in praifeof falling, and they themfelves were fo addifted to it, and did therewith fo coñfunae themfelves; that P151.109.24. they might well fay with David, Their knees were made weak with fatting, andtheir fletif had loft all their fatnefs. The day of httilliation, or day of fall; receiveth a divifion of publick and private. t. For the firfl, itwas lawful to blow the Trumpet at it. And, feeondly, for r b1;ckíäl{s the fecond, it was to be kept as privately asmight be, none mull know of it : but` Joel z. is. the ends andparts of both were alike. Mar,6.76. Now the reafonsof the publick fail were thefe : r. Eitherfot the averting of.fome evil : z, Or for procuring forme good. And becaufe Mthoñ eft at puma asst cui. pæ , ,evil is either of pun (hment or of fin ; this duty was performed ágainfl both thefe; but .efpelially againil'punifhment, either ofour felves or others. And in both it is eitherprefent, which isMalum,raffans, or hanging over our heads, which is impe zdens, . T. A prefent evil is, whentheChurch or Commonwealth hath any of the Lords arrows'or [hafts flicking iá their fides; ;ás Chryfoftom faithwell on,yof,7,6) As when Pfa1.311.s. the menof At had difcomfited the childrenof Head, yofhuah and the people Mani= Jom76. bled themfelves before God by apublick fall. And upon the overthrow given them by theBenjamites, the people likewife befought the Lord ih a publick fail. So in the time of their captivity under'the Phili(lims, the Prophet Saint el proclaimed a' judgào,atf; public&fad. And the like upon a dearth in the timeof ,yoel,' ï 1 sam.7,6. 2. When as yet the judgment of God was not comeupon them, but was only imminent, afaitwas proclaimed by ,yehofaphat upon the A'nnnonites and Moabites Jod a,i : coming againif him ; He feared and fer himfelf to Peek t Lord, and proclaimeda 2 Cbro®.2o,3 fat} throughout all ,yudah. Alto upon'Humans decree gottenagainfc the'Jews, be- fore il was put in execution, Efiher caufed a generalfall to bekept among the Jews. Effh.5.26. And when Nnzivehwas threatned with defirnition to comeupon it within forty days, Jon 3.5. theKing canfed a publick fall to be held. So when this punifhinent lieth' not upon our felves, but upon the Churches about us, the like duty is to be performed. We have an example in this kind, for the Jews' difperfed through Babylon and Chaldea , in the Prophet Za- Zachq.t: Chary. z. To come to malum culpa, the evil of fin , in regard of our offences againft God ;and that they defe'rve to be punifhed, we are to perform this duty, obtain pardon, end" topacifie his Wrath We fee[that theYew's havingoffended Gód by tar kin¡