Com.5. Duties ofTutor andScholar. Chap.6. 36k thatnot once, but often, and not only declared unto them what they mull learn,but counfelled them alto, that is, gave direétion how to profit byHearing and Reading : fo that the Teacher muff bothtead to his Scholars, and write, and give counfel and dire4ion how to learn. More particularly in his manner of Teaching three things are to be obferved. I. Facilitic, to explain and make eafie to them what he delivers. Thus our Saviour that his Doctrine might be better underftood, taught by Parables. And being thus, prepared, that as Saint Augufine faith, Nagger fit intus , our Master awithin us, we Jhachear avoice behind us ( as the Prophet fpeaks) Paying, EfaY3, 21. This is the way, walk in it, when ye turn to the right hand and when ye turn to the left. Thisbeing done, we (hall know that it is not the Teachers labour alone , his building and watching is in vain, his teaching without this lumen infufum is to no PCalaa7.1,2. purpofe : and thatthe Scholars ftudy, except God gives a blelling, avails nothing, and with his blelling dabit infomno,he willgive it in /Jeep. In the firlt place therefore, ( as we faid before) we mull pray, and that initantly, that he will vouchfafe this lu men infufum, that be will enlighten no. t. OurSaviour taught by Parables ( which prae`tife had been ufed from Balaams Muth. 13.3. andMofes time ) (hewing things above fenfe by fenfible things. 2. Metbodue, order: 23.25. we fee when Chrilt was to make it plain to the Difciples, that he was to Puffer, the Evangel*faith, that he began with Molts and the Prophets, and fo deduced the Prophe- cies in order tohis time so confirm hisdo(rine : and the fame Evangelift himfelf Luke 2.1.27. makes this proteftation in the preamble of his Golpel, that he intended to write all 1. 3, things,as they fell out in order: So the Apoftles obferved an order in teaching the Gofpel, they hrfl taught the Principles,ánd laid thefoundation of and Repentance, Heb. 5.12,13. andthen proceeded by fieps anddegrees to other Doctrines. & e. I, 2. 3. The third thing is, propartio, to proportion the dollrine tithe capacity ofthe Hearer, whichrequires judgment and difererzon in the Teacher. Thns we may obferve this in Chrift,who having taught his .Difciples many things,and yet had many more to teach John 16. r2. them, yet he forbare, becaufe they were not able to bear them. Thefe three are good rules for a Teacher : i. To help the lumen infufum, by fenfible things. 2. In a good methodand order; 3. and that in a good proportion withdifcretion and wtfdem. Arad whereas there.befour ways; as we toucht before, by which a man may be taught. I. By Precept ;Dace me mandata tua, teach me thyflatutes, faith David; Thou Pfalm 119.23. haft made and fashionedme, to what end ? that Imight learn thy Commandments. 2. By Example, Exempla didici difciplinam, I looked on it, faith the Wife-man, and prov. 24. 32. received inffrnïlion: andibave givenyou aorex3mplc,faith out Saviour,ebatyeJbonld John 13. 15. do as I have done. 3. By Experience, Experimento didici, were the words of Laban Gen. 3o. 27. to 7acob, I have learned by experience, &c: 4. By Difeipline ; Chrifl himfelf learned Obedience ( faith. theApoftle) by the things which hefuffered: and it is a common Heb. 5. g. faying, m4,31112474 µas11µa7a, correllton gives infirutiion. The Teacher muff inftrud by all thefe ways, as Chrift the perk& pattern of a Teacher did. I. By Precept ; it is faid,that Chrift did never teach any thing by Parable in pub- Mark .. 34. lick, but heexpounded it afterwards tohis Difciples. 2. By Example; Chrift faith, Exemplumdedi vabts, Ihavegivenyou an example how John 13. a5; you (houlddo; that in all things they fhould do ashe had done before them.There was no exercife to be done, no way to be followed, but he had Pet them a pattern for it. 3. By Prailife ; Chrift after he had taught, examined,andqueftioned his Difciples; Match. l6.3. and he exercifed thern,as in baptizing,and incaffing out unclean f irits,fo in difputinp, john 4. 2. inpreaching. Firft,he lent out the 1a,andafterwards the72, whom he preferred after N a 17 . to higher places. And a difference between the 72 and the 12 the Apoftle makes. Mark 9.14. The chiefwere A óflles, they were the Arcbitefls, or chief Builders, and the 72 did Luke . Io.'I p y f o build upon their foundation which they had laid. And thefe were to make or give r Cor. 3.. so: account how theydifcharged their Callings, as the Difciplesdid to Chrift. Mark 6.3óN 4. For teaching bydifcipline,we (hall find that Chrift was not defet$ive in this nei- ther, but thatby reproof he taught his Difciples many things. In Saint Matth. Go- maul,. a5.16. fpel he reproves them for non-proficiency, that having been fo often taught, they were not able to underhand. And in another place he reproveth them fornot under- 16. Ii: ¡landing what hemeant by the leaven of thePharifees. And foon after he giveth Z z S. Peter