Coln. 5. Of' loving ofour Neighbour á,r óurfél f." Cho. than himfelf. And in this refpeét iris that S.Auguffine faid, Invidia vitiumDiaholi_ cum, quo fob) Diaboltts reus eft, & inexpiabiiiter reus. Non enim Diabolodicitur, ut 4amnetue, adulteriumcommiJiJts, furtumfoci/ti, villamalienam rapuif is fedhomini Jtanti invidifii : Envy is a Devilrfh vice ; of which only the Devil is guilty, and that without expiation : for it is not Paid to the Devils damnation, Thou haft commited adul- tery, or thou haftfiollen, or thouhaft violentlyfeized onanthers Nffeffions : but tbis is objes7ed to him, Thou haft envied man in bis Innocency. 2. The next is Peace, a defire ofagreement with our Neighbour, plainly pre- f ribed by the Apoftle ; Have peace with all men. And ifat any time there happen a breach, we fhould not pertinaciteraggredi, obßfinatelyfet uponone another : for this is the badge of Satan: Difciples, as S. Gregory faith ; Si Dei vocantur ftlii qui paten factunt, procul dubio Satane funtfilii quipacem confundunt ; Ifthey which are the Au- there ofpeace be called thefoes ofGod,without queftion they are the Devils childrenwhich diidurb it. When Chrift came'into the world the Angels lung at his birth, Glory to God, and peace on earth; and yet himfelffaith, I came not tofend peace, buta (word. To reconcile which places we mull conceive it to be, difordia in mala, war againft Matth.ró. 34; that which is evil, which Chrift fpeaksof in that place : for as Nazianzen well faith, 4lelior eft talis pagne, que Des pcoximum Tacit, quampax iha, gut feparat a Deo; that In Apo'. dintion is better whichmakes aman come veer toGod, than that peace which lepirates bim from God. Therefore as á Father faith, As there is nothing more to be wifh- ed for than concordia in hone, agreement in that which isgood, andnothing more to be laboured againft thandifcordiain bono,difagreement in thefame;fo nothing more to be defìred, than difagreement in evil, and nothing more abominable than agreement do in that which is bad. And as our Saviour pronounceth them bleffed that are Peace- omen . o makers ingood,Co are they no lefs bleffed that arePeace-breakers in evil,that make dif- iÿÿ X33 bone. cord in evil, and they are no lefs the children ofGod than the other : and therefore March. 5.9. Peace withHereticks andSchifmaticks mull not be held,though in leffer matters which trench not upon the foundations ofFaith, Worfhip,or Government; differen ce of opinions may be allowed. For there may be a difcord or difagreement allowable in queftions and difputations that touchnot upon thofe foundations, and fo that EPhef 4. 3' it go not fo far as to trouble the Peace of the Church,but that the unity of thhefpiritbe kept in the bond ofpeace.For, asS.Gregoryfaith, Santfa Ecclefiatoufiffueinunitate fide- lium,ficut corpus in unitate membrorum;the holy Churchconfijis in the unity& agreement of thefaithfnl,as the body in the unity of themembers. And fo that this unity& peace be kept in the main tnatters,liberty ofopinion may be allowed in other things.For asS. Asp/line faith, a man may fonetimes aliter fapere quam res fi habet, think, otherwife than the truth is ; for men are not Angels to fee all truth here, for we know but in part, and therefore to diffent in fome things, which concernnot the foundation is not to beaccounted difcordia inbono;fuch differences and difputations are the way to find our the truth, mens wits being hereby fharpened, as Iron fharpeneth iron, as Solomon faith. The third effe6t or fruit oflove is care not to' offend or hurt the party loved, either Prov.s7. r7. in his body or foul, ThouJhalt not curfe the deaf, nor put a (tumbling block, before the Lev. so. 24. blind, faith God ; thatis, we mull not caufe him to (tumble bodily ; muchlefs muff we by any fcandalous a¿tion lay a humbling block tohis foul : For though it be neceffary that offences come , yet Chrift denounces a woe againft that man by whom they come, that (hall give occaftonem mali, any oecafion of offence or fuumbling to another, to make him fall. And. as our love requires that we give no offence, fo alto itrequires, that if offence be given by any toanother, whereby he is led out ofthe way,we mutt be ready proferre correptionemfraternam,to ufe brotherly reproofand fo to bring himinto the way again. For this is exprefsely required, as a fruit of love,Tbou fhalt not hate thy brother, nor Jufferfin to cell upon him, butihalt plainly reprove him ; where we fee the negle& of reproof is made an effef.} of hatred ; and then by confequence the duty it felfmuft bea fruit of love. Thus muchof that generalis dileelio, the general nature ofthat Love, which is due cuilibet proximo, to every neighbour. Now the parts ofthis Love are there. a. To do no injury at all to any man, either faclendo malum, by InfliGind R r evil