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.3o6 Chap. i >ï. OfMaintenance by Tythes clue by divineright.Com.q.. r Cor. 7, 8, 9, and the Commandment for Tythes extends to both : betides, the Apofile reafoneth, ro &e. that he which labours for others, ought to eat the fruit of his labours and be main- tained by themwho reap the benefit ofhis labours. He proves it from the bruit creatures ; the mouthofthe ox muff not be muzled!hat treadeth out the corn : he pro- ves further from men offecular callings, whether in time of war or peace. The foul- deer goer not to warfare at hisown charge,nor doth the husbandmanfeed hisflock or plant orfawe, but in hope to reap thefruit ofhis pains ; from whence he infers, that the fpiritual Husbandman that foweth fpiritual things to others, ought to partake of their harveft in temporal things for whole good he labours. Now this Maintenance if any ask what it is, I anfwer, that now as always heretofore from the beginning, it confided of fomething certain, and fomething free and voluntary. The certainMaintenance is Tythes. Thevoluntary, Oblations Nehem.1o.33, we find in Nehemiah, when they entred into a Vow and Covenant to keep the 34, Law after their return from Captivity, that both there were part ofthat Covenant, 37 viz Tenths and Oblations, which they bound thcmfelves to pay for the fervice of Gods houle. r. For Tythes, as the fcventh part ofour time, fo at lealt the tenth part of our in- of Yythes, that ereafe is due to God. Reafon s. the Tenth is time I. From the annexing ofTythes to the Priellhood ofChrift, typified by Melchi- to God zedecb to whomAbraham aid Tythes after his vi &or over the Kin s Gen.i 2o, Hcdr'7`r'.2' &c. This Melchizedech was a type ofChrift, as the Author to the Hebrews {hews; for be is a Priefifor ever after the order ofMelchizedech: and from Melchizedech's receiving Tythes' ofAbraham. the Apclfile infers the excellency ofChrifis Prieft- hood above the Levitical, both becaufe4braham himfelf, from whom Levi de- fcended, paid himTythes,and wasbleffed by him, and becaufe the Levitical Priefis Verlt. that receivedTythes were fubjel to death; but here ahigh-Priefi receives Tythes,who livesfor ever. In all which difcourfe it is fuppofed and taken for granted,that Tythes are annexed to Chrifts Priefthood, otherwife the whole reafoning were im- pertinent and tono purpofe. Now if they be due to our high-Prieft who lives for ever, no queftion but thePriefts and Minifters of the Gofpel, whom he bath made his Stewards, and whomhe bath fent as his Father fent him, ought in his right to receive, and to them the people ought to pay their Tythes as to Chrift to whom they belong : for Chrift having ordained a Maintenance for the Minifters of t Cóä.9ä4 the Gofpel, and no other certain Maintenance being fpecified, it can be noother then this of Tythes. Gen. 2a. at. 2. Jacobs promife long before the Law, to give Tythes to God ofall he poffeft, ïTint. 5. it. compared with Abraham's praétice before, and the Apoftles rule, that the labourer is worthy of hiswages, with the perpetual pra&ice of the Church (the belt Expo- fitor of the Law) Phew this duty to be moral and perpetual. 3.The chiefand principal reafon whyGod referved the Tenth for himfelfand gave it to thofe that ferved at the Altar, is moral and perpetual ; For he referved the Levis. 27.30. Tenth to himfelf, in fignum univerfalis Dominii , as an acknowledgment of that Num. '18.2,, all we have is his, and he gave it to the Prielts and Levites for their fervice in 24. the Tabernacle. Now, God is no lets Lord of the World now, than formerly, and he hath a fervice and worfhip to be performed and maintained dill ; and there- fore that proportion which God himfelf thought fit in his wifdom ought to con- tinue fä11, efpecially there being nothing in it peculiar to the Jews, nor any ty- pical ceremony in that number, .which fhould make it void by the coming of Match. 23. 23. Chrift. 4. Laftly, by Chrifis fpeech to the Scribes and Pharifees, about Tything Mint and Cutnmin, and leaving the weightier Matters of the Law, when he tells them, Theftrff ought to bedone,and the other not left undone. And the Apolfles rule, that he which IS taught in the wordmuff communicate unto him that teacheth him in allgood G21.6.E. things ; it may appear, it was not Chrifis intent to abrogate Tythes, or the Apo- files meaning to abridge the Minifters Maintenance, but that at leafs a Tenth Annot. 27. fhould be paid. Concernig As I raidbefore ofthe time ofpublickfrirfhip,that it it probable the Seventh day was Tythes appointedby God from the beginning, by a general pa f rave Law, obliging all mankind and