Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Coln. 4. Ofplaces for PublickWorJbip., &c. Chap 9. =99 faith, Tremenda Dei myleria,the dreadful myfieries ofGod are celebratcd,looks more like an oyfter-boardora table to eat oysters on,than the holy Table fit for Gods San- âuary. This is fo far from Pompa,outward pomp (which is the extream that tome men pretend to be againft)that it comes far (port ofSgit oodtá, that decency which is required in Gods houle. This is a thing to be thoughton,and though it may feem to fomenot to be intergraviora legis, yet I amPure it is not to be neglected, as we fee it is now-adays : for as by travelling, working, &c. we flew that we efteem not the day, fo the very walls and windows,and other parts neglected, thew we efteem not Gods fánfáuary. Concerning theadorning of the houfe of God, the Author (as bere briefly ) f more A dition 2 5= f rhf uy in other places ex rr of ethhim f l f Serm. on Mark t4.4> 5, 6. page 2 95 If o nt- Churches, ment might be fpent on Aarons bead under the Law, feeing a greater tban Aaron is bere, why not on his too ? I find that neither under the Lam, be liked of their motion, Whatfhould the Temple do with Cedar ? neither under the Gofeel of theirs , What jhould Chrifis head do with Nardus ? but that to his praife it is recorded in the old Teftament that find, Shall I dwell in my cieled houfe, and the Ark ofGod remain i Chron.i ¡a. undergoats skins ? andhers in the new, . that thought not her hell ointment too good for Chrifis head ? Surely they inEgypt bad theirferviceofGod, it may be ist a barn, or in four other corner ofan houfe; yet when Mofes moved a cofily Tabernacle, no man .wat found that oncefaid, our Fathers ferved Godwell enough without one, ut quid perditio hxc ? After that many Prophets and righteous menwere well when they might worfhip before theArk; yet when Solomon moved aflatelyTemple, never was any found that wouldgrudge andfay, Why, the Ark is enough; IprayGodwe ferve God no worfe,than they thatknew nothing but a tent; At quid perditio have ? Onely in thedays ofthe Gaf. pel ( whichofallothers leallfhould ) there)eps up Judas, and dareth to lay that aainlf Cbrifts Church, thatno man durfl ever either againfl Mofes Tent, or Solomons Tern-. plc, &c. In thefamefermon a little before, 294, The Scriptures record ( as a good work) that that was laid down at theApoflles feet, no lefe than this that waslaid onChrifls own bead. And in them Ananias a Church-robber, and Judasa Cbriff robber bothin onecafé. Satan isfaid to have filledtheir hearts in that Atï. a lndthe like end came to both, andboth are good remembrancesfor themthatfeekandfay, as theydidiyea that wouldnot be content todetain apart (Ananiasand Judas went further )but would feine onallgladly, if agracious Lady °° didnotfay, finite. inanother Sermon on John '°o E1i;af, 483 .To reform Churches, and then feekto diffolve them, willbecounted among the errours ofour age. Cbrifi was farfrom -it ; be that would notfee it abufed, would never endure tohave it de/frayed, when be bad reformed the abufes. After in thefame Sermon, page48 ç. Solvite Templum, is no Commandment (before ) in nofence. FIe commands not to defiroy anyTemple, not that they tbemfelves meant to be defiroyed. It werefacriledge, that, andno better: andfacriledge the Apo(lle ranks with Idolatry, at being fullout as evil, if not werfe than it. But indeed werfe ; for what Idolatry, butpollutes facriledg pulls quite down ; and eafier it is to new- hallow a Temple pol- luted,than to build a new one out ofa heap offiones.And if tofpoil aChurch be facriledge (as it is granted )yet thatleaves fomewbat, at lea/I the walls androof (f itbe not lead ). To leave nothing,but down with it, is the cry ofEdom, theworfl cry, the modsfacriledge ofa.; and nevergiven in Charge to any'we may befire.) For God bimfelffaid to David with bis own mouth, Whereas it was in thine heart to build mea houfe, thou didlf well, that thou waft fo minded. Didfi well ? well done to thinkofbuilding ? thene fenfu contrario, evildoneto thinkofdilving, and that which isevil,Chrifi Will never enjoys. Againll de(iroyingofChurches much more may be read in that Sermon, where be(hews, that itis theproper workofaPharifie todelfroyTempÿles, for to them it was /Pokes:, John 2.19. andthat to deffray the Temple is tokillChrifl, and that Cbrifl (comparing his body to tbeTemple) bis meaning was tofhew, he would bave us to makeaccount of the Tern- Annot.a6. plc, andfa to ufo it, aswe wouldbis own very body; and tobe tar farfrom deflroyingone, Ofthe Anti - atwewould be ofdeflroying the other,&c. qunr, necefli_ ty andpQ fanda. To eretl and fet up certain places for the exercife of the rites of Religion, lede- forpubllik s rivedfront the inflintï ofnature, and approved by God from the beginning. It begun worlhip not (as a learned man faith) with that Tabernacle or ambulatory Temple, which P p 2 Mofes