3 tS Chap. t: Of loving our Neighbour ai our [elf Com.5. Brother, thou loveft him as thy felf. in refpec1 of the end. So alto and in this re- fpet$ thou mutt love thy Brother. 2. The fecond is the means, the applying this Love to that end. And thatis, that inas much as I love my felt I withmy felf good, and that tacit In my worft but be part, whichis my reafonable foul : and therefore I with more efpecially the chiefelt good of it, precipuum bonum ?recipepartis, which is eternal bleffed- $ont.7sr. nefs; and this is it which I muff look to in my brother. If I love himas my fell, I mull love him ad bariumprecipice partis, for thegood of bis betterpart, and that is the good of the inward man ( of which the Apoftle fpeaks) whereas the moti love only the outward man; now the chiefeft good of the inward man confifts invifioneDei in thefight andfruition ofGod.But becaufe none can come to this except the impediments be removed, which is tin ; Saint Augulfine faith, fui retie diligit proximum hoc cumeo debet apere, ut ille ipfe etiam toto cordeamer Deism, be thattruly loves bis neighbour, mull work upon himfo, that he alto Love God with all bis heart. Take care to remove his fins, and as fora mans fel f ifhis will doferre feipfum ad peccatum, carry him to famefin, non oportebit confond re, be muff not cotfent, becaufe it wouldhinder potiffimum bonum, the cbiefeltgood, fo ought he to love his Neigh- bour, as not to content to the evil will ofhis neighbour in any bad afion,becaufe that would hinder his chief good. The Scripturefpeaks of things not always as they are, but as they ought to be, and fo requiring us to love others as our felves, it is not meant of our Pelf-love as it is corrupt, but as we ought to love our felves :fpecimen nature capiendum ex optimanatura, a pattern in nature mull be taken from nature pure and incorrupt in its integrity ; So that a man, ought not to love his Neighbour as he doth himfelf, but as he fhould lovslimfelf. For Saint Augufiine faith, when I love my felt, either I love my felf1Mufe I amor fhould be bleffed : The very fame rule we fhould obferve in our Brother: I mutt love him, ant quia elf aut ut fit, either becaufe beis, or becaufe be fhould be good. Which I cannot do unlefs I win him ab impedimentis, de mor.l.l from the impediments, and let him in via, in the right way :. for as Saint Auguffine faith, Non diligit proximum tanquam teipfum fi:non ad idbonum ad quod ip(è tendis, adducis : Thou loveff not thy Neighbour as thy felf, if thou leadeff him not to that de veto retigi- good, to which thou thy fell teudeft. And he faith in another place;. ea eft regula di- one. ledioni', it is the only rule of love, ut que fibi vult bona pervenire, & illi velit; that he would have the fame good come to his Neighbour, that he wifhetb to him- felf. a. The third is the manner. In loving any thing that is good there are two motives: firft, Either it is for the foie and alone good of him that loves it or; 2. Secondly, for the good of the thing it felt that is loved, he that loves any thing, not for it felf, butfor himfelf, dothnot love it, as himfelf; this is not diligere ficut feipfism, but propter feipfum ; this is not, ut faeiat bonum, fed ut potiatur quia bono, not toPeek hisgood whom we love, but to make ufe of what good is "in-himfor ourfelves: as men love their instruments, meerly for the ufe they have of them and not other- wife; Thus a man Loves hisfhooing-horn, tomake ufe of it, to ferve his turn in the morning, and calls it away all the dayafter: but our Love toour Neighbourfhould be gratuitous, without hope of recompense, and that he that we love may have the foiegood by it ; otherwife we love himnotas our felves, for noman loves him- (elf, ut f potiatur, that be may make ufe of himfelf, as he loves meat drink, &c. and therefore muff he love his Neighbour, not tomake ufe ofhim for his own ends, but propterfeipfum, for himfelf, feeking and defiling his good. 4. The last is the order. It is acme teipfum, not ficut Deum, as ourfives, not at we love God, we mutt bewareof loving him fo, for we muff love our felves infra Dom, in a pitch belowGod ;and by confequence we mtift. love our Neighbour infra Deum, after God. Therefore we muffnot prefer thewill ofany man, be heof never fo great excellency,before the will of God. Gods will muff not give place toours. God is not fo unw.ife,as to bring in the fecond Table to overthrow the firfi, but his (cope in it was, that it Ihould be a Table to dire& and help us in performing the duties of the firth a. So that if our love to our Neighbour, in the firft place, be for God alone, then it is Saatta dileitio. a. Ifit be to bring him to that end we aim at our felves, then it is amor juftus, a ¡oft love. 3. If it be meerly for ourNeighbours with-