Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

z9S Chap. 9. The Places for Public&Worfhip, &c. Com. 4. The third Rule tells usaccording toour former method, that the love ofGod is fpiritual, and fo afwell the fall, as the obfervation of the feftival ought to be fpi- ritual (as bathbeenpartly handled already ). The Prophet Efay knew the neceflity hereof, and therefore urges both in one Chapter, Efay 58. he reproves their fait, becaufe they retied inoutward abftinence negleéting the fpiritualduties, without which it is of no value, verie 3, 4, &c. andver. 13. he tells them they mutt not do their pleafure on Gods holy day,but call it a delight not doing their own ways, nor ,finding their own pleafure, &c. Thus we mull fanditie the Lord in our hearts, as S. Peter requires, 1.Pet,3. 15. and fo we (hall fanétifie the day to him in an accepta- ble manner. 3.1rtt. CHAP. IX. The fourth Rule of the means and helps to keep this Commandment, via. T. Places. 2. Perfotes.3.Maintenance.a OfpublickPlacesfor DivineWorfhtp.Dheplace as well as the Time Holy,andboth to bereverenced.Add. 2 5. out of the Authors otherworks,concern- ing the AdorningofGods houfe,and egainfl facriledge inprophaning it. Addition 26. Further additionsconcerning Churches, or Placesof Gods PP- or/hip : let Places triedfront the beginning : the neceffityof them fromnatural inflitta. Their dedication and the ufe ofit. Godisfoie Proprietor,asofPlaces,f o eel! the Churchespatrimony. All humanepro- priety extinctby dedication: the Clergy have onely ufum, ac fraétum; no fee-fimpleby the Law Civilor municipal inanyman, but a quali feudons onely, h' Thxe M¢oLeaws.: IN the next place ( according to the former rules ofExpedition) we are to proceed to thofe things which help and conduce to the keeping of this Commandment, which weufually call the Means ; for where the end is commanded, there thofe things are alfo commanded, without whichtheend cannot be attained. Nowwhereas the folemn duties of this day cannot be performed in a publick manner, without aPlace fet apart, and Perfons enabled to perform fuch high and facred a lions : and becaufethofe Perfons mull be trained up, that they may be fit for fuchgreat andweighty imployments,andnot taken upex tumultuario grege,out of thecommon rout,which cannotbe without coli & charge.Therefore both places and Perlons fanétified to thefe purpofes,and Maintenancealto for the Perfons,and for the univerfities and fchools oflearning, when theyare to be prepared for the work, are commanded by God, and included in this precept; and foof thefe we are to fpeak in the next place, viz. of t. Places. 2. Perlons. 3. Maintenance. Pfacesof ub- r. For the Place, we find it joyned with the day in feveral places, Tefluall keep ieo7d . my Sabbaths, and reverence my Sabbath : Where the obfervationof the Day is a6. a, joyned with the reverence of the Place in one verle, making them thereby to be of one nature. This thould be obferved by thofemen among us, whoare fo !hid and punéIualabout the Day, urging it even to Jewifh iuperttition, and yet are wholly negligent of the Place,and prophane it moll of all: when-as 'h is moll certain, that pfalm.133.14. the Time and Place dopari paffu ambulare, and that there is nomoreceremony in t con r r. 22. the one, than in the other; but that both areofthe like moral ufe, and both alike vtbatbrbwam- capable offan&ification ; and thePlace the more capable of the two as a thingper- tin, chnrch,is manent, whereas the Time is tranfient. Meet meant, not the perlons, but The Day is the day ()fret}, & when we hallowit,it is called the Lords ,eft;and the the place,is the fame name is given by God himfelfto the Place, when it is confecrated to him, This opinionof moft is my reft for ever, here will I dwell, for Ihave a delight therein, faith God ofSion : of the Fathers. concerning which as the Apoltles took order, that the exterior part ofGods wot- in levir.Bafl. imp thould be performed decently and in order, fo alto that the Place ofwor- Morgl.Reg}o. fhip thould not be prophaned,but decently ke pt,and reverently eftee.ned,andthere- Hiet.1'QtlxEptft. fore the Apoltle reproves the Corinthians for their. irreverentcarriage in the place, Sedul.0 yl whereby theydefpifed the ChurchofGod, * Haveye not hooferto eat and drink in ? or The- de e e e the Church o God ? But if he had lived in thefetimes,what wouldhe have ödor. oecum. fYf y r locum, rum faid,to fee the Houles ofGod, and Places ofworlhip fo highly prophaned Sc abufed skis. and fohomely and poorly kept,that the Table of the Lord,where (as S.Chryfollome faith)