326 Chap.3 Mutual duties of Superiours aid Ìnferiours. Coiii.5. Every duty confifts in two things. r. The action, and. 2. The manner of perfor- mance, and both are to be handled. And becaufe there are fome duties reciprocal, which are mutually tobe perfor- med both by Superiours and Inferiours towards each other, to avoid needlefs re- petition, it fháll begood to fpeak of them generally in the firft place. The duties which are reciprocal or mutual, are ; 1. Firft, Love ;but in anhigher degree than ordinary, which is called ropytiana- rural afeelion ofahigher degree than that whichwe owe toevery one, filch as either afcends from the Son to the Father, or defcends from the Father to the Son, and it is either natural and proper,between natural Parents and their Children, or by analogie and proportion,between others to whomthe names ofFathers and Children are com- municated, as fpiritual Fathers in the Church, and thofe that are begotten by them untoChrift, of whom the Apoille fpeaking expreffes the fpecial love due to fuck Fathers by a fpecial emphatical word 74 704 órriuns 1xere, have fach in reputati- on, orhighly honourthem, Phil.2.29. And >1,. w ettnrút inotdttmr ép áydcrn "td ró st,or doreur efleem them very:highly in lovefor their wort¿. fake. There is a particular Love which we bear to our friends, and that is inatpfwnabundant Love : but this copy; is tnaeeewn fie erabundant and extraordinary, in a more fpecial and high - egree.. The want of this natural Affection is imputed as a great crime, a fign à Tìnt.33. of men given up to a reprobate fenfe. Rom. 1. 29. And it" is a prophecy of the end of the world , when men fhall be eisotyot without natural affecìi- on. 2. The fecond mutual duty follows from the firlt, and is the chief propertyof Love, to mid well to himwe love ; and becaufe Chrillianum votum eft oratio ; prayer it the Chriflians mifb, therefore it is that we comprehend Prayer among the mutual r Titn.2:i duties"ofInferiours and Superiours ;it mutt both afcend and defcend ; for we areex- 9.7. horted by the Apoille to pray for Superiours. The like for our Countrey by the Prophet, this is afçending. Now downwards we have the example of KingDavid Job.1.5. for his people, as alto for Solomon his Son ; And of holy lob, who prayed for his Ions anddaughters every day. So much for the duties reciprocal. Come we now to the feveral dutiesof Inferiours and Superiours, and firlt we (hall fpeak of Honour, which is the duty ofInferiours to their Superiours. In the mad-1.23.9. firic r fence whereof ifwe take it, as our Saviour Paid ofFather, there is but one Father Tim.r.tq. which is inheaven ; fo may it as truly be laidof Honour, if we fpeakexactly and 2T11114:26. properly, that (as the Apofile faith) it belongeth only to God. But God himfelf hash been pleafed to communicate part ofit to tome men,as the fame Apoftle,hecre- ated fome veffels to Honour, and confequently he calls fome men from among the tefi tobe honourable : for as the Author tb the Hebrews fpeaks,Na man takesobis Het). 54' Honour upon hint, but he that is called of Godas Aaron, NowGod calls men, when he bellows fome gifts upon them, whereby they excel their fellows ; for Goddif- Mat.25.15. penfes his gifts varioufly, as appears by the parable where the Malter called his Ser- vants, and gave to lome more talents than to others. TheScripture,as was (hewed before,ufeth three words+7410X4oRnauct, and eitxér, Excellency, Power, and Principality. Now unto Excellency Honour properly belong, eth, and that is of two forts ; Inward and outward. Inward Honour is, whenwe have, honeffam opinionem, agood opinionof a man, in regard of fome Excellency hehath above us; för this good opinion, is Teffimonium excellenti.e, a teflimony of that excellency which we acknowledg inhim above our (elves. Ofthis Solomonfpeaks, when he advifeth not to meddle with a Orange woman Prov.5.9, left we lofe our honour ; that is, left we lofe the good reputation and efteemwe 20.3' have in the hearts ofOthers, and in another cafe he tells us, that a peaceable man, (hall have honour and good refpeet with men;forby a good opinion ofmen we tetti- fie there is an Excellency in them, áx,s, 71 polar they have fome.what more than Co1.3. 18. We have : and both the Apoliles Saint S t and Saint Peter"expres this duty by the word \zrorayd, Subjectionor Submillion, to be fubjeét,as we fee Chrifi was fub- r Pet.2.13. IAA. 2.5t. ,jeét to his Father and Mother in refpe61 of his manhood, acknowledging himfelf to be a Child and fo confequently thought fomething to be in them to receive this honour, which was not in himfelf. The