33° Chap.4.. The Duties of Superiours. Com.q, naughty,men is increafed and the more our Efate is troubled, the greater is our quiet and vexation. Therefore better it is, that dueHonour be given to them, the better to encourage them to apply themfelves to our Prefervation. Befc es, they that deny this to them that are of right inveted with ir, and take it to themfelves, Gen. rt. 4. fet themfelves againt God, add go about tobuild anotherBabel, which is nothing, but bringing inofAnarchy and Confufion. This doth argueTnvavnsñv;vuìv, a Gant-like nature, fuch as was in them that would build aTower, whole top might reach to Heaven : fuch do inelieere hel- lion Deo, biddefiance to God ; and therefore the Apotle faith exprety , that fuch as Rom. 13. 2. refill lawful Powers, do refill the Ordinance of God, and fo do fight againf God himfelf, and thereby bring damnation upon themfelves. So that by weighing thefè feafons we may happily bebrought toObedience. C H A P. 1111. TheDutles ofSup!riours in four things: Addition 29. Ofthe end of Government, and whether thePeople be above their Governours ? The manner' how they muji govern. Whether Honourbe due to one that is evil ? Whether hemutt be obeyed in malo ? Of difobeying the unlawful Commands ofa Superiour. Add. 3 o. Of Obedience in things doubtful. 7WE will now handle the Duties ofSuperiours in general. .There two things V are always joyned together in Gods Law deter elmand äçrtesw, tobave worth, and to behonoured or efleemedworthy ; and thereforeS. Chryfoffome crÇakes it an Axiome upon that place, 'r Tint.5.t7. They that rule well are worthy ofdouble honour. The Honour,as he faith, is NiaO's41pelas, a reward ofthe fervice theyperform. There- fore that Honour may be due to them,they mull meren , be worthy and defervingmen; and worthy they are, if they perform thepart ofFathers and Mothers. The neernefs of the two fignifications of the word in the Original -]7 cabed; which fignifieth both Weight and Heavinefo, and Honour ; and of the Greek word 'rqo , which is Honour, and lofs or mule>,and of the Latin word honoroand onero, to honour and lay a burden, fheweth, that God would not that any fhould have Honour, unlefs they have meritum, defert; nor thismeritum, defert, without a charge there fore they mull have merttum, and by confequent, Honour may bejufly required by them at our hands. 1. Theyare to know that they are Gods Miniflers ; for fo S. Paul calls them; and Rom. 13.4. S. Peter faith, They arelent by God. And that as they are his Minifers , and that he 1 Pee 2. 14. imparted fume of his Power and Honour to them-, fo they mull know that theirOf- ficeis ha ' xvelow, for the Lord, and that they are xe,rtpyoleaú, MinitiersofGod. And Plalm tor. r. therefore David faith, Tibieanam Jehovah, ,T willfngunto the Lordofmercyandjudg- ment: as they have received Power fromGod,and partofhis Honour which he hath put upon them,fo theymat do all for God; and their care mull be that thole under themmay be Domini, the Lords people, as they are his Vicegerents. They mul#follow. rChro.19. 6. the Rule which Jehofephat made for his Judges: Take heed what yedo, for ye judg notfor man, butfor the Lord. Therefore whatfoever they do mull not be for their own will and ends,but in and for theLord. We mutt notbe ofJezabeli opinion,that r Reg. 21. 7. Ahabcosadnot be a King,ifhe could not command and have what he fhould defre, though it were wrongfully ; for this isa wicked Maxime, and Jemenomniumma le- non, thefeed ofall evil. Nor ofAhabs that hated Michaiab, the fon oflmlab,the Pro- 22. g. phet, becauJe heprophesied nothinggood concerning horn; though it were the will ofGod that he should do fo. When men do not acknowledg that their Authority is el` ta l 'cyder, for God, but blot that out, and look only at their own will, then breaks in all Injuflice. But theymull know,that God is not fo unwife,as to give themAu . thority againf himfelf ; and therefore they mull not have an ey to their cwn, but to Gods will ; for they are but his Miniters. 2. Superiour's mull know, thatone end oftheir A uthority is the good and bene- fit of thole that are under them.As they are fìrf to look to God & his Honor whore Minifers they are ; fo in the next place, they mull look to the good of thofe over whom