Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

rl Vi jd I.I;Sl71h,14'i ;11 l' li 3o2 Chap. Ir. Of Loving our Neighbour as our fe1f' Copal..., But as in natural things there is major motus, a (ironger motion, where there it major inclinatio, afronger inclination ; fo where there is a greater duty owing, there. God will have a greater affetlion. Becaufé the earth is to come neererto the Center than thewater, therefore it loath majorem gravitatem, agreater degree ofheavinefi, to draw it thither ; andfo where thegreater allions or duties are required,tbere greater afe íians, oragreater nzeafure oflove, which is a weight prefng to the Center; isnece(fary : not onlycharitas, but alfa ordo charitatis caditfub precepto, as the Schools determine. As Tbo.m.z.2.7.44 the afetlion of love is required, fo our love muff be ordered, as the Schoolsfpeak. The cajet.ibid. Va- demon/trationftandeth thus. If wherefoever there is principium, a beginning; there. kntq.t9 .3 wbatfiever is propios principio, neerer to it, is prius frff,and fo confequently there is reizgai. an order, andfo every thing, as it id neerer or farther off, muff fret or latter be intend- ed. Now there are two cáufes orprinciplesofLove, God, andour (elves; and therefore the neerer any are to thefé principles, (artome men are neerer to our felves, as Fathers Mothers, & are neerer to Godby grace;the more they are to be loved. Let us fee then this order in our charity, that it may be ordinata chantas, charity wet-ordered.To which purpof ¡tmuffJlandthus. r. God. 2. Our own Souls. 3. Our Brothers Soul. 4. Our Bodies. 5. The Bo- dyofour Neighbour or Brother. I. God is to be loved efpecially, and in the firfi place, becaufe he is that chiefefi good, by the communication whereof we are all made good. So faith S. AuguJfine, In ¡ntitaq; Dolts vera &famma vita, in quo, a quo, & per quem, bonafont omnia, que bonafont; God is the true and chief Life, in, from, and by whom are all good things. And as caLin Pf. another, Cum diligimus Deum omnia in ipfo reperimus, by loving God we find all, things : God is the univerfal nature, to whom all things give place. He mull have the fira place inour Love. As in policy the publick good is preferred beforeall pri- vate refpeds : and therefore a good Citizen will be content to lofe his own goods,. thereby to redeem Peace to the Publick. We fee in nature, that heavy things wilt move upwards, contrary to their own particular nature, propter falutem univerfi, for the goodof theuniverfe, as that ne detur vacuum : fo in Religion, God and our Love to him, motus diletlionis in Deum, doth overcome and drown all other Loves toour Selves, or any other particular objed ; as we fee it did in S. Paul, who out ofhis Love to God (that he might be glorified in theSalvation of the Jews) wifht to befeparatedfromGod, if it had been pofíìble, and not incompatible with his Love to God; which was as a motion againft a particular nature, for thegood of the Ge- neral or Univerfe. 2. The next is our Selves,and our Selves before our Brethren. The reafon is,be- caufe in theone there'is an unity, in the other, at the mots is but an union : and ma- jorratio habenda eft unitatú, ram unions ;there-is a-greater regard to be hadof the former, than ofthe latter. And again, feeing it is not'lawful for any to commit a fin toprevent his Brother from finning, nay not to fave the whole world, it thews plainly, we are to prefer the Love ofour Selves before our Brother, and in our Selves our own Souls before our Brothers Soul. Now in the cafe between the health or good ofour own Body, and ofour Bro- thers Soul, it thus ftands : There can come no participation of the glory of God to our Bodies, nifi per redundantiam, as it were by an overflowing, when the Soul being full,communicates it to the Budy. But the Soul of our Brother is capable of divine glory,and the univerfalgood,immediately by it felf,and therefore ought to be preferred before the Body of any which participates only per redundantiam, by theoverflowing efthefoul,and foat the fecond hand as it were ; befides,one Soul is worth all bodily creatures in the World : a man therefore may endanger his Body, for the faving his brothers Soul. 3. Then in thenext place weare toPeek thegood ofour Neighbours` Body:and of Neighbours, 1. Succurrendum eft omnibus, we are generally to love, and fuccour all that need, any whomfoever, if they be in extrema necej¡ttate, in extremmnecef=y. 2. And in thenext place, of thole that be in need, maxime fdelibus, efpecially we are to do good to them that areofthe houfholdof faith, as the Apotlle direéfs,thatare of the fame Religion with us ; we are to relieve filch before others, if wecannot re- lieve both, believers before infidels. 3. And thirdly, among the faithful,to them that are ofour own countrey,before thechildren offfrangers. 4. Fourthly,