Coin. 4 OfPerfons fit apart for Gods Service. 3o CRAP: X. Ofperfonr fet apart for Gods fervile, The mißrn, choice, the reverence due to them. The benefit received by then, I,ritual, and temporal. Prep'ráers of 1¿ingdonr. Hu. mane laws andpoliciesnotfidicient, without a teaching PrieJl'c. examples in divers Monarchies andKingdoms. COncerning whom we know, that God hath Paid of him, that he is the,mef- The Pof n:. Fenger of the Lordof hoffs, he is appointed by God to (land between God ma1.2.7. and man, and Saint Paul faith of himfelf and other minifiers of God, that they ...or. Heri r. are the Ambaffadors of Chrift, to deliver Gods meffage to men of all forts; as 5 ze, well to the higheff Prince, as to the lowelt of the people. They are lent with a commillion, they come not of themfelves mittam to I will fend thee faith God to Mofes, and vade ad populum, go to the people faith God to Efay. And this Eaod. +3. ro. cuflom of fending by commifíîon was continued by Chrift and his Apoftles and Hfa,.6.t. by their fuceeffors in all ages of the Church. As my Father fent me, fo fend I you faith Chrift to his Apoftles. And though God by the Prophet calleth thefe jolt. 2ö. it; men thus feat, his own mouth, and that the meffage they deliver tous, is not Jer. x5.19. their own, but Gods : Yet it falleth out with them oft-times, as with theday and place, they are difefteemedand neglected. For as in former times, wicked Princes thought meanly of them, as that to oftbe reve- them appertained nothing, but to burn incenfe,and make ready facrifices:and there- ence due to fore Jeroboam appointed totheir office the 'owe(' of the people, fuch as would fill the pefo¢.. their hands, infomuch as the Prie(ts office grew into contempt : in like man- 'htn'r.33 net there are now Tome, that think the office of a minifter of God to be nothing 13. 33' but the reading ofa few prayers, and going up into a pulpit, and (peaking there an hour, which fome do without fence or reafon, withbút any reverence or regard to the dignity of the work and high place to which they are called. Therefore God himfelf takes order for. procuri the more honour to the calling ( and that for the peoples good ) that they !hall t only teach and inftrud the people, let 7acob to fchool, and learn Ifrael his leffon, but they (hall teach even Kings and Princes themfelves ; they muff give 7oßhua his charge, and the higheft sr, on eatth mutt not fcorne to be direéted and inftruded by'thcm in things concer- eut.3t.p., ing God and their own falvation: Princes have need of fuch to affifl them, as in o- 2; Cher ads of government, fo efpecially in matters of religion, and in particular for fandifying the Lords day. Theymay by their ftatutes and penal laws 'enjoyn the external sell on that day, but the works of fandification, wherein the ce- lebration of the day chiefly conlfls, are the proper work 'of the Prieff ; heft is that muff teach the Laws of God which reach to the foul and inward man. It is the duty of Princes, who are cuffodes utriufq; tabule, keepers of both tables, feeing they cannot perform the work of fandification themfelves, to take care that fit perlons be provided and encouraged in this work. It's true, ifa Prince were only (as the Heathen man Paid ) Tanquam fubulcres like a herdsman that keepeth cartel , to take care of mens bodies and of their outward dive onely and that they wrong not one another by fraud or force, and had nocharge ofmens fouls, nor of Religion, he might negledt this work; but feeing it is otherwife,and that thecare of theChurch is committed to him,and that the foul is the principal part, therefore it is his duty to fee that fit and able perlons be provided for this work, luck as may be Dotlores Gentian, Teachersof the Na- tions. Therefore God would not have fuch as were to dohis work to be chofen ex tumultuari° grege, out of the common people, hand over head ; but out of thofe that had been trained up in the knowledg óf the Law ; for which pur- pofe they had their feveral Schools or üniverfities, as at *Kirjarb- Sepber, Ra- Joft5.15. moth-Sopbien, and t Naioth Nor were they to do Gods work till they were r Sarni. á well 9