Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

t { Soo Chap. 9. The Places'for Pühlic&WorJïiip, &c. Corn. 4 Mofes caufed to be made by Gods appointment at Mozint Sinai 'but was much more ancient. Noah built an Altar as foon as he came out of the A. Abra- ham, Ifaac and Jacob ; ( wherefever they came to pitch their tents ) erec7ed places for divine worfhip ( that is, Altars with their fepts and exclofures ) with- out anyfpecial appointing from God. To this purpofe that profound and judicious Hooker, Polit. lib. 5. fee. o 1. faith > That Mewl duties ofpublick fervice to be dote unto God, muff have their places fet and prepared in fzach fort as befeemetb alti+ ens ofInch regard. Adam even during the pace of his /mall continuance in Pa_ Gen. 3:: 8: radife, had where to prefent himfrlf before the Lord. Adam's f ns had out ofPara- 4- 3. dig in like fort whither to bring their fcrifices. The Patriarchs ufed Altars, 221: mountains and groves Jr o the felf-fame purpofe. In the vaft wildernefr when the 21.33. people of God had themfelves no fitted habitation yet a moveable Tabernacle they Exod.26. ,were commanded to make. The like charge was given again/} the time they Deut. tr. 5 fhould come" to fettle themfelves in the landwhich had beenpromifad to their Fathers: 2Chron. 6 3. a Chton. . 7, 1You fhall feek that place which the Lord your God (hall chafe. When God ha jPfa1m'13z, 5: chafes: 7ertefalem, and in (erufalemMount Moriah, there tohave his /landing, habita- tion made, it was in the chiefelt of Davids defires to have performed f good a. work. His griefwas no lefs that hecould not have the honour to buildGoda 'temple, than their anger is at this day, who bite afunder their own tongues with very wrath, that they have not as yet the power to pull down the Templeswhich they never built, and to level them with the ground. Thus and much more to thispurpofe, thatlearned and devout man, who am.ongit others learnedly handles thefeveral pointsconfiderable inthis fubjeti: viz. the convenienry and necef ty of having fitplaces firpublicZ worlhip, 1óë' confecratingand dedicatingoffuckplaces toGod,the honour and reverence due to them,and" the conveniency and fitnefs of adorning them in the mollfumptuous manner, andtbat it favours nothing of Judaifmor fuperffition,but becomes eventhe moftfjoiritual times ofthe Gofpel. Setif. 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17. The Iolemn dedication of Churches ferns not onely to make them publick, butfar: ther to ferrender up that right which otherwife the founders mighthave in them. and to make God himfelf the owner, as that learned Author fpeaks, Se& 12. p. 204 Imay adele, that hence it is, that not one) the Civil andCanon Laws,' but even our Common Laws do account f places together with the Churches Patrimony,' and whatfoever is dedicated to'C to be Gods right. and that he.os the fólePropri tor,` all humane propriety being xtinguithedby the confécration, and that all that the Clergyhave is ufum fructum, as Admimnilfratorsor TrufeesfromGod, who bathgiven them the ufe, referving the Dominionand right in bimfIf. And therefore our Lawyers re/Wye, that there is no Feeanople ofa Church, either in the Bilbop, Patron orIncum- bent ( though all other lands are ref lved into a Feeftmple, which is in fbme or other )? but there isa Qafì feudum in the Incumbent during life, the Low gives himfomething' like aFeefor life, whereby he may fitsfor the rights ofthe Church, but a proper Fee is in none but in God alone. Th f that rancidfee more ofthisfubjet'i, may read among many others, two learned Trails, by tworeverend and learned menofthis Church: The one in anfwer toa letter written at Oxford to Satn id Tornerconcerning the Church, . and the Revenues thereof. The other entituled, CHURCH LANDS, NOT TO BE SOLD. ` Among the Schoolmen, Thom. 2. 2. q. 9t. and the Com:nentators ruhint. TheCarlo :illsincap.iai:rilegiomr7 q. 4. The Summilfs verb. Saceitegiam. Efpecially Suarez de Religione, lib. de Sacrilegio per totum. 71.741 briefly for the Places ì nowfor the Perfon!. CiIAP. ti {