3q2 Chap. /6. Ofthe Per,font fit apart for Gods Service. Coin.4. well fludied and able, to give reafons for that they did or laid, by Gods own 2 Tim.z.t 5. order they were under the law to be from thirtyyears old and upward to do the Num.4.3. work in the Tabernacle of the congregation. a Theff.5.13. And as good care was to be taken in the choiceof them, fo ought there be as Gat great inthe cherifhing and efleemof them. To efteem them very highly in love .4r4 for their works fake. As Saint Paul fpeaketh We fhould receive them as Angels A&5.34. of-God, as the Galatians did Saint Paul, and cleave to them, as his Auditorsdid to him > and ufe them as honourably and with as much refpe& as Princes receive and entertainforreign Ambaffadors : otherwife, they will neither profit us, we ¡hall receive no benefit by them, nor they be encouraged togo on cheerfully in their calling. Luk.ïoaó. Betides ( which is wont of all ) if we difefleemof them and defpife them, Gad will take it as an affront done to himfelf. He that defpifeth you ( faith Chrifl) def- pifeth me. It is a defpight done to God, not to the minifler only: and God will Num.r6,3z. take it to heart and avenge his own quarrel. Corah and the refs that murmured a- iz.ao. gainfk Gods fervants, felthis heavy indignation for it. Miriam ( Alcfe's own lifter ) was made a Leper for the like. offence. We fee what became of them that s Kin.z.24. fcorned Elifha, though their age might have pleaded Come excufe for them. And ( not to trouble you with many prefidents ) it is faid of the Jews, that they 'mocked the meffengers of God and defpifed his words ( how long ? ) until the wrath of the Lord arofe againfi his people, till there was no re- : chro.36.16. medy. But itis objeéted, what if the Minifier beofbad life and converfation ? we find Efra. 2.62. that thofe that were polluted were put from the Priefihood. To this we anfwer, many times it falls outthat either for a fmall caufe, or fometime upon no jufl one, the Minifler may be accounted fcandalous. If the offence be given really, and that without hope of the parties reclaiming that gives it, there is a legal courfe ( yet with charity ) to be taken againft him, the cenfures of the Church muff be exer- cifed againfl him,but in the mean time, we mutt carry a fair refpe t to them for his r Theft 2.13. fake by whom they are lent for the word we hear 'of them is not the word of r ltin.176' men, but of God. Health is not refufed though it come to us by the pre- . fcriptionof a fick man. Elias refnfed not his food, though brought to him by Ra- joh.r3,a9. yens. Nor was Chrifis alms one jote the worfe, though diliributed by the hands of yudas. Iev.2o.7. Indeed it cannot be denied that Gods intent was to have them all lights, all Nùin.16.9. holy, for he brought them neer to himfelf, and thérefore are called men ofGod : Kin.13.1. they fhould be like the Baptift burning and fhining lights; and if we will confider 5 the work they are to undergo, we (halt find they had need tobe both holy and 7he xecery and file of fah well qualified. perfens. r. They are to Rand between the Lordand his people, to Phew them his word, Deut.5.5: and what he required them to do. z ut.3 2. They are not only to read it, but to inftruei them in it, to make men wife Num.33.9 to falvation, and not only the common people, but the King alfo as was fhewed Num.z9.zr. '2 chr.24.17. before: Deua1°8. 3. They are to biefs thepeople in the name othe Lord. Num.8.19. 4, They are to offer prayers to God for them 'upon all occafions, as r. In 16.46. 2 Kin.z.ar. time.of Peftilence, when the plague raged among them. 2. In time ofwar, when the Ja.5.18. enemy threatened their deflruElion. 3 In time of famine, when the land yeelded fa.6.ro. not increafe. 4. In time of ficknefs, not only for the life of the King or Prince, E.5.14.. but altowhen ficknefs laid hold on private men. And lafily aaCor z.r6. 5. Theywere to be inpead ofCaptains,to encourage the people (their fouldiers) to fight manfully, and to refill the affaults of the Devil, their' GhoIlly enemy : thefe and many other things belong to the Prietls funélion. Now (as the Apollle fpeaks) who is fufficienr for there things ? furely if he that was foplentifully endued with the fpirit of God doubted of his own luth- ciency, what may we in thefe times? when many take liberty (without the million the Apolile had) to themfelves unfent to undertake this high calling : certainly great care ought to be taken by thofe in authority, efpecially by the Church- govern-