Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Coma. The Duties ofHusbands andWives, Chap.5. 34t CHAP. V. The firft Combination, between man andwife. The fpecial endof Matrimony, implied in three words. r. Conjugium. 2. Matrimonium.3. Nupthe. The office of the Hufwand. r. Knowledg togovern his Wife. a. Conjugal love. 3. To provide for her and the family. The wives duties anfwerable to thefe, officia refultantia, Duties arifing from thefe. The duties of Parents and Children. The duties of Matters and Servants. NNOW concerning particular Duties between Superiours and Inferiours : fiat, IN we flail handle the Duties of thofe which con[litute a Family, and then ofo- thers, wherein the Family both Heathenand Chriflians make three Relations ór Combinations; r. Ofthe Husband and Wife, z. Ofthe Parent andthe Child, 3. Of the Mafter and the Servant. r. The Husband andWife fand fitti in order : r. Becaufe the Husband is pater- familias, the Father ofthe Family, and the Wife materfamilias,the Mother of the Fa- mily. 2. Becaufe God kept this order in the Creation, he made Man and Wife be- fore Sonsand Daughters. 3. Becaufe not only Children and Servants, but Magi- firates and all other Superiours arife from this primitive Combination between Man and Wife ; and the firli 1abjedion or fubordination of an Inferiour to a Superiour (fromwhence all other have their rife ) is that of the Wife to her Husband, whom Ephef. 5.02. Saint Paul requires tofubmit, or befubordinate to the Husband in the Lord, 3urrzart9t Col. 3. at. 2-07t m'd'eero, &c. Let them be fubordinate to their own husbands. 4. Becaufe though there be a natural Relation or Conjun6iionbetween Father and Son ; yet there is a neerer between Man and Wife, the was made ofhis Rib,and God hath commanded a man to leave Father and Mother and cleave to his Wife : therefore we shall give tb this the fief place. And becaufe, as the Ethnick Paid well, µa9nrtor.rula,p .t áaescioparJerictr, we mull ftrji learn when we are young what we muff practice when we become men: therefore . though we be not now in the fate of marriage, yet the knowledg of theft Duties ThefeLec- may lie ufeful to us for the future. tures werede, And before we fpeak ofthis combination between Manand Wife it will beneed- livered in a P o Co]ledge of ful fief toconfider the fpecial ends ofcottjugalSociety, which aretwo : the fief con- Students. Bern God,the other the parties themfelves. r. The fief is, that r. feting God made a Promife to Abraham, that inhis fled Gen. 02.3. all thefamilies ofthe Earth [hoddbe bleffed; every paterfamilias, Father ofa Family, ought to aim at this, that his family may partake of this Biding. And fecondly, that he domonftrare pietatem, flew Pietyat home, and labour tomake his Family god- r Tini, 5; 4, ly, this being the way to attain the End, Bleffednefs. 2. The fecondary Ends, which concern the parties themfelves maybe gathered from three words in Latine which the bond of VVedlock is expref'ed by. z. Conjugium, z. Matrimonium, 3. Nuptie: whereof two lignifie what was before fin came into the World ; and the laf, what did follow after fin ; and in theft Ends are tome mutual Duties implied alto, which concerts both. a. The fief is Conjugium, which is the fellowfhip ofone Yoke, when two draw one Yoke together: Hence it appears, that muttsum auxilitim, The mutual Hell), benefit and comfort which the one ought to have by Societywith the other, is the fief end of this Conjunction, that they might be better, than if they were alone. And therefore (as you may fee ) it was Gods purpofe before Copulation was mentioned, to provide a Help for Adam. And hence it is, that the word gn, 2. tt,; maritare, to marry, or to join a woman to a man, .came to liignifie the letting of Vines to Elms or other Trees, to make them grow and thrive better. Now we tnuf not conceive, that God in this fief Inflitution accounted folitude to be a fin, for then there was no fin ; but becaufe it was a lefsfelicity, a lets bleffed Efate than Society, therefore he thought fit tomake fociam, a fellow to Adam and in that re- fpect he faith , it is not bonum, not good for Man to be alone; as alto having re- gard