Coln.5. Mutual duties of'Superiours and Inferiours. Chap.. 327 The contrary will make this more plain. In thecafe of Corahand his company ; Num.1.62, theygathered themfelves together againft Mofes, and againft Aaron, they would not give them honour, (God calls it afterwards a di(honouring of him ) and their reafon was, They were not more excellent than others, all the congregation was holy and theLord was amongft them. Their thefts was, All men are alike holy to the Lord, and therefore Mofes and Aaron, had no more excellency than therat of of the Congregation. But we fee howGcd by a fpeeial miracle confuted their po- fition,for the example ofall that in future times fhould exalt themfelves againft their Superiours. Thecontrary to this fin oftheirs, is when men do acknowledg and confefs that there is not anequality, but that fome do excel them, and that this excellency above them is not, as the Poet fpeaks, by chance, but by the appointment of God ; that as in Creation and Generation he is the fpeeial Father that gives us being, fo for our well by Government, that he is our fpecial Governour, and that thofe above us arehis inaruments appointedfor our Prefervation, when we acknowledg this ex- cellency in others,and that it comes fromGod, who hath imparted his gifts to them; This is the firft, and the inward part of Honour. But now as God told Samuel concerning Elzab, God andman look feveral ways, r Sam, i6 for God looks on the heart which man cannot fee, it is only the excellency which outwardly appears which we can take notice of, 'and honour ; and fo likewife the inward Honour of the heart, of which we have fpoken, is feen only byGod, man cannot behold it ; and therefore betides the inward efteem, or climate of a- nothers excellency, there mutt be alfo fome exteriour fignor teftimony, whereby _ we acknowledg it to be others, and this makes the fecond part of Honour, outward r Sam. tce3o. Honour. Such was that which Saul defired ofSamuel, though the Kingdom were taken from him, as Samuel well knew ; yet honour me ( faith he ) before the Elders ofthe people and before Ifraelerc. And fuch was that which the Pharifees looked Math.z3.6,7; after,viz.Tbe higheftplaces atSynagogues,the uppermoll rooms and greetingin the market- place. This is the fecond part ofHonour. What this exteriour Honour is, and after what manner it is to be exhibited in particular, is belt known by the manner of the countrey where men live, becaufe it is not alike in all places ; every countrey hath not the fame figns of Honour. Holy men in Scripture have exhibited outward Honour by feveral geftures, or cere- monies, which maybereduced to thefe (even heads. r.' To rife up when a perfon of excellency, which either by nature or analogy, and proportion, is our Father in pretence. fob accounted it as an Honour done to Job.29.8. him, when the agedarofe andflood up, whenhe was inprefence. And Solomon a King, Ktn.z.19.. thought fit to exprefs his duty to his Mother Bathfheba, by riling up toher when the r Cor.11e4; came before him. z. The uncovering or making the head bare was accounted a tokenof Honour in ufe with the Saints, and adifhonour to keep it covered as we may gather by the words of the Apoftle. 3. Thebowing of the knee, orall or part of the body. When Pharaoh would Gen.0143; have (ofeph honoured, he thought no way better for the people to exprefs it, than bybowing their knees to him. He caufed them to proclaim before 7ofipb, Abrech, that is, Bow the knee. King Solomon (in theplace before quoted) to add the greater r Kina.r9. Honour tohis Mother, bowed himfelfto her.f acobmeeting his brother Efate bowed Gen33.3 himfelffey en times to theground, agreat expreffion of this duty. And Ruthnodoubt R4th.23o: thought fhe honoured Boaz, when the bowed her felf to the ground before him. Gcn. 2sa So for thebowing of the head it is mentioned in divers places in Scripture to let 43 forth this duty. Thebrethren of f ofeph when they came before him, bowed their heads, and made Obeyfance. Thefe were IìgnsofHonour atthe firil meeting or falutation. 4; A fourth expreffion is handing up ; not only to rife before them we pre- Exod.t8.r3; fer in excellency, but to (land up too. We fee the raétice of it in the people of 2 Kin.r.z. Y P P P P Kin.5.2g; Ifrael; Motes fate as a judg among them; but it is raid, that the people floodby him from morning till evening. And Abifhag the Shunamite -maid when the went to at- tend upon King David, was to hand before him. The likedid Gehazi before E- Ítzeus. And indeed it is the common expreffion ofService. 5. The