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360 Chap.6. Duties ofTutor andScholar. Com.S. John r. 9. And in this we fay, :bar the natural light works, which is lumen naturale, and that lumen infufum is fupplied and holpen by the Teacher, of who's we are to conceive, that he is not thegiver of infufed light, but the miniler, rat fupplies matter, as oyl whereby the light burns, which he doth partlyby making things plain, by fimi- litudes and examples, and fometimes by AntitheGs. And not only fo, but being able to fee how every Conlufion depends upon the Premifes,andhow the medium ought to be difpofed with theSubjeiï and Predicate in every Propofition, is able in the fame courfe whereby he learnt, to (hew others how to bring things into method and order. Inwhich two things : r. By making dark things known anddifcerned. Secondly, by a perfpicuous difpofing and ordering of things confufed, Teaching chiefly confifts; and by thefe the light is holpen, whether it be naturally or fuperna- turally given. This being premifed, we will come to mutual Duties or qualities of Teacher and Hearer. The firft is, they muff be perfwaded, as Saint lames faith, That every goodGift is Jam. t. 17. from above, and cometh downfrom the Father ofLights, and therefore that this light of Knowledg cannot be had but defitper from above ; as lob's Baptifi told his John 3. 27. Scholars , A man can receive nothing, except it be given bim from Heaven. Nei- ther knowledg nor any good thing elfe can be had but from God, and therefore Pal. 36. 9. we mull be thus perfwaded, That allthe light we can have, le from Gods light, as the Pfalmifthath it, in thy light wefball pe Light ; we have no light of our own, but as the Apoale fpeaks, Godwho commanded the Light to Thine out of Dark.nefs a Cor. 4. 6. bath finned into our hearts togive the light of Knowledg; and by this light , being fupernatural , we thall be able to fee further into Myfleries than by the na-' tural. I. The firft means to attain to this light, isby prayer. To pray toGod (as the Apoffledireás) to enlighten the eyes ofour under/landing. King David bÿ praying to lshet. s. r8. God to behis Teacher, attained to this praflantiam rationie ém fcientie, this excellency pial.119. 66. in skill and Knowledg, that he profeffed himfelf to have more underftanding than 99. all his Teachers. z. Another means to come to this light is, to attend to theword and flatutes of is,. g. God, which, as the Pfalmill faith, giveth light to the eyes. Hereby he profeflèth PIal, 11 6, that he got underflanding, they were a light to his path. And not onely to him 104. that was a man after Gods own heart, but to them alfo that were naturally igno- ros rant; they gavelight and underflanding to the Gmple. We find this true byexpe- 130' rience, for fince the light of the Gofpel came, and was received into the world, Learning and Knowledg did never fo flourifh, either among the Grecians or Ro- mans, as it bath done in the Chriffian Church : Thegreateff lights that ever were in the world for all Learning divine andhumane bave been Chriffian Bífhops ; and the truth is, there is no excellent thing worthy to be known, to be found in any Hea- then Authors,but the fameor fomething more excellent may be had from the Word ofGod. 3. The thirdmeans is to follow the Apofiles counfel : Awake thou that fleepefi, Ephef. s. 14. and aril; from the dead, and Chriff fhall give the light. And what this fleeping is Rom' 13'11' the fame Apofile tells us in another place, it is high time to awake out offleep, that is, out offin. Ifwe mean to have this light we mull forfake our evil ways. And indeed, as the Bookof Wifdom fpeaks, in malevolo intelletlufapientia non habitabit, Sap. 24. wifdom will not enternor dwellin a malicious Soul. Sin mull be removed. This makes thedifference between us and the Fathers of the primitive times; for albeit we have more means ofKnowledg than they, yet they being holy men, had this light moreplentifully bellowed upon them than we have, and far exceeded the wifeftand Learnedti amongftus. Having thus fhewn the mutual Duties that concern both Teacher andScholar,for attaining ofKnowledg, we are toproceed to that firft Duty ofínflrul ion already mentioned, as it concerns the Teacher alone, and the manner how he mull inllrul , P50,32s0,21. whichmay be gathered out ofSolomon; words,Have I not written to thee three times, (fo thevulgar Latin reads) in CounfelsandHnowledg , that Imight make them know the certainty ofthe wordsoftruth ? Where wee fee he made all known to them, that is, by reading to them, and not only fo, but alfo did write the fame for them, and that