Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Cofn.S. Of Honouring Superzoltrs in general. Chap.2à 325 govern the fchools of the Prophets, and to inftruéf and it men for the' Church, theretore to fuch is the title of Father given. When Saul prophecied among the r foes of the Prophets, one asked,who was their Father or Governour, or Inftrueor ; 2 King.2. t2. Elifha called Elias his Father, my Father my Father, tbecbariots of Ifrael &c. And in. pt¡ls2z, the new Teitament we read that Gamaliel a door of the Law is accounted7iut¢; honourable in this refpeëf; and Saint Paul calls Timothyhis fcholar, his fon, and faith, that as a fonwith a Father he ferved him in the Gofpel. 4. Comewe to the Magifirate. Mofes by Gods fpecial appointment, appoints force to be rulers over rood. &c. And gives rules of dire&ion to the people, what Exod.ii.a. men they fhould choofe, andhow they were to be qualified. And JoJeph when he Deur.19.16. was governour of Egypt,faith, that God fent him thither, and made him a Fa- rber to Pharaoh, and Lordof all his bou_fe. Hence Deborah is called a Mother in Ifrael.' Judg.5.7; Neither is this title and honourdue to the fupreme Governour only, but alto to the fùbordinate; fo Saint Peter commands to fubmit, as to the King who is fu- r Per.a.13.r4 preme,4 fo unto Governours, as thofe that are fent by him&c. So that by this, dux tniliti.e,the General of the Armymay be called the Father of the Camp,and whofoever bath any Authority in any focietyderived from the King,is thereby becomeaFather, and all honour belongs to him. 5. Laftly,ifwe come to that which we called Excellency of gifts .wseoxñ when this is alone, without the other two, though there be neither aHe not s srmu Principa- lity nor Power ;yet there is anhonour due, and this+srspox.4 or Excellency is of four forts. r. R.atione annorum, in regard of years or age, and an Honour is due in this re- fpeEf Rebuke not an Elder ( faith the Apofile ) but intreat himas a Father,the el- t Tim.S.i,z, der women as Mothers. z. In regard of the gifts of the mind, as wifdom and counfel, whereby one is able to dire&and advifeothers, or to invent force things needful and conducing to the publick good : thus 7bal is called the Father of filch dwell in tents, and Gen,4.2o,a1, of [itch as have cattel, and -Jubal the Father ofInch as handle the harp and the organ. 3. In refpeét of outward eflate and wealth, for money is nerves politie, thefi- nery ofthe Commonwealth;therefore rich and wealthymen areefteemed in a Common- wealth and called to publick affemblies before others, becaufe if it be in need, they are moll able to help. Thus Nabal thougha man ofno other gifts, yet becaufe God had enriched him,David doth implicitely call him Father, by filinghimfelf his Son ; Give Ipray thee wbatfoever cometh to thyband to thy fervants, and to thy Son David. r Sam.25.t. And this Honour given to rich men for their wealth, muff be given no otherwife Jam'z'9' than in a civil refpes ; otherwife it is condemnedby Saint James, orpocusrora4ia re- fpedfing of perlons. 4. In refped of benefits whichany have conferred upon us. Thus Job by fhew- Job.29.16. ingmercy to the poor hadthe titleof Father :Iwas a Father to thepoor,and the caufe whichI knew not Ifearcbedout. And thus ttrr the meaning of there words, Honour thy Father and Mother. We, come now to the duties here required under this word, Honour. Honour thy Father and Mother. CHAP. III. The mutual or reciprocal duties of Superióurs and Inferiours. t. Love.2. To wifb well andpray forone another. The duties of Inferiours: I: Honour. Inward, and outward. a. Fear. 3. Subjellion and Obedience, aaive and pave. 4. Theprote(tation ofour Subjelficn, by honouring them with our efiatet. The manner how this duty muff be performed. hiele duties are to be handled.r. Ingeneral, which concern all Superiours and Inferiours. And fecondly in fpecial, filch as concern fpecial ranks and orders of Superiours, and Inferiours, as in theFamily,rhe Church,and the Common - wealth. Every