Cóm.5. Of Honouring Superiours in General. Chap.. g aya without refpe& toour felves,then it is vests amor,true love.4. and laftly, ifwe prefer the love ofGod in the firft place, then it is ordinata dilectio well-ordered love. Now God inboth thefe. Tables proceedeth further than earthly Princes;he taketh order for the regulating ofthe heart and foul,even for refiraint of concitpifcence that there be noentertainment offin within us and that we conceive no delight in it. And thisis the internal obedience ofthe fecond Table, to entertain no concupifcence prejudicial to our Neighbour, and it is the fumor fubftance of the tenth Com- mandment, which God bath placed laft,not firft,thar thofe two the firff Command- ment and the laft,the one concerning the inward Worship of God,the other the in- ward Love andduty to our Neighbour,might be the bounds of his Law. Thus far for the fecond Table in general. Now for the fifth Commandment being the first of the fecond Table. C H Fi, P. II. The divifionofthe Commandments ofthe fecondTable. IP1y this is jet here between the firth andfecond Table. The parts of it, 7. APromife. Inthe Precept, r. The duty, Honour. a. The objet#, Father andMother. Theigroundofhonour, a. Excellency.a Conjuntiion. The orderofhonouring. differs from that of love. Vby God did not make oilmen excellent, aadfit to be Superiours. AllPaternity is originally and pro- perly in God. In man only infirumentaly. The Hebrew andGreek words tranflated (Honour)what they properlyfignifie.The necefty andoriginal of honouring Superiours. Government adivine ordinance. Power, Principality,andExcellency,ifúola4pxñ,ti2r£toxìt, bow they differ. Honour due to them all. Tonatural Parents. To the Country where we live. To Princes. Tofpiritual Fathers. To Magiftrates. In refpeiï of excellency ofgifts, Honourdue: Firff,in refpeíl ofyears.Secondly,ofthe gifts ofthe mind.Thirdly, ofoutward e(fate. Fourthly, ofbenefits received. HOnour thy Father and Mother. The lati Commandment is the fountain from whence all the relt ofthe fecond Table doproceed, as ftreams from theconduit- head;for as the HI Commandment contains the inward love and worshipofGod, from whence all the other duties ofthe fecond Table arife; fo the laft contains the in- wardlove and duty ofthe Heart whichwe owe to our Neighbour,frotn whence all other duties to our Neighbour do fpring; fo that the tenth Commandment'is the fountain, and the other fiveare the fireams. And the ftreams receive a fecond vifion thus; for either theydo equally, and alike concern all men in general as the 6,7,8,9. Or elfe they have fpecial refpe& tofomeas the fifth. The general duties in the6, 7, 8, and 9 Commandments are fubdivided into filch as either concernour Neighbour in his perfon, or in the exteriour gifts, ofwealth, credit, andgood- name,&c.And thofe which refpe&his perfon are either as he is confidered in him- felfin regard of his Effence in the fixthCommandment,or ashe is in neer conjunái- on with anotherby Marriage,whichmakes of two one flells, in the feventh Com- mandement. Thofe that concern him in his exteriour gifts, refpe& either his fubftance, ore= llate,which is provided for in the eighth ; orhis credit and good name,in theninth Commandment Or ifwe take them all four together, there is a refiraint in them all. In the fixth a reftraint pfwrath,&c.and"the-effes` s thereof,for theprefervation of thelives ofthe membersof the Commonwealth,and, in refpeá ofGod, for the pre- tervingof his Ímages, which is defaced by Murder. In the feventh a refiraint oftuft, concupifcentiacarnie, 'which-is prejudicial to the good ofwedlock in the civil body, and in refpe& of God is a defiling ofthe Body which is the temple of the holy Ghoft,and a member of Chrift,and thereforeought to be kept holy and chaff, iiti