348 ..,Chap.5. _ TheDuties of' Parents andChildren. Corn.. in this point, which is, I cannot love and coned too. That is not fo, faith he He 13. ! -thatfpareth his Rod,batetb his Son ; but be that lovetb him, cbafles th him betimes. If youcomet`' him not, you love himnot. And indeed, in another place he fcoffs at 23.13- the lenity of thole that make filch objections : Withholdnot cote ¿lion from thy child; for if thou beat himwith the Rod, he 'hall not die : there is no fear of that,but affurance 14. oftwo great blellìngs by it, as it followeth. I. It 'hall liberare anima"); ab inferno, it (halldeliver his foul from hell. And 2. Afferrefolatium ammo patrio, brine joy and .,camfore to the Fathers heart. But with this caveat, that ir be dons diem Aims while ,theredrhope, Ore the twig will grow fo great, that is will break before it bend. St. Attgn/fine proving out of our Saviours words to the Jews , that we mull do the Jot.n 8.38. works ofAbraham, tells us how we (hall do them , Ornni: qui trucidatfiliorum vo- Ouptates, tale facrificiumcfert Dee, quale Abraham : be that kills tl<afure itt his 'siren, offers facts a faeri(ice to God as Abraham did. If he kill via:neia.s Comat.ndat. which the Apoflle (peaks of, thole lullswhich bud and fpringup in young men : this will prove, an acceptable.Sacrifice. It is recorded as a blemith to David, that he never dif- pleafed Adonijab, r Kings t. 6. s. Toconclude thispoint, the laii part of his duty towards them, is Prayer, and that particular kind of :Prayer we call benedidio, bleffing them, whichmakes the Ceti. 27. re. tell effectual and fruitful , elfe God will curie them. We fee the pradhice of getting 49.28 this:Ble(ling forjacob by his Mother,which took erled in all his off-fpring. And we 2 Chro.29.1 . have the example of Jacob blelling his Children, andDavid: blelling and Prayer for Geo.9.25, igalomon. And the curie ofNoah which took the contrary effeél in Cham. The Childrens duty anfwerable to this,is to obey andhearken to the inflrudions of their Parents ; for as the Heathen faith, Pudorelf, pudoremeffeei ere, it it aflume that we fhouldbe afhame to them, to whom we ought to be a comfort : and teeing that the Prov, 17. i. Holy"Ghoft faith,that Childrenfhould be a crown to their Parents,it were a great fhame '5. Zo tobe a crown oftharns to them. TheWife-man faith, that a wife fonmaketb aglad r5rat, Rather : whereas contrariwife he teils us that afoolifh fon is agrief to hisFather,and at. bitternefs to ber thatbare him. And be thatbegetteth afool, Both it tohisfarrow,andthe father ofa fool bath no joy. And therefore he would have this Precept laid as a foun- Prov. 6. 2o. dation in their hearts : Myfon keep thyFathers commandment, and forfakenot the law 8. iv. ofthy Mather : and perfwades Children, to receive in(frulïion andknowledg, preferring it beforeflyerand gold. This is the fir(' partanfwerable to the Fathers. Thenext is, they are to imitate the Fathersexamplebeing good. It is fold ofSo- lámon;that he walked in the Ills ofhisfather David : and the Prophet Efayexhorteth Efay gs, t, z. the people to take Abrahamfor a pattern. And in the loll place, that theyfubjea themfelves to Difcipline, according to that of Heb. 12. 9. the Apoille, where he faith, We have hadfathers in the flefh, whichcerreeled us, and we gave them reverence: this is it which puts a difference between a natural Son and a Ballard. This alfo we are to take by the way, that as the regarding of that we are taught is one part ofour Duty ; fo another is obedience in thepradice ofit ; not in regardofthat which the La w of God exprcfly commandeth, for that is not thankt- Jet 39.6. worthy : but in matters allo cfindifferency. TheRechabites were forbidden by their Father 3onadab to drink Wine, (a thing indifferent i and theykept ir, and are commended for ir. The Heathen mancould lay, that it was a great honour to Pa- rents, cum referimosal2iones neffras ad arbitrium parentum, when we refer andfubmit ourallions to their will and difpofal. This is therefore a fpecial part ofChildrens duty to their Parents, as when they take their affent, in the earring to a Vocation, or in Numb.3o,3. nqt marrying without their approbation.For if a vowof a Child mullnot be made in the Fathers houle without his knowledg or approbation, then much lets a Covenantfort ï Cor. 7. 38. Matrimony. Again if it be the partofa Parent to give his Child in marriage, them Gen.26.33,36 is it the duty ofaChild to yield to it ; elfe it is no true Child, but a Ballard, or loch 48.9. a one as Efau, who, to the grief ofhis Father and Mother, married againfi their minds. Now againfl difobedient Children, there was a lawenaâed by God worth the obfervation : That ifa man have a (bebborn and rebellious fan, that neither by fair nor Deer. 24. 18. finlmeans would be reclaimed, his Parents were to accule him before the Elders, and theiraccufation muff be : This our fon it f ubborn and rebellious,&e, and is.aglutton, or a drunkard, or hunter of Taverns. Then follows the Judgment and Execution, that