Cotri. Duties of Tutor andSchòldr. 'Chap.6. 363 compares to the whetting of two pieces of iron , whereby the one fharpencth the Prov. 27. 17. other. 2. Another Duty,of the Teacher is, according to Saint aluguftine's Rule, in the inftruéì ion of a Son, Volo ut doceas ('ilium meumvitare vitia morum magic quamfer- monum a verborum,he would have his Ions Tutor to teachhim toavoidfolcifms in man- ner: rather than in fpeech and words. And 9Leintilians Rule is concerning Schools, prior mihi ratio bene vivendi, quamvel optime dicendi habetur ; it isbetter to live well, than to be able tofpeakwell, When our Saviour had given his Difciples power to caft Luke ro. 2e. out Devils, he bids them not to rejoycefo much in that power, at that theirnames were written in ,Heaven. And the Apottle confelfeth, that though he were never f learned, t Cor. r 3. yet if he wantedCharity, which is the foul and life ofa Chriftian, all would not be a: vailable to him. Oar Saviour alto faith, Si fetus bec, ifye knowtheft things, happy John 13. i7: areye ifye do them. Your bletfednefs contìfls not in the knowing of them, but in doing them. So that knowledge halt felt brings no bleffednets, but pradtife of that we know. And Saint john faith, I have nogreater joy, than that my children walk 3 John,ver.4. in thetruth: not talking, but walking is required. I. The Scholars Duty proportionable to this is that which the Prophet mention- eth, h isgood for a man that be bear the yoke in bis youth. To lofe no time, but if he Lam. 3: 27. do, to have a care to redeem it. S. Bernard faith to his Scholars, Neme vefltum parvi Ephef. 5.116. eflimet tempos, (pod in verbis confumitur otioíis, volat verbum irrevocabile, volat tem- seem. ad Sebo. pus irremediabile ; let none ofyou lightly effeem the time, whichyou idlyJpend in words, fares. for words are irrevocable,and time Lenot to be recalled. And withal, becaufe it is neceffary that all things be done in time, he is to be perfwaded, that as there Was a time prefixed before c,nfecration of a Nazarite, in Numb 6. 13: which time he was to fit himfelf for the fervice of the Lord , and after the time of his feparation was ended, he was to come to the door of the Tabernacle ofthe Con- gregation; fo there is a Certain requifite time, before they can bring their ftudies to any perfeûion, fo as tobe fitted for the work of the Lord ; which time they moft not mifpend, but employ it in fully and labour, to fit them for that highCalling ; they mutt not look to be Prophets on a fudden like Saul. When an Apoftle was /Sam. to be chofen in place ofJudas,they would chufe one that badaccompaniedwith them all the time that the Lord Ìefus went in and out amongthem, beginning from the baptifm Ails t. 21, 21 . ofjohn: and Saint Paul faith, that a novice muff not bepermitted to fiep into the Teachers chair ; for the Fathers fay, that thefe Scioli, thofe fmatterers were they that r Tint. 3.6 bring all out of courfe, and as the Apottle faith, fall themfelves fooneft into temp- tation. 2. They are to beat the direlion of their Teachers. They mutt follow when he commands; this makes them Difciples, when they do fequi, follow their Teacher, Luke 9.'59 they mutt ask leave to do any thing : permites mihi, giveme leave to bid myfriends 61. . farewell. They mull be obedient, that is the fecund. 3. They muff livefiber!"and honelily; according to the Apoftles rule, flyyouthful 2 Tim. 2. ¢2. lullt: they mull be fober and ofa good behaviour, as thefame Aponte. Notonly fober ,l Tim. 3.2. and not drunken with Wine ; for as there is ebrietae a vino, drtmkenneft with wine, fo alfo without wine, as theProphet tells us : Hearthis thou miferable anddrunken,but Efay 5r 2is notwith wine; but alfo not drunk with pride, or'elf conceit of ourown abilities. Tit, z. 6. The laft ofthefe the Apoftlemeans, when he faith, Befober-minded; and ofthe other the Wife-man fpeaks, Be notamongwine-bibbers, for the drunkardand the gluttonfball Prov. a3. o: he poor, and the fleeper fball be covered with rags. Nunquam fapit amator vini, be that loveth wine (hall never be wife. And for thofe whichEfay mentioneth,.Drunken, but not with wine, as when a man is drunk withconceit ofhimfeIf '( which commonly is in them that know (eafs) fuck a man hath a fume rifen up in his head,and thinketh (juf} as a drunken man) that he can overcome all the world. And thefe are they ofwhich thewife-man tells us, There is a generation (faith he) thatare pure in their own eyes, Prov.3. {z,13. ( and yet God knows they arenot fo ) and there is a generation, 0 how lofty are their eyes! and their eye-lids are liftedup, very foepercilious. But as the Wife-man tells, it is notwith tbefeproudmost,bat with thelowly,that wifdom inhabits. And our Saviour faith, Matth. ir. 2: Difcite a me, learn ofme,for Iam weekend lowly, (which S. tlugu(fine obferved to be ' rr. 29. Chrills fief} difcite)The fervantit notgreater than his Mager, faith Christ elfwhere;and John 13.16. therefore Difciples mutt not check their Mafler.The Heathenfaid that thofe Scholars Z 2 are