344 Chap.. The Duties ofHusbands and TYivzs. three things. 1. That this conjugal Lovemuff make one abandon and leave thole îo whom he is moll bound,or which are otherwife moil near &dear to him,viz. cotn- paratively ; for this caufe fhail aman leave father and »wither; z. That as they mutt leave all others; fo they muff conftantly cleave, and adhere to oneanother, as is ex- preffed by the Pr1 adb efsi, conglutinatus eft, to cleave, or be glued together. 3. This adhering muff be fuch a near union ar makes them one, yea, ill t21 111Z one flefh of two ; fo thatthe love and affeftion appropriate to this conlunc`tion ,muff exceed all other. In all Love there is a kind ofUnion,but all other Union mutt give way tó this, none fonear as this. Neither mull this Lovebe only carnal and outward; of whichSolomon fpeaks Rejoyce with the wife of thy youth, let her be as the loving Prov. 5.18,19. Hindand pleafant.Roe,' let her Breafts fatirfie thee at alltimes, and betbou ever ravi(ht Éphef. 5.29 with ber love, but alto fpiritual, according to the Apoftles Rule , to love her as Chrift loved the Church; whole Love, as it refcmbled conjugal Love, in the three particulars before-mentioned, in farfaking what was dear to him, Father andMo- ther, &c. In cleaving conftantly to his Church, and uniting himfelfwith it, fo as his Church is the Body,and he the Head ; fo this Loveofhis was fpiritual towards the Church, By which he made it withoutfpot orwrinkle ; and fo the Husbandschief cars a 7ought tobe, to keep his Wife finemacula& ruga, without fpot or fin in the fight of God. And as this is required on the mans part, fo the Woman, to make herfelf ami- Prov. 31. 29, able, ought to refemble her that the Wife-man fpeaks of; Many daughters have 3 ° done vertuoufly , but thou excelieft them all; for favour is deceitful, and Beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord the fhalibe praifed. This commendation had Atts 16. 14. Lydia, whom the Apofile fers forth for a pattern toother Women ; that (he was one that feared andworfhipped God, whole heart God opened to attendto the thingsfpo- kenby Pant. This makes a Woman truly amiable : for as there mull be Love in the Husband,fo theremuff be Amabilitas,amiablenefs on her part,thereby to draw Love which confitfs in Modelly and other Vertues : for as Solomon faith, Agracious, ( or Pro.1 t i6, zz. as fome read it) amodeft womanobtaineth honour : for Beautyor Favour without the Grace and Fear ofthe Lord, is but as a Ring of Gold in a Swines fnout. And there- fore immodell outwardallurements ought to be far from them, according to the Apotle'sRule, they ought to adorn themfelves in modeft Apparel, with (hamefaft- i Tim.a Io. nefs and fobriety, not with broidered hair, or Gold, or Pearls or coffly array but (which becometb women profiling godlinefr) with good works. And Saint Peter r Pet. 3. 3, 4. requires that their adorning benot inplaiting the hair, or wearing gold, &c. but in the bidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the Ornament ofa meek and quiet fpirit, which is in the fight of God ofgreat price. And the 5. 14 Apotile Paulinanother place commands, that young married womenbear Children, 3.1,2. guide the houfe, and give no eecafion of offence. And hilly, Saint Peter would have them be of fuch converfation , that even without the word, the Adver- faries beholding them may be won and converted. So much for the fecond Duty. 3. The third Dutyofthe Husband or Paterfamilias is reconomical. Toprovidefor r Tim. 5.8. his wife and them ofbis family, which if he do not, he it worfe than an infidel, as the Apoftfle faith. There mutt be in him an honettcare by juif and true dealing, per prndentiarn aconomicam, by ceconomical prudence, to provide fufficient maintenance for his Wifeand Family. It was the Patriarch Jacobs care, as wemay fee in his con- ference with Laban ; for whenLaban urged him to tarry [till with him, his anfwer was, that he haddone fuflìciently for him already shehad by Gods blefling encreafcd Gen. 30.3' his Eftate from a little to a great deal, and if he (hould fill follow his bufinefs, when should he provide for his ownhoufe. It is the Apoftles counfel, that men (hould labour for that which is good, that they may have not only for themfelves, but alfo to give to others, and fo rather to be beneficial to others, thanchargeable. And Èphef.4: 24. the Wife-man in a metaphorical way advifeth the like. He would not haveaman to Prot. 5. . come always tohis Neighbours well when he is dry, but to drink waters out of his ownCiflern, Et fontes tui deriventur, lettby fountains bedifperfed abroad : and to 6.6, 7, 8 this end in the next Chapter he urgeth the Example of the Ants wifdom in laying so. 5up againit the hard Winter, to whom he fendeth the fluggard for a Pattern , and calleth him wire that gathereth inSummer, that is, while he hath rime. We have an example