362 Chap.6. Ditties ofTutors andScholars., Com.5. Saint Peter a bitter.check,faying,Get thee behindme Satban,for diffwading him from his palfion, telling him; that be favoured not the thing: that were ofGod, but ofmen. As 17.17. alto when his Difciples could not caft our the Devil, he calls them a faithlefr andper- verfegeneration. Laftly, when they would not fuffet little children tocome to him, 19. 14. he was offendedwith them. So the faying of theWife-man was verified in them ; Re- proofentretbmore into awife-man, than an hundred Jtripes into afool. And our Saviour Prov. 17. ro. knew what flagellummeanttoo, when the houfe ofGodwas turned into a denof thieves. ' John a I. So is it with thofe that mifpend their friends Maintenance, and their time, which ought to be fpent in ftudyat the univerfities. Thefe are a kind ofThieves too, for there is a theft in timeand in (Judy, in not labouring, as well as in not paying ; and Colledges and Houfes erec'red for Learning are houfesof God alfo. And certainly if Chrilt were again here on earth, he would fcourge and whip thefe layettes and Heb. 5. 11. thieves, out of thefehonks. So much for theTeacher. Wewill now come to the Duties of them that are to be taught. The Wife-man Prov. a2. 19. giveth a Tu igitur to the Hearer, Ihave made known to thee this day, thou therefore, and there endeth the original,and leaves the rett to be fupplied, that is, take heedthat yensbferve, it isyourpart togive regard to it. The duty ofaScholar may belt be learned ofChrilt, who when hewas in the fiate Luke a. 46. ofa Scholar, loved to hear what others faid, he would not let one wife fenrenee e- fcape him, and . was ever asking queftions. He was a . ¢tÀíao&, 2. tsrbrtnot, ready tohear and to ask queftions : which two qualities are to be in every Learner. r. For thefirft, ytaowo& : theoppofite to this is dulnef: in bearing, eithernot to hear at all,or having heard, not to regard what they have heard. The effeá of this Luke a4. 25. is that which Chrilt taxedhis Difciples with, 0 amentes, & tardi corde, 0 fools and flowof heapt. Therefore the Learner mutt be fiudious in hearing, that fo what he Prov. 2. 2. hears may come into his heart, according to that of the wife-man, Inclina aurent íu- 4..30. . am, oppone cor tuum, encline thine ear, and lay it to heart. It muff come in at the ear, and down to the heart. And when it bath been there, it mull come to the lips, to Eccl. 7: 2. exprefs it inour fpeech, that thereby wemay be able to thew, that it is fetled in the heart. Andbecaufe the memoryofman is brittle, it mull be fuppliedby Writing: the greateft Scholars were calledfcribe, Scribes. They mull firft write what they hear Prov. 7. 3. inTables, and then by often reading and meditation, bring it into the tables oftheir hearts. 2. And for enquiring or asking queftione, it bath been a perpetual praétice. In the Exod. I. 26, Law, Children were to ask their Fathers,and they to anfwer about the oblervation Deus. 6.zó' ofthe Paffeover. So alto concerning other Laws and Statutes. And it is Gods Com- mand that they do fo, Asktby Father andhe will Jhew thee, thy Elders, and theywill 32. 7: tell thee And this was lob'scounfel, to mlt oftheirFathers, and enquire oftheir for. I°b 8. 8. mer age. We may fee it altounder the Gofpel. The Difciples not underftanding John 15: r8.e Chriftsfpeech to ask him the meaning of that he had fpoken to them. And Match. 13. 10, P g P 36, at another time they asked him, why befpake to thepeople in Parables : And his Di- fciples prayed him todeclare the parable oftbeTares. Again, Cltriff fpeaking of john 17.10. Baptïfl, they make an Objedion to him, Why thenfay the Scribes, that Elias muff firff 19. come?. And in the fame Chapter, they asked, why they could not calf out the De- vil ? When there was acontention among them, who should be the greaten, they Luke 9.46. came to him tobe refolved.. Many other queftions we find they propounded, as a- Match. 19. 10, bout Marriage, about the difficulty of being Saved, about the man that was born John 9, a25' blind ; and that excellent Sermon concerning thedeffruetionofJerufalem, and the Match. 34 end of the World, wasoccafioned by a queftion which they propounded to him. Thus by quetlions theydrewmuch from him, which the Church couldnot without much dangerhave wanted, and many things now would not have been known, which are very neceffary for us to know. And therefore it is that the Wife-man Eeclus 6.36. counfelleth him that wants Wifedom, togo to a man of underftanding, and that not once or twice, bur even till he hath worn out the threfhold ofhis door. When Abel was befieged,a wifeWoman called to 7oab, and .laid , They were wont in old time to enquire or askcounfel at.Abel ( which tome think had been ofold a place oflearning ) whereby the intimates, that learners mutt be ¿nrtírtxot, fuch as ask queftions. 3. The third Duty is Conference withhis fellow-hearers. And this the Wife-man COtn-