Chap.t x. OfSchools andColledges, Coin.4. A 3 dee ,rmt n,15 urhs bibliothecarxm, the City of Books or Libraries : Zenophon makes it a Gymnafium, or Academy of the Phanicians. In after-times we find that there were Studies and Chambers about the Sanâuary, for thofe that were edu- cated for the Work of the Sanauary ; loch a place had Samuel in Eli's times ; and after this there was familia Propbetaruín, a company of Prophets, who had the firft Colledg we readof, where the Philiffimt lay in Garrifon, Pic. yet had they the Prophets and Students in fuch reverence, that they paffed to and fro by them and never did them any damage. ` Samuel hind-elf alto was Inch a friend to them, that he built Naioth in Rastah of schools and (the beauty of Ramab) a Colledg for the Sons of the Prophets, which continu- colledges.; ed a long time. We read that the Prophet Elifha had many of the Children of 2 Reg38. the Prophets daily fitting before him, and the very Ceremony of Eli(ba's ferving 3.'1. Elias by pouring Water on his Hands is not omitted. We read allo ofHuldab 2'q" the Prophetefs who dwelt at 7erufalem in the Colledg, a place, as many think, z CÌuo.3.a2. for Students of the Law ofGod. And in the time of the Captivity Daniel and his Fellows excelled in Learning and Wifdom when they were at Babylon. After- ward there was the magna Synagoga, which was called Sanhedrim by the Hebrew word. After that (as Philo 7udeus relateth) there were Schools at Alexandria in De vita con- Ægypt. And that there were Schools and Colledges at Jeruralem,(if any man could templativa doubt that fuch a great and populous City fhould be without them) may appear Luke. 2.q6: by diversplaces, where we read of Wifemen, Scribes and Do&ors of the Law, mateh.23.34 Counfellers, &c. who muff needs have fome places, where they ftudied the Law, ABs.s.34 and heard it expounded, &c. Betides, it was the command of S. Paul to Timothy;: r Tiur.4ag. that he fhould be converfantin the ftudy of thofe things which he prefcribed him, whichhe could not do, ifthere had not been places to ftudy in. And his appro- bation of fuch Places he {hewed, when he difputed daily in the School of one Tyrannus, Alin 59.9. Such places then have always been, and that not only for the Rudy of Religion and theLaws of God ; but altoof humanity and the liberal Arts. And as there were Schools, fo nodoubt there were Guides, fuch as fhould in- ftru6t them. In the timeof the Gofpel Gamaliel was a 15oétor of the Law. And Afts,434 not only Guides for Divinity, but Tutors too for the Eneyelia, that learning which comprehendeth the liberal Sciences : fuch as was Mofes learning, and the learning of 7.22. Solomon. For (whatfoever fome men account of that which they call prophane r Reg.4.3o. learning) none can be fitter to enter upon the facred myfteries of Divinity, than they which have been firft well inftruc4ed and grounded in thegeneral learning and knowledg ofthe Arts. Nor is it fit that young men fhould leave their (Indies, as föon as they be a little initiated in Divinity (as many nowadays do) but rather flay till they have years arm be well-grounded. God (as is laid before) would have none admitted Numb.4.3. to ferve in the Tabernacleof the congregation, but from thirty years old and up- ITim.36. ward. And St. Paul exhorts Timothynot to admit young novices to thefacred call- ing ofdifpenfing the myfteries of Chrift. There are in Scripture, as S. Peter fpeaks a o Per.3.r69 hn.;t:.; J.n; fame things hard to be underflood, which they that are unlearned are ready toxvreff. 4, ' Chrift was long among his Difciples, yet they were to Peek in fome things. And Efay.sara. therefore I fay, as the Prophet in anothercafe, they ought not to go out in bale, but remain at their Sudies, till by the helpof their Guides, their own induftry, and Gods bleffing, they be able to teach others; and have approved themfelveswork- men that need not to be afhamed, rightly dividing thewordof truth ; and then facri junto, 2 Tim.a.t let fuch in the name of God be ordained and go boldly about the Lords work. Now as there mull be Schools of learning to fit men for this facred calling, fo there ought to be Maintenance provided for them; for the Apoftle faith, that as the Priefts that ferved at the Altar, lived of the Altar; fo they that rCor.9.13,'4. now preach the, Gofpel fhould live of the Gofpel. And this by fpecial ordi- nance of Chrift who hash fo appointed, and the Apoftles reafon taken from the Maintenance of the Priefts that ferved at the Altar, thews, that the fame proportion ofa tenth part, which was paid then to the LevItes and Prietts under the Law, is (till due to the Priefthood and Miniftery of the Gofpel Q_q and