Corn.S. The Duties of Husbands andWives. Chap.5. 343 Sothat the three general Ends of this Duty are firlt,Mutuum auxilium, mutual help denoted by conjugium; fecondly, Proles iffrae, fignifiedbyMa:rimonium; thirdly, Theavoidingof Fornication,implied in Nuprie,which includesfides,fidelity to each other, fpacified by Nuptie. This for thegeneral Ends ; Nowfor the particularDuties ofMan and Wife. I. Now for the particular Duties,thefirt duty of the Husband to the Wife isex- preffed in thefe words by Saint Peter, to live with her according toknowledg, he mutt knowhow to govern her. Becaufe as we fee in thecafe of the fiat Wife, thewas be- s Pet. 3.7. guiled by the Serpent, and feduced her Husband ; therefore in the fixteenth verfe of that Chapter God told her, that her defire fhould befubjeíl to herHusband, and that Gen.3.6,H, be Jhould have the government and rule overher therefore the mutt never follow her 16, own will hereafter, but mutt be fubjeEt to her Husband. His duty therefore isto governher, yet fo, that he mull bear with her, being the Col. 3.19. weaker veflel,and not to be bitter to her, at being heiewitb himof the grace of life, that 1 Pet. 3. 7. their prayersbe not bindred, and that therebyhe may enjoy his own peace ; for who would trouble his own Ae(h? That he may rule and govern, he muft be able to inftrn r her : for when the A- pofile faith, that ifthe Wives would learn anything, let them ask their Husbands at 1 Còr.14. 3S. borne, it is to be taken for granted, that they mull be able to teachthem; left fuch as creep into Houles'andbeguile fillyWomen,2 Tim.3.6. Iutrap the Wife. And if the [hall be carried awaywith blind zeal or affeEtion, or other wifegoaffray, he mull be able by wife Exhortations to reify her. We haveanExample for this ofElkanab, when Hannahhis Wife murmured and took on for her barrennefs, he pacified her with this wife Speech : Am not Ibetter to thee than ten fons ? Withal, he mut fo I Sam, r. 8. frengthen himfelf, that he be not feduced as Adamwas by Eve, nor be too cre- dulousófher Reports,as Potiphar was when heput farepb inPrifon upon a falle Ac- Gen. 39 19. cufation ofhis Wife, nor omit any neceffary Duty requiredby God, though the be offended at it, as Zipporah the Wife ofMoles was at the circumcifion of her Son. t Kings 12.7, Norhearken to her in a bad taufe, as Ahab did to jezebel. Or if the be like Michol that fcoffed at David for his zeal in dancing before the Ark of God, he mutt by his Knowledg and Wildom be able to inllru6t and reform her in the fpirit of meeknefs. And as in the fir(1 place Government with knowledg is required in the Husband, fo fubmifranconfequently belongeth to the Wife, not to fund upón her own will or wit, but to fubmit her felf to her Husband. For feeing by her own confelon the wasnot wife enough to refit the Serpent, but washeft in the tranfgre(fion, there- fore ju(ily was it laid upon her, that the thould not Land upon her ownwill here- after, but should be fubjeet to her Husband, and be Governed and advifed by him. This the Apolile Saint Peter calls SubjeaioPt, and Saint Paul, Submifflon , which mutt I Pêr 3. r: be me ve,cellar at to the Lard: and in the fame Chapter he calls it Fear, let the Wife Ephef. g. 22, fear or reverence ber Husband, which (hews, that as he hath the Government, fo he 33 hath Power and Authority, which the mull fear : and this Saint Peter urgeth by the , per. 3.6. exampleofSarah, whoobeyed Abraham, and calledhim Lord. And this reafon is gi- ven, becaufe as God is bead ofCbriJ&, and Chrzlfthe head ofthe man, fo Man is the head oftbe Wife. Whereupon Saint Auguffine faith,that at thefenfeof feeing isby the bead, fo a Woman ought to feebyher Husband, who is her.head ; yet withal he is to re- member, that as the was not taken out ofhis head, becaufe the mutt not be above him, as his Mater; fo neither out of hisfeet, becaufe the is not to be his fervent; but out of his fide, a later,', that the might be feraper illi a latere, as his fellow and Companion,almot his equal. The Heathen King Ahafuerus and his Counfellerslaw this duty of Wives by the light ofNature, when for Valli's difobedience they de- FíHs, is 4. creed, that Jhefhould beput from berRoyal Elfate, and fee the Kings face no more, and that her place fhould begiven to another, and that no Woman lhonld prefume'to do the like, all this Jbouldbe publifhedby a Royal Decree, and that every man fhould bear rule in his own houle, &c. This for the firs Duty. 2. The fecond Daty ; though it concur with thegeneral affeáion ofLove, and be in effe!t nothing elfe, yet it hath a peculiar refpea whereby it differeth from all other Love, and therefore is to be fpecially mentioned. It is deferibed in Gen. by Gen, 2. 24= three