Com.5: Of Schools andVniverfties. Ch015,d, 317 though fometimes entreating, fometimes decreafìng. For inyofábs time, not long before theCaptivity, we read thatHu/dab the Prcphetefi dwelt in theColledge or School 2 Chr.34.22. at yerufalem. After the people were led into Captivity, they had a Nehar-Deangnear the River Euphrates, in which Daniel was educated with others, from whence ( the Jews re- port ) that Solon and the Wife -men ofGreece derived their knowledg. And when they returned (that were left)out ofCaptivity, they had divers Schools of Expófi- Lion; fuch as werenot to be found, neither in Greece, not at Rome, nor in any other - place of the World. Ifwe come down to Chrifts time, our Saviour was pleafed to John 15. 8, be called Rabbi, or Maffer, d`rd'rianaap-, and thofe about him taaanttd, Scholars or Dif iples, and faith, that they are his Brothers and Sifters, and that his Father had great glory that his difciples baremuch fruit, and that he which gave a cupof cold tva-Matth.ra42. ter to them in the name of a Scholar or Difciple,(hould not lofe his reward. After Chrifts Afcenfion it appears by the Apoflle, that they had ufe of books and parchment, and that they had iaueruarekers , forms or draughts ofdivine Learning, 2 Tim.4.13. like to common places, that they had need of teaching d'rd'aoraìra, and reading 1 Tim.i,13.. et ayyrers,and meditation ;ravrai Mra,meditateon there things, and of Writing, 4.13,15 whence came the xdttuarets, Scribes, and of fearching and enquiring , iptro4s ra;t xa¢ás, fearch the Scriptures ; and in this there mutt be are,eoxr) attendance , and Mattit.23.34. iarrgotñ abiding in it, and +ieía abeing, or whole intending ofit; fo that theLear- John 5. 39. ner mull be as the Apoftle (-peaks ofhimfelf, In labours, in watçhings, in fallings? a Tua. ,13. purenefs, by knowledg, by long-fuffering, by kindnefr, by the holy Ghoff, by love unfained. 2 Cor. 6.6,9; That fo his arponosrñ, his profiting may appear unto all men. And though theApoftle 1 Tim.4.15. confeffeth of himfelfthat he was rude in fpeech, yet not in knowledg; which Felum acor. n. 6. attributed to himwith fuch excefs,as ifit had let him betides himfelf. And our Sa Aas 26. 24. viour as he took john and Mark from mean Callings, being men illiterate ; fp h4 COI. 4. 14, made his Family as it were a School or Colledge , where they were taught fgiìie yearsbefore they were made Evangelifls: and though he gave them the Spirit af- ter, whichhad been fufficient without any other inflruétion; yet Chrift to thew theneceffity of teaching and learning, would have them learn of 'him in his School for fome years, and therefore he took fome learned men, as Luke; who was a Phy- fician, and Saint Mark who was a Governour afterwards in a great Colledge,in 4- lexandria. And when he took order for the Converfion of the Gentiles; he employ- ABs 13. 12. cdBarnabas and Paul chiefly, who were both learned men ;' Barnabas was a chief 22.3. ma Teacher at Antioch, and Saint Paul brought up at the feet ofGaliel. There were 2, Tim r 5 five xaeirttaaaor free gifts, and helps, t. Natural abilities, 2. Domellical. All1 s 3.3, on 3. Education in Schools. 4. ExercifeofProphecy, 5. Impofition of handsé by which men were fitted for the facred Funll.ion , betides the extraordinary Gifts. Until the deathofSaint$sephen the Colledges or Schools remained at 7er4álem, but afterward they were eradiated toAntioch; wherein were divers learned men, as Paul and Barnaba But when the perfecution tame upon all }fury they removed to Alaxandria inEgypt, and there Saint Markbegan ; Paulines and Glgmens fucceeded and others, who were famous men even among the Heathen..Since which timewas the Law fealed among theDifciples and childrenof the Prophets; in Schools, Mopa- herses, and tiniverlties. So much for the Hittorical part. Now we come to the Duties of Teachers and Learners. And fittt for their qualification. They mutt be dolati, fgaared and fitted, Êvéry piece of wood is not fit for this Employment AndTheymull be dátati too, men that have Gifts fufficient for teachingand intirueting youth. And the fittt thing required in a Teacher,which'muti be laid as thegroundw rk for all his other Duties, is to chute fit perfons for his Scholars, by judgingof their difpofition, whether they bemeet'for publick Employments in Church orState ;' we fee, when there were three offered themtet_ves to follow our Saviour,. he per ceiving their indoles and defpofrtiort, and that"¡lame of them were not fit Ito "egduré perfecution, or to leave theWorld, chofe only Oneof them,, and rejefted'the other two And though helmet many Difciples, yet knowing all of them not to be fit for thegoverning and inftruáing ofhis Church, hetherefore chofe out ofthem trfi Luke r; 12. whom he calledApoffles, and out of the reft afterwards he chofe feventy two, 6. r3. whom