Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Coln.5, OfHonouring Superiours in General. Chap.2. 323 from the Apostles difcourfe in i.Tim.z.z. where he goes thus to work ; firft, he lays s Tim. 2. 2. this ground,that God would have all to be faved;this is his ultimate fcope and high- eft,and next his own Glory. Now that they may be faved, he would have them live aacñ oCosCe44 4orto6Tirl,in all godlinefs & honeliy.And that theymay live thus,he wouldhave them taught the Knowledg of God, that they come to the knowledgeof the Truth ; for mcn cannot live Godly till they be taught to live fo. And both thefe do -neceffarily require outward Peace, Reft,and Tranquillity, that theymay intend this Knowledg the better, and learn how to live godly, (for in Wars and Tumults there is nothing rightlyadminifired; no orderly teaching or inítru&ion) and thereforehe adds, That it isgoodand acceptáble,and very expedient, thatthey live inpeaceand quiet, iptµor.a peaceable life,in regard ofoutward Invafions,and ñdJurov,aquiet hfe,in regard of inward Tumults, and inteftine Troubles. Now ifthe natural Father andMother could perform this alone,as they did for fome time, in the infancyof the World, and a little after the Floodbefore Mankind multipliedand increafed togreater numbers, there thould have needed no other Office to be inílituted for the attaining of thefe ends.But fhortly after the Flood, therecomes one Nimrod, with a company ofHounds at his tail, ( for the Metaphor ofHunting ufed by the holyMott implies, that they deferved no bettername)with thefe Cons ofBelial he takes uponhim to be aHunter, Gen. 9t that is,a chafer of men up and down,and diflurbs their Peace and quiet. Hence then comes a necedìty ofappointing a fupreme Civil Power over mens bodies and dates to reflrain all outward Force and Violence;andwithal a fpiritual Power and Authori- ty to inftrua and govern men in refpeaof their Souls; as Goddid afterward, when he fettled the Levitical Priefthood in the tribe ofLevi, to continue till the coming of Chrift,and then the Evangelical Priefihood ofC,hriff,tobecontinued in the Apostles, and their Succeffours to the end ofthe world. For becaufe the natural Parents could not fo well performboth thefe, as theydid at the &ít, therefore God appointed and ordained thefe two Fundtions and Dignities,and for this caufe Honour and Obedi- ence is required to both. Obey thofe that have the rule overyou, (that is,your fpiritual rieb, r3. i¢: Governours)andfubmit yourfelves,for they watchfor your Souls,&c. and for this caufe it is required, that we pray for Kings and all thatare in Authority, that we may lead a r Tim.s.r,Z peaceable and quiet life under them. Thus God notonly allowed, but alto inílituted outward Government for refilling of outward enemies, and fuppreffing of inward Tumults ; for the Apostle faith,that every Soul mutt befubjetf orfubordinate içariwt ix tptxeomt to the higher fuperemiment Powers,becaufe there it nopower butfromGod; the Powers that be , úa' zú 9eë rtrayp.irrw iron,are ordained by God,orjet in their order ém rankunderGod,Hebeing above all and the roll put in their rankunder him.So that we fee, thoughmans necellìty required fuch a Power for his defence, yet the Power itfelf, whereby men are bound and united together, into one Society is from God, and fo ought tobe accounted ofus, not as a humaneInvention, found out by men for their ownneceflity, but a divine Ordinance inflituted by God for the good of Humane Society;and therefore it is faid v. 4 that God, not thepeople, nor multitude by their own inherent power, bath put the(word into hit hand,that hemight be vindex malorum,anavengerto execute wrath upon him that dothevil ; that difturbs the pub- lick peace, without which men cannot fo well intend to learn, nor others to teach the way to live godly and honeftly, and fo to attainSalvation ; and by confequent that hemull be a cherither ofgood men,andof fuch as defire to live a godlyand ho.. nett life in peaceand quietnef. And for this end, is the Civil Government compa- .. red in Daniel to a great huge tree, which fpreadetb its branches far and veer, the beaffs Dan. 4.9: oftheheldhad fhadow under it,and thefowls of the Heaven dwelt in the bought thereof, and allfiefs was fedofit, to thew the benefit that men receive by Government, for Proteftion, and peaceable enjoying their own, when every one fitsunder his own vine, and under his own fig-tree : and the Prophet Efaycompares a King to agreat Eray 32. 2. rock which it a bidingplacefrom the winds, and acoverfrom the Tempelf,.atrivers ofwa- ter in a dry place, and the fhadow ofa great rock in a weary land. Therefore is every Jr. man bound to eftablifh Authorityand Governmer,t,becaufcof the weightthat hangs ,upon it quia inpace ejote ell pax noffra, becaufe ourpeace refis thereupon, as the Pro- phet Per. reafons who for this caufebids from God, topray for the profperityof the City, whither they were carried captives, andfor thepeace thereof; for in thepeace there- ofthey fhould bave peace: S f à There