328 Cofn:S. OfLoviilgour Neighbour asourfelt Chap. ° 5. The next is to be filent, in the prefence ofthem we account our betters. lob tells us,that whenhe was inprofperity,the Princes refrained talking (in his prefence) and laid their hand upon their mouth. The Nobles held their peace. &c. And in the job.9.ro.2t. fame Chapter he faith, unto me mengave ear, and malted and kept ftlence at my .ounfel. r Pct.3.6. 6. The faxth is, that when of neceffity we are to fpeak, we ufe words ofSub- mhlion. It is Saint Peters note of Sarah, her fubmiffive fpeech to her Husband, the called himLord. And the fpeech of Rachel to her Father Laban is a prefident of this kind for Children to their Parents : Let it not difleafe my Lord that 'cannot rife Gen.3t.35 ¢3.2C* up before thee. And of7ofephe brethren (for Inferiours to men in Authority ) Thy ferrant our Father is in good health. 7. The Jail is difperfed throughout the Scriptures, and comprehended under the word minifirare, to minifer andwait Luk a 7.7. And it comprehendeth all fuch other duties of outward honour, as are to be ufed by Servants to their Mailers. As our Saviour expreffeth one in the Mailers command to his Servant to make Lúk.r7.8. ready that he may fup ;and the maid waited on Naamans Wife. And fo King David: 2 King.5.a. Generals arePaid to wait on him. And lob in the place before mentioned faith that 2 Chron.I7.19 men waited on him in tokenof Reverence and Service to him, fo that when we J°b.29.2í. wait, as Servants ufe to do on their Mailers, we acknowledg thereby a fuperiori- ty and excellency in that party. Thus farfor Honour, which is due to excellency, tierx. 2. But now when the fecond thing, tEoria power, is added to excellency, then there is another duty required in Inferiours.viz. Fear :For as ourSaviour fpeaks, John. í9.r r. there is nopower butfrom God,it malt begivenfrom above,and therefore by confequence there is due to them that have power from God,part ofthat Fear which we owe to God. The Honour givenin this refpe&confifls of the duty of Fear. This is a reverent aw and (landing in fear of them that are placed in power over Levit.19.;. us, Ye (hall fear every man, his Mother and Father, faith God ; there is for our Ephef.6. Parents : and Saint Paulcommandeth Servants to obey their Mailers withfear and Pet2r8. trembling : and Saint Peter, Servants be fubjeil toyour Mailers, with all fear, this is for Mailers. Sob faith that the people flood in fuch awof him ; that when they law him come forth they would convey themfelves out of his prefence, as if they ái had done fomething not befeewing them ; the young men faw me and hid them- pti l'rov.í.at. (elves. This Fear alto is due to the King. The people of Ifrael feared King Solo- mon : and the fame King gives the reafon, becaufe his wrath is as a meffenger of death, 3. The third thing is ápxñ, Government,- to which, befides the former duties of honour and fear, a third duty belong, viz. Obedience, which the Apofile expref fes,byevai sim dyov to be undera yoke.That is,when Governours command thisor that to be done ( except in things evidently contrary to the will of God) we be contented without difputing, toput our necks under the yokeof their Commands. i1 a Tim.S.r. Saint Bernard faith, venue rhodiens non attendit quale fit quodprecipitur, hocfolo conten- i tus, quiapra:ipitur ; He that is truly obedient regardeth not what is commanded,being ti content only with this, that it is commanded. In the cafe of Parents, the Apoßle tl' gives this rule, Children obeyyour Parente in the Lord, (his reafon) for this is right. EphefG.I. As the Apofile ufed the word izíoray,i Subjection, to thofemore excellent than our áil Prov.23.a2. (elves, as was (hewed before, Col.3.18. r Pet 2. 13. So here he ufed , tiatoxéa7a be fubjeét, to fet forth the Obedience due to Governours. The like he gives to Ser- vants, Servants obey your Matters&c. And he commands Titus to put Subjeäsin mind to obey Mag:firates. The like charge of Obedience he gives to Bifhops and Governours in the Church, Obey them that have the rule over you. We haveexam- Titi.t. pies of dutiful Children in this duty. Of Ifaac that obeyed his Father even to the ?aeb,3.7. death. Of the Rechabites inobeying their Fathers commandment,to drink no wine; Gen.a2. 9. whichaft God himfelf by the Prophet commendeth; of our Saviour himfelf in the 3c;.735*' fiefs; And of Servants, wp we have ehe example of;facob towards Laban. Lardy, Ge .3t: concerning Subjects, we have the example of the people of Iliad tri PA/4a. All Jof..ie. that thou commandeftus we will do. Now for the proteftation of our Obedience, wherein we exprefs the truth of it order