Com.S. The Duties ofParents and Children.. Chaj . 345 example of it, allowed byGod and,rewarded by man in the Patriarch Jofiph, who Gen.41.48,49, laid up against a dearth, while the yearsofplenty lafted. What a man obtains this way by his honeft labour and industry is accompanied with a blelling fromGod ; e- ven this blessing that he hath truepeace ofConfcience in what he enjoys,his Confci- ence (hall not trouble him for unlawful gains; according to that-ofSolomon,Tbe blof- fíag of the Lord maketb rich, and be addeth no furrow with it, vie. ho inward gtief of Confcience,but rather peace and comfort.And for theWivesduty it is anfwerablé to that of the Husband. The Apoffle faith, that he would have her guide the hhufe; 1 Tim, 5. 14, not fomuch to provide for the houfe,rwhich is chiefly the Husbands part)but'to or- der and difpofe well what is brought into thehoufe; which is in effeda the fame with that which Christ commanded the Apoftles, to gather up that which remaineth, that John 6. 12. noshing be loll. And this is a good quality in a Woman, for though our Saviour re- Lulçe 10.41. prehended Martha for being toomuch addifled to worldlycares; yet it is laid by a- nother Evangelift, that be lovedher well. And it is well Paid by a Father : Frtlix *do- John Is. 5. mac uli de Martha Maria conqueritxr,fid non e converfatbi MarthadeMaria; that boufe is happy, where Mary complainsofMartha, but it it not f on the other fide, where Martha finds fault with Mary. The Wife' -man at large deferibeth the feveral Duties in one Chapter required to qualifie a Woman in this kind, and faith, that he that (hall find' Pr°-3r.r°'&" fueb a vertu,uá Woman is happy, for herprice it far above Rubies. And to the fame pur- pole doth the Apollle advile Women, and in the mid: of hisLeffons to them, as a !Pedal means to obferve the sett, he bids them to be as Snails :Alt, domi=port.e, kee- pers at borne. In this point following the example of Sarah, ofwhomwe read, that Tir. s. 3, 4 the was for the-moll part, either in the tent, or at the tent-door. Gen::83.6,9, 4. The !aft thing is, There muff be from eachof chase Ditties, officiorefultantia, ie duties rerultintrand arifng, to beperformed to others, viz. to each otherskinred ; for by reafonof this Conjnné#ion between the parties themfelves, there is mutual love and honour to be gi*en to eachothers kinred. We fee the example on the mans part for this duty in theman of God,MJes; who, when his wives Father 7etbbro came to him, went out to meet him,andmade obeysnee to him, and entertainedbin) and /farm, Exo.111.7, z andall the Elders ofIsrael. And at another time, we find what kindnefs heoffered to Il,bab, his Wives brother, that if he would go with him into the LandofPromife, he lfoould partake of what goodfaever the Lord shoulddo tohim ; . Come with ut, aadwe will do thee good.And for the Womanspart,we have an excellent example inRuth toward Judges 4..1. her Mother-in-law, Naomi, that by no means' would be perfwaded to leave her,' but would accompany her into her Countrey ; professing,thatfhe would not forfake her till-death. And forthe Clime ofthofe that thatl negleá thisDuty,wehaveanexample Ruth. £.16,17..,who'thoug,hhe were a wickedman,yetlhonoured hisFather-in-law,giving him the preheminencein examining our Saviour firif,though he were thehigh-PrieJf, The fecondCombination is between the Father and the Son, the Parent and the t8.1 Chitd.Andas the firft dutyofParents is generatio prolss,tbebegetting ofi/lue,fo the fit(! Julia ' end of it is for the propaggationofGods Church, that there may be femenfanf3um, an ho- ly feeda constant fuccellion of Godly pofterity, to praifeand glorifie God; for as the Pfalmift faith, God appointed his laws in Ifrael,tbat the Fathers might make them known to their Children, that the generations to come might know them, even the children that Jftould be born, and that they alfa arife anddeclare them to their children. A fecond and 'I'lam' 7!5.6.' fubordinateend the Wife-man defcribes, that Childrenmight be, coronafenum&glo- ratpatrum, the crown oftheir age andthe glary oftheir Fatbeti, that theymayhave"corm fort in their age. We mayobferve divers excellent Children in the Scripture when ' 'ar 17.6. theParents looked up to God, and regarded that firft end ofgeneration. Ifaac was Genq9,j' born by promtfe,as the Apoftlefpeaks,and his elder brother,was but the fon of nature. Ephef. In the next generation,7ofeph,whowas the bleflingof hob, was better than the refs ....... ofhis brethren. And fo Samuel being vowed to the Lord, and begot in his Mothers lameatation,wasindued with Wifdom,and becamea comfort to all Ifrael. Solomon in all qualities the wifeft ofall, none was ever like himamong the font ofmen. And we may confiderhis birth,David after he had conrpofed the 5 t Pfaim in penitence'for his fins, God blefs'd himwith this feed.Sothat it is notgeneration,but regeneration,which is. to be refpeâed, not the brutish appetite, but the propagation ofGods Church which is principally to be regarded inbegetting of Children, and the nurture and Ephef. 6.4. bringing them up (being born) in thefear ofthe Lord; for thereare other generations Arovi3o=1's mentionedby Solomon,ofwhich Parents can have little comfort ifthe end be neglei - "'I..' ed. X x Now