Coin.5. The Duties of Parents and Children. Chap.5. 8qß order to relieve them, that the Church be not charged, thatfo it mayrelieve thofe that are widows indeed, viz. which have no children able to maintain them: Our Saviour Mark q. z r. would rather have the Corbango without, than the Father Mould want. And the Council of Gangrahath a leyere Canon, which doth anathematize thofe which (hall caner i6. neglea their Parents in this cafe. And we have the example ofour SaviourChritt John 19. 27 performing this part of Duty, and taking care for his Mother, even at his death. This the very Heathen Caw to be a Duty by the light of Nature', for at Athens, Children after they came to be thirty years ofage, were called ryneiRoeicbt, Cherifhers oftheir Parents in their oldage : and they had laws which werecalled voµoaaaadintel, the;Stork;laws; and the dory tells us, that it was taken from the Storks, which ( as Writers teftifie of. them ) bring everymorning and evening meat to the old Storks, whenby age they are not able to file; and the young ones ( when the old would drink ) take them on their backs, and carry them to a River. And the neglec`,fers of this Duty in their laws, are called ( irtpmt ) not capable ofhonour ; and were pro- nounced (port-lived. Homer gives the reafon of one that died fuddenly, that he did not nourith his Parents. To this may be added the Duty which the godly have performed to their Parents in their frcknefs, and at their funeral:. An example we have in 7ofph, who, though Gen. 49. Sat hewere in ahigh Eftate,yet came to his father acob in his ficknefs,and when he was dead, honoured him with folemnfunerals. And we may fee it even in the ungodly S for thoughJ/hmael and Efau were wicked fops, yetthey thought it fogreat a piacu- 2g. 29:, lam to negle& their Duty in this point, that they concurred with their Brethren in 35.29. the enterring of their deceafed Fathers. 3. The third duty ofParents is to bring up their Children in the fear of God; Eph-e 9.4. çr aeud'w'a, ,ÿ rs3naía Kaeds, in thefear and nurtureofthe Lord, as the Apoále fpeaks. The former duty sy9u5 and 114pm, tonourilh their bodies, molt Parents are careful e. sough, of, but this ofcr Kùeí o, which concerns their Souls, they are carelefs in. Men are apt enough with the Mother of Zebedee: children, to takecare for their prefer- Match. 2o.21: ment, which is but a worldly care ; but for the careof their Souls, it is many times; and with many the leanof their thoughts. Let them fee their Son break a bone, or like, and they are prefentlymuch moved ; but though they fee them break the Law of God, it much troubles, them not: If their Children come to any temporál' punilhment, or (battle, or if they be disfigured inbody, or the like, they will grieve and figh ; but for any deformity in the Soul, or loful praâifes, whereby they incur Gen. 17.24. the difpleafureofGod, they are not troubled. Therefore their Duty is , r. in the Deut. 4.9. firil place to follow Abrahams example, to incorporate them into the Church affoon r Co. as they can, elfe, as the Apoftle fpeaks, their children are not holy. 2. After their initiating followeth their infiruaion c becautè that non resedat ab es cum fencx fuerit, quad didicit juvenil, be will not depart when he h old, from that he learned when he wasyoung: And this Inllrudion'muft not becurious or difficult,but after a familiar fort, and in a plain way, that may acquaint themwith the principles of Religionbefore they come to be Auditors in the Church ; led otherwife that which they bear there may feem átange to them : wherein they have the examples Gen: 18: 19. of Abraham and David. It was alto the praLnrice ofgodly Parents in the NewTela- r Chro. 28. Timothy knew the holy Scriptures from a child, as S. Paulteáfied of him. a Tun. 3.15r r: The belt way to make Inftrudionprofitable is Example : for as one faith very Leo in from. At truly, Validiorafuns exempla quam verba,&plenius opere dicetter quamwee; Example: iejan aremoreprevalent thanwords, anda manmay fpeakmore by /ohanon, than his voice. I Proy.24. 32. Jaw and conrdered it well, and looked upon it, faith the Wife-man, and fo I received in- firuulion. Therefore Parents examples mutt not be repugnant to what they teach ; forthen, armaturnatur exemplo : corrupt nature is armed andJirengthenedby example , ) t . if their example be repugnant to that they teach, little profit will arife by Inárurhi- on. When the Parents fet the Children a good Example, and fay, Go that#, and do likewif ; or learn of me, (asChri(t to his Hearers) their fpeech and pattern.togel they, will be veryprevalent with their Children. a. Another way to help InfiruL`fion is by Difcipline, which the Wife- man calléth, Pray. 29" lg: the rodand reproof And this it is which putswifdom into the foul,which iskept out by folly: which as it arifeth by impunity, which the Rabbins call, Magna venefica, a great 22. ¡51 bewitches, fo therod ofearreflianfhall drive it array. Solomon anfwereth one objection" X 2 in