Com.5. OfSchools and Vniverfties Chap4. 35.5 CHAP. VI. Of Tutors or Schoolmafiers, and their Scholar' or Pupils. The original ofSchools and Vniverkties. Mutual dutiesofTeacher and Scholar, at the choice offilth as are fit and capable. The particular qualifications ofa Scholar: Solertia, Docilitas, Dili- gentia. 2. About in[irutlion. Infirutlion helps tht tatural and infufed light,fo dotb Prayer and reading the Word, &c. The Scholars S- es anfwerable to theft. The par- titular duties of a Teacher. The duties ofthofi tbo are to be taught. The refnitant duties ofboth. COmuch for the Duties of thofe within the Family : now for thofe extrafamiliam, out ofthe Family; whereof Tomeconcern the Spiritual, fume the civil ordering and regulating of men. The firft whereof we filled wrists Gib: a divine Ordinance, becaufe it immediately concerns the Soul ; the other xrieti dOlitiafrn, a humane Or- dinance, as looking properlyat the things of this life. For the former, there are twoCallings efpeciallyappointed, and in them their Duties to be handled. r. The Tutor orSchoolmafter. z. The Pallor or Minder. And they which are to anfwer reciprocal Duties to thefe; are, I. The Scholar. 2. The people in general. The huff of theft is preparatory to the other : for School: and Vitiverfitiesare the Seminaries both of the Church and Common-wealth; and in that regard are compa- red to the'opticknerve, which conveys Spirits, and therewith fight to both the eyes for they give fight, both to the right eye of theChurch, and to the left eye of the Com- mon-wealth. And therefore before we fpeakof the Duties of thole that govern in either of thofe Societies, we mull firfi (peak ofthofe that govern and teach inSchools and Vniverfties, and of the Honour due to them. a. That the fir(' fort come within this Commandment appears out of that Chap- ter ofthez. ofKingr, where the Sons of the Prophets call Elijah Matter ; and that a 2 Kings 2. 3. Mafter fhould be a Father, it is in the fame Chapter confirmed : for Elifha called Eli- jah, My Father, My Father, &c. The very like tó'which we find among the Heathen; sa. who had their 14o1 and xaid'ttlaPir, the Phyftci, rps andtbefoes ofthe Phyhcians, their fttaerfart and aíBts :p atebput, their Phil fophers, an their fons Of the Philofophers, an- fwerable to the Prophet:, and thefons of the Prophets. And as Elifha a Prophet calls Mar, Father ; fo goat a Prince, brought up under Elilha, calls Elifha, Father, becaufe aKings 13.14. of the benefit whichcomes by them to the Common-weaith,as well as to the Church, in which regard they are Fathers to both : and for that caufe they have maintenance from both. And therefore to juflify Colledge- livings, and theirother endowments, we find, the firft Fruits which belonged ordinarily to the Levites, bef'owed upon Elifha and a Kings 4.42. the Prophets, becaufethey were beneficial to the Church, which was their principal and firft end: and likewife that greatprefents and gifts were bellowed upon them by the civil Ruler, becaufe ofthe benefit to the Common-wealth in the fecond place, as by Hazael, fent by BenhadadKing ofSyria to thefame Elifha. a¡Kings And the principal fcope ofGod in this was, T. That the Law (as the Prophet fpeaks)might be Pealed among the Difciples, that fo it might be kept among them [a- ctedand inviolate : though fome among them, Cometimes by negligence ofRulers, Efay 8. if. will fet counterfeit feats upon it, for as Saint Peter(peaks, it ¿µassn, unlearned men jometimes pervert the Lam: and among the learned driptarot, unlfable men, that is, floatingthallow-headed Scholars, who are not grounded and fetled, though learn'd, reshot, do pervert the Law andbreakthe Seal: again(' both their, viz, menunlearn- 2 Pet. 3. r6; ed, and floating wiltable men, God hath bound, and fealed it up among grounded Scho- lars, that it might not be perverted. 2. And fecondly, that men hereby might be fitted for publickemployment in the Church andCommonwealth. The Scripture expreffes it bycarving and,polifhing,Dolavi HOC 6.5- per Prophetas, I have carved them, ( which is improperly tranflated, I have hewen them) by the Prophets, as a piece of wood, or ('one is carved and polifhed by the Y y 2 hand